I have a Fantastic Friend

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Alright, so yesterday and Tuesday evening, I was sick with a pretty bad stomach virus. Missed my school concert because of it. (I also missed the call one from a 106 degree fever)

Today was my first day back, I was still tired and nauseous with no appetite, and some of my friends were nice enough to actually NOTICE that I was out sick. They asked if I was ok, and I said yeah.

I can get a few of my friends didn't know because I texted that I was out in a group chat that they weren't in. But ONE (she has Wattpad so I'm not naming names) didn't even notice. So, a few of my friends who were in math lab were going on a field trip. You know what this girl said? "Your not in Math Lab so you can't go". Now, she KNEW I was out sick, and THIS is what she told me.

I am pretty angry at her. I swear, I care about her, and am worried if something happens to her, but she doesn't return the favor.

Here's a conversation I had with another friend on the matter:
Me: She probably wouldn't care if I was hospitalized.
Friend: But I would care.
Me: Yeah, because your a fantastic friend.
Friend: :)
Me: She most likely wouldn't care if I died.
Friend: She would care!
Me: Judging by her personality and bitchy attitude, no, she probably wouldn't.

After that, we had to go to our next classes, so that ended the conversation. But this friend is a jerk: all my other friends agree, that she's even bitchy online. I've been friends with her since first grade, so it's not like I can just stop. In fact, I even feel bad about writing this chapter, knowing that it's dissing her. But I have to get this off my chest.

So, what should I do?

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