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A/N: Thanks for getting Shadowed Sins to 1K+ reads! ☺️💚🐍

Chloe and her friends sat in silence as they gaped at Professor Umbridge incredulously at the words spewed out of her mouth. The moment she instructed them to 'copy the textbook' and that they 'won't be needing their wands', they stared at her as though she had three heads. Nonetheless, they started to spread out their parchments, dipped their quills into their ink bottles, and just as they were about to start writing, Harry Potter spoke up.

Instinctively, Draco Malfoy rolled his eyes the moment Harry breathed.

"What do you mean we won't be practicing defensive spells?"

Professor Umbridge turned her judgmental gaze onto the raven-haired boy, the cold smile still etched onto her face, and she deadpanned, "You will not speak out of turn, Mr. Potter."

Theodore raised his eyebrows incredulously, though his eyes remained just as cold and distant as they always were, and he whispered to Lorenzo and Draco, "Seems like Snape can finally start his I Hate Potter Club now that another faculty member hates the guy."

Lorenzo snorted, and Draco smirked as he watched Harry raise his hand lividly. Umbridge smiled satisfactorily, before sweetly saying, "Yes, Mr. Potter?"

"How do you expect us to defend ourselves against what's out there by copying a textbook?"

Chloe shifted subconsciously in her seat, and her hand instinctively reached for a strand of her hair and start twisting it around her finger and tugging on it harshly but subtly. Pansy's observant gaze clocked Chloe's nervous habit, and she wordlessly reached for her best friend's hand and pulled it away from her hair gently. Chloe blinked, snapping out of her thoughts - thoughts of how her last summer was spent trying to figure out what her father was up to. Thoughts of how she and her friends tried stalking their fathers as they'd all mysteriously disappear at the same time.

They never got to an answer, but they all knew deep down what they were doing and who they were meeting. It's just that none of them had the courage to say it out loud to one another.

Professor Umbridge scoffed in ridicule. "What could possibly be trying to harm a bunch of students?"

Harry gritted his teeth, and Chloe could see his friend, Granger, shake her head at him slowly in warning to keep his mouth shut, but of course, Harry wouldn't be Harry Potter if he didn't wreak havoc anywhere he went with his stupid loud mouth and reckless behaviour.

"Oh, I don't know." Harry pretended to think, before blurting. "Maybe Lord Voldemort?"

People in the classroom gasped softly and murmured in hushed whispers, but all the Slytherin group did was gaze at Umbridge curiously to witness how she'd react. The pink professor's face fell ever so slightly, but she maintained her cool posture, and she calmly stated, "Now, I know that last year you have been told that a certain dark wizard has risen back to power, well, I must inform you all that according to the Ministry of Magic, that is a lie."

"IT'S NOT A LIE!" Harry yelled lividly, and stood up abruptly, and Draco raised a single brow at him.

"YOU WILL NOT SPEAK OUT OF TURN!" She screeched back at him, her right ringlet curls violently bobbing with her abrupt movement, and Lorenzo couldn't help but snort and try to mask his laugh by coughing, causing his friends to bite their lips or stuff their knuckles against their lips in an attempt to keep their own laughs restrained.

"How do you explain Cedric's death then?" Harry clapped back, and Theodore whistled lowly.

"The young boy's death was a tragic accident -" Professor Umbridge started, but Harry was quick to interrupt her.


"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Umbridge screamed, and this time, the Slytherins couldn't stop themselves from laughing loudly, causing the pink toad-like woman to turn her gaze to them threateningly, but none of them bothered feeling afraid of her. She was far too much of a joke to them, that they couldn't possibly take her seriously.

Swiveling her gaze back at the boy with the scar on his forehead and the pair of round, constantly broken glasses, she spoke sharply. "You will be serving detention with me, Mr. Potter. I think you've earned this punishment, and you must learn from your mistakes."

She then shifted towards the blackboard and instructed, "Now, all of you, return to your textbooks, and I better not hear a single word uttered by any one of you for the rest of this lesson."


"That was so hilariously intense." Theodore laughed as they filed out of class, and Lorenzo laughed with him as he undid his tie so it was hanging aimlessly around his neck, and unbuttoned the first three buttons of his shirt. Chloe couldn't help but gaze at him shamelessly, her hormones doing inexplicable things to her. Before he could notice her lustful gaze, Pansy elbowed her.

"Hmm?" Chloe hummed distractedly.

"Stop looking at him like that or you won't hear the end of it from him." Pansy warned her, smirking knowingly at her friend.

Chloe smiled sheepishly as they walked together towards the Great Hall for dinner. "Is it bad that I don't want to hear the end of it?"

Pansy rolled her eyes, still smiling, and felt Theodore's hand at the back of her neck, rubbing it affectionately and saying nothing. Little did they both know that Theo was straining his ears to listen in on their conversation.

"A change of heart, Chlo?" Pansy prodded, and Chloe shrugged simply.

"He's just ... kind to me." She mumbled, careful not to let Theo hear, and she glanced at him warily.

"Potter is such a fucking idiot." Draco breathed in annoyance as they entered the Great Hall and making their way to the Slytherin Table.

"What's new?" Daphne snickered next to him as they sat down, and just when Chloe was about to turn to sit across them, his long, slender fingers latched onto her wrist and tugged her down on the empty seat on his other side. Chloe's mildly surprised eyes locked onto his own, and it's like he didn't even need to say anything. His eyes were enough for her to do as he pleased, and it was a powerful asset he was very much aware of, and exploited it with every girl he deemed tolerable or attractive.

Chloe sat next to him, with Lorenzo sat across her, and Pansy and Theodore next to him.

"Don't forget we have detention with McGonagall tonight." Chloe spoke casually, instantly reaching for the roast potatoes in front of the blonde royalty next to her, but Draco snatched the plate before she could reach it, and he instinctively served the potatoes for her onto her plate respectfully, an act that he was quite used to as a result of how he was raised aristocratically.

Chloe let him serve her, and he stated flatly, "I'm not going to that stupid thing."

Lorenzo rolled his eyes. "Dumb move, Draco. You'll get in more trouble if you skip it."

"I didn't do anything wrong!" He barked.

"You grabbed my thigh and made me make a fool of myself in front of the entire class." Chloe hissed, unbothered to have her friends find out.

Lorenzo dropped his fork, clattering against his plate, and he gazed at her, dumbfounded. He wasn't the only one; Theo was staring at her with a stony face, unreadable and expressionless. Daphne on the other hand, was more than livid.

"What the fuck?" Daphne seethed next to Draco, who simply rolled his eyes.

"Don't be fucking dramatic, Daphne. It wasn't sexual or anything." Draco shut her down immediately, but Lorenzo blinked at Chloe.

"Chloe you sexy minx." He uttered, and Chloe couldn't help but laugh at his impressed tone.

"It wasn't like that, Enzo." She agreed with Draco. "It was just surprising, that's all - and so it made me squeak and get detention."

"Leave it to Draco to illicit the closest thing to a sexual noise from Chloe." Theodore tutted, evidently trying not to expose himself for being jealous, swiftly adding, "Not even Enzo could do that."

Enzo shot Theo a disbelieving look, laced with a smug smirk as he unwaveringly confessed, "Oh believe me, Theo. The sounds she let slip from what I've done with her are purely angelic."

Chloe's eyes widened and her cheeks flushed furiously. It wasn't like that; Enzo painted a picture that insinuated they did more than just touch a little and make out. They never went further than that; that specific endeavour was specifically reserved for a boy with dark hair and dead, soulless eyes, which at the moment, were glaring at her harshly, causing her to wince.

"Shut up, Enzo. We never did anything like that." She denied, and Enzo leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest triumphantly.

"Oh, I know. But the fact that I can get you to moan for me just by kissing your neck or innocently touching you, I consider a victory."

Chloe gulped, embarrassed, and yet, she was almost glad Enzo was being the way he was. She wanted to rile Theo up, as payback for the numerous times he'd show off his affection for Pansy right in her face. Chloe's had enough, and so, she slowly smirked right back at Enzo and replied confidently, "Well, you do know how to effortlessly please a lady with your mouth and hands."

Draco couldn't help but startlingly whip his head to the side to incredulously gaze at her. "Chloe, stop it."

He advised her quietly, her intentions so murky to him, when all he wanted was to protect her dignity, pride and reputation.

"I need to have a word with you in private." Daphne's face was crimson by now, and she was glowering haughtily at her boyfriend.

"Go outside then and I'll join you in a minute." Draco spoke without even looking at her, focusing on Chloe's side profile instead.

Daphne stood up and stormed out of the Great Hall, and they all stayed quiet for a few seconds. When Draco didn't move to stand and leave too, Theodore questioned, "Mate, aren't you going to join your girlfriend?"

Draco finally looked away from Chloe, and continued cutting into his grilled chicken on his plate.

"No." Draco spoke coolly. "She can entertain herself by talking to her reflection in the glass window."

Enzo laughed, and leaned forward, his elbows on the table and his fingers drumming his chin as he grinned dazzlingly at Chloe. The girl couldn't stop the blush from creeping its way onto her cheeks, and she ripped her gaze away from him. Theodore gritted his teeth as he watched the interaction, and couldn't care less whether Pansy noticed the tension or not.

It was apparent that she didn't, because she was busy eating in peace, and did not care about what anyone was talking about.

"It's a damn shame though." Lorenzo spoke, a suggestive hint to his tone as he still gazed at Chloe intensely even though she wasn't looking at him. "I was gonna suggest a nice sleepover with everyone in my room tonight, but I don't think I wanna do that without Chloe."

"Where the fuck is your sister?" Theodore suddenly wondered in confusion, and Draco frowned slightly, raising his head and his grey eyes scanning the Great Hall curiously, before he replied hesitantly.

"No idea."


Chloe went straight to her dorm to get a little rest before her detention. She sighed tiredly to herself as she slipped off her uniform and dressed into a baby pink nightgown with black lace covering the hems. She yawned loudly, stretching a bit as she stood on her toes, and then, just as she was about to get into bed, the door to her dorm was swung open violently.

The sleepy girl jumped in fright, clutching her chest and staring incredulously at Theodore Nott, who shamelessly entered her room and roughly shut it behind him, and locked it.

"What is wrong with you?!" Chloe gasped.

Theo strode over towards her, and only stopped when he was two inches away from her, towering over her intimidatingly as the back of her calves pressed against her bed. He was glowering down at her disapprovingly, a viciously jealous glint in his storm-filled eyes.

"I could ask you the same." He sneered.

"Can't you even knock?"

"Is it true?"

"Theo, what are you -"

Theo roughly placed his grip onto the sides of her shoulders tightly, and roared, "IS IT TRUE?!"

Chloe was stunned, that she barely even deciphered his question. He held her in a manner that wasn't violent or abusive - his grip on her was firm, yet gentle, and protective, but the taste of possessiveness almost caused the girl to be overpowered with lust for him. She searched his eyes with caution, and one look down at her innocent face caused his own eyes to soften ever so slightly.

"Enzo and I were exaggerating it." She whispered, Theo sighed, shutting his eyes and letting go of her. In retaliation, she shakily sat herself down on the bed, with him still standing right in front of her as he rubbed his face in exhaustion.

"Why?" He rasped. "Why would you do that to me?"

"It's not exactly pleasant, is it, when you do it to me?" She challenged, raising an eyebrow up at him.

Theo snapped his irritated gaze onto her, and sharply demanded, "What?"

Chloe rolled her eyes and tried pushing him back, but he didn't budge. "Placing your hand on her back, her waist, letting her snuggle up to you."

Theo smirked down at her, his eyes darkening as his thick eyebrows casted a shadow over his heated gaze, and, instinctively, Chloe gulped, the heat in her body igniting within her. Placing a bold hand on her chin, he tilted her head up so she would be looking up at him.

"I see how it is now." His voice was low, making the girl shiver and clamp her jaw firmly shut.

He leaned down, resting his palms on the mattress on either side of her, and he tilted his head slightly, his sight set on her lips. Chloe shook her head slowly, trying to lean backwards and away from him, but he quickly set his hand on her lower back and drew her in close, wedging himself between her legs. Chloe gasped, her longing and desperate desire for him accumulating at a dangerous speed.

"We can't." She whispered, glancing at the door worriedly.

He smirked, and replied smoothly, "Darling, you never have to worry about a single thing when you're with me."

She couldn't help it; her feelings for him were far too strong. Leaving her with no time to reply, he pressed his lips against hers, and it was like the two of them could finally breathe again. It wasn't easy staying away from each other, and neither one of them could deny the other any longer. Chloe's hands traveled up from his chest, to his shoulders, and up in his hair, pulling him even closer to her as he pushed her backwards further into her bed. Not once did they pull apart, and thoughts of Pansy walking in on them entirely slipped Chloe's mind the moment she shamelessly gave in to Theo.


Chloe and Draco walked together towards Professor McGonagall's classroom quietly. His hand was on her lower back, guiding her with him, and Chloe honestly didn't mind. It was a subconscious act, something he's been doing since they were thirteen, and Chloe got used to it.

"If she makes us stare at the fucking wall for an hour without doing anything or talking to each other, I'm going to fucking lose brain cells." Draco grumbled irritably, and Chloe smirked.

"You have brain cells to lose?" She asked mockingly and Draco retaliated by pinching her back, so she slapped his forearm. Her cheeks reddened as she recalled what she had done just about an hour ago with Draco's closest friend.

"Get in." He uttered after opening the classroom door for her, and she stepped inside to see Professor McGonagall sat at her desk.

"It's pleasant to see that neither of you decided to foolishly skip detention in hopes that I'd have forgotten about it." McGonagall's quivering voice spoke as she eyed them judgmentally.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, Professor." Draco's fake excitement made Chloe huff out a quiet laugh, and the two of them sat next to each other in front of McGonagall.

"Absolutely not." McGonagall immediately demanded. "You will each sit on either far end of the classroom."

"Fucking old hag." Draco muttered under his breath as he angrily stood up and marched over to the left end of the room, while Chloe approached the right side, an amused smile on her face at her friend's annoyance.

"You will sit quietly for the next hour, and you will not speak at all." McGonagall instructed them, before she returned to reading the hefty book opened flat on her desk.

Chloe glanced at Draco briefly, and she found him crossing his arms with a distasteful scowl on his face, watching their Transfiguration professor and imagining what it would be like to hex her. It was quite comical seeing him as grumpy as a child with no form of entertainment.

A few agonisingly slow minutes passed by, and Chloe was struggling to keep her eyes open. She was exhausted, bored, impossibly thirsty, and frankly annoyed for having to leave Theo's side soon for a detention that she was wrongfully condemned to. But her lethargy was short-lived, because suddenly, a loud sound of an explosion sounded from outside their classroom, alerting the three of them. Draco and Chloe shared a puzzled look, and Professor McGonagall stood up and walked towards the door. Before she could leave the room, she shot the two Slytherins a warning look.

"Do not leave your seats or speak to each other. I will be back shortly."

McGonagall then left Draco and Chloe alone, who shared a few silent seconds, before Draco ended the solace surrounding them.

"I saw you trying to fall asleep."

Chloe inspected her navy blue nails with disinterest. "So?"

"So, that's cheating."

Chloe rolled her eyes, and deadpanned, "Ironic coming from a boy who cheats on his girlfriend with a different girl every month."

Draco stood up from his seat so elegantly, and it wasn't baffling to the girl. Her male Slytherin friends had an entrancing way about how they carried themselves, and it was a complete mystery to everyone how they always behaved so smoothly and confidently. Even her brother Silas was as smooth as they were, if not even better according to the girls at Hogwarts.

Must be the charming arrogance they carried.

Draco walked towards her, until he was stood right behind her chair. She then instinctively held her breath when she felt him shift her dark hair to one side of her neck, and bringing his face close to the other side of her face.

"Wouldn't you like to know who the lucky girl to hook up with me this month was?" He whispered into her ear teasingly, and Chloe blinked adamantly, before rolling her eyes and pushing his face away from her own gently.

"No, I wouldn't like to know who you've been whoring around with."

He stood straight, and walked round so he was standing in front of her. He leaned forward, placing his palms flat on the desk and bending forward to be in line with her own face. Chloe immediately sat back in her seat to keep some distance between the two of them.

"Fine. How about I tell you who you hooked up with last week?" He smirked at her. "You sure you don't want to know what happened at the party?"

"I hooked up with Enzo." She decided resolutely. "And it did not go very far."

She may have wanted to act decisive and certain, but the way Draco was gazing at her so amusedly, like he knew something she didn't, made her tone sound hesitant.

Chloe's stomach churned in a cold sweat, and she gulped in trepidation and paranoia. "What the fuck happened at this stupid party, Draco? Quit playing mind games with me, and tell me." She demanded with an arched brow and a scowl.

Draco rolled her eyes, and mumbled, "you really are no fun."

He breathed, before placing his large hand in his pocket, and pulling out a small vial. Chloe eyed it blankly when he tried handing it to her.

"What am I supposed to do with that?" She asked flatly.

"Shove it up your ass, Chlo - what do you fucking think? Drink it."

"Up your ass." Chloe insisted, snatching the vial from him and asking, "What does it do?"

"It reminds you of what your mind can't on its own."

Chloe shrugged casually, trusting her childhood friend not to poison her, before uncorking the vial and emptying it in her mouth. She swallowed and pulled a disgusted face at the foul taste it left behind, but then her eyes widened slowly, a mortified look crossing her face of deep horror, while Draco gradually smirked deviously at her.

"I could tell how long you've been waiting for that moment, Chlo."

Chloe shook her head in denial as she gazed at him helplessly, but Draco simply held her cheek in the palm of his hand sweetly, and stated resolutely, "And I'm not going to let go of that so easily."

A/N: Don't you just love cliffhangers? 😂😂😂😂 SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!! It's not usually like me to take this long to write a chapter, but things haven't been going so well in my life lately and I've had a LOT of things to do. Anywayyy, I'm back now and I'm super excited!! 🥳🥳🥳

Thank you guys so much for reading, and please vote and comment your thoughts! 💚

Can't wait to show you the next one!! Lots of drama and fun stufffff

Byeee ☺️
- lucidreamshade

A/N: heeheehee 🤭 Not Chloe getting herself in several messes.
See you guys soon! Thank you so much for reading! 🤍
- lucidreamshade

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