Science Lab

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So I went to this huge lab today. My grandparents from my dad's side were in town for the weekend.
But ohohoho let's talk about yesterday because I have to rant!

Yesterday morning started out fine. I ended up realizing we had to go to the city, with was a bit of a nuisance. On the ride there I got carsick.
Then, we went to this mall place where I got a crepe for lunch because crepes taste good. They had an LGBT flag at the crepe place. I got a Nutella strawberry crepe.
After we all got lunch, we went to this park on a few rooftops to the city. It was really crowded, and I was freezing by then. My sweatshirt was bad.
Then, on the way back to the garage place, before we even exited the park, my grandmother ran over my foot. She has. A motor bike thingy that old people sometimes use, and she ran over my foot with it.
I was crying and was in a lot of pain for the rest of the day. And she didn't care!
Also, she missed my sister's high school graduation for no reason two years ago so I'm really salty now.
Today was better. We went to this lab, where they had this particle accelerator. No, it didn't make the Flash, though that would've been awesome. Instead, it was an electron accelerator, where it sped up the electron to almost the speed of light. This created X-rays that were sent to the labs inside the facility.
Oh also I got a Pepe's marshmallow because they were shriveling them up in a vacuum chamber so that was fun.
Also I saw a magnet float thanks to liquid nitrogen. IT LEVITATED ABOUT A FEW CENTIMETERS IN THE AIR IT WAS AMAZING

So yeah. Science rules.

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