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I was grateful to this boy, this new Link who had come to us, since Sky said he was the last one and that the Chain was complete, but I couldn't help recalling the Shadow's words. "You will meet another but his presence will matter not. He is worthless and broken, you do not need him." Looking at Link, hood covering face, being pestered by Wind, I couldn't believe it. He seemed pretty calm for a supposedly broken boy. I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice Four, who was in one of 'those' moods, pouring cold water down my back, as he does. I absent mindedly grabbed the back of his tunic as he went to run away, and pulled him in front of my face, ignoring his yelp of surprise. Looking into his narrowed blue eyes, I put one hand up as a sign of forgiveness. "Four, can you bring Sky and Link over here?" A blink from the small hero, and suddenly his eyes were... green? I'll never understand... "Yup! No worries, Old Man, I'll get 'em!" I watched as he sauntered over to the fire, where all my boys were joking and laughing together, except the new Link, cause as far as we know, he can't talk. My ear twitched slightly as a remark from Legend made Link flinch backwards. "So you're one of us right? We all look slightly alike, but you? We don't know yet. Take off your hood and let us see." Link raised his hands and began to sign so fast I couldn't understand it. "I don't think he wants to, Leg." Remarked Hyrule quietly. I had to agree, he looked pretty panicked.


When he got there, Link was cooking something glorious in a pot over the fire while the others fired random questions at him. I could see he was trying very hard not to draw a sword and kill them all as He lifted some of his food in a spoon to 'Rule's mouth, and the traveller's face said it all. This hero must've taken the time to learn to cook properly. Four muttered something in Sky's ear, and the Chosen Hero came over to me with a sad expression on his face. "He's not taking the questioning well, Time. You might want to step in before he murders them." I sighed, these boys should know better than to question a new hero, but then again, they had a right to be curious. "Boys, boys. Maybe give him some space, he looks ready to kill you all." Link seemed to agree, fingers stroking a rusted blade. "No, no you're right. I have to trust you, I can do this, just... Please don't try to kill me." He set aside his ladle, keeping an eye on the meal in the pot as he put up a hand, clutching the top of the hood like a child. Everyone watched with bated breath as the kid yanked it down. Hyrule was the first to get a good look, and I knew it was bad when the traveller fell off his log, unconscious. Whatever the boy's face looked like, it had to be bad. He turned to me next, and... Oh, Goddesses. His face, it was ruined! He might once have been immensely handsome, but all remnants of good looks had been destroyed. Twisted burn scars wrapped their way around the left side of his head, and he seemed to be missing one ear. His left eye was blank and some nasty looking cuts and bruises lined his cheeks. Foliage hung in his matted bangs and tiredness hovered around him like a cloud. Dark shadows hung under his eyes and he was gaunt with the tell-tale signs of starvation. "Oh goddesses... What happened to you?" Legend asked, all traces of snark gone from his voice. "I-I... I can't remember..."


Oh, as if my job could get any harder! Now we had an starved amnesiac who, judging by the horrible scars, should be dead. But, he could cook which was very welcome, but obviously of course it would be just my luck that whatever the wretched goddesses put him through scared him into silence. He couldn't tell us anything when I wasn't there. I'd have to teach my boys some basic sign. I jumped when a hand clawed at my tunic, small and thin. The sailor's earnest smile brought me some comfort, and I sent him an understanding glance before standing up. "Well, boys. Sky and I need to give our newest recruit the brief, so go find something to do for a minute" To annoyed mumblings from the rest of the Links, Wind especially, I watched them go, with Link and Sky standing by my side awkwardly. "Okay, Link, I'm gonna need you to trust us. Is that okay?" The new hero shrugged and huffed softly under his breath. "I'm gonna take that as a yes. Well, Link, I'm the Hero of the Sky, first of Hylia's heroes and the forger of the Master Sword. I need to give you your title, so I need you to hold the Mast-" 




"W-what? No?" Link nodded, a blank expression on his face. "NO! It hurt me, I won't touch it, I won't. You can't make me. You have no power over me!"  I didn't think Sky's face could get any more surprised, not even when Hyrule ran away from the light of Fi. "Link, I promise she won't hurt you, please?" Link's eyes widened slightly, enough for me to see that his blank eye was completely white with a crack of dirty red across it, like he had been blinded by a sword strike. He held out his disfigured fingers hesitantly, like he was expecting a blow, and Sky placed Fi into his hand. As soon as Sky removed his touch from her, Fi began to fight the will of Link, blinding light colliding in the air as their minds grappled. Fi aged millennia in his hands, transforming into a cracked, dull, lustreless blade covered in a blood like purple substance. But even more horrifying was what the Master Sword was doing to Link. He held it at arms length as blue fire overtook his hands, leaving behind cracked skin that leaked raindrops of blood. Sky panicked, and ran to Link, just as the hero collapsed to the ground, out cold from the strain of being attacked by a Divine being. "Wild. That's what she called him, wild and deadly. I guess we should just call him 'Wild'" I nodded mutely, eyes fixed on the injured boy in front of me. I hoped Fi hadn't done him any lasting damage.


Oh poor Wild Child! Fi doesn't like him very much, huh. *Laughs maniacally* Yes, I know this was all me, what I did to him but I say nope! It was one of the nine people who took up residence in my head, that's whose fault it is! Anyway, thank you for 1K! It means so much to me that people are enjoying my ramblings. Sarsqo, and I'll see you next time! Sav'orq!


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