Chapter 2

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Dedicated to @abish22 for her support, correcting all my grammatical mistakes and typos and most importantly, her feedback that helped me so much.

Looking at the masterpieces hanging around everywhere on the walls and the ancient-looking magnificent drawings on the ceiling managed to help Lena calm down enough to return to her usual chatty self and forget about those students. I mean we were just talking about not letting anything ruin our happiness for the day, so how can just one encounter with a few rude students manage to do that?

 Also, let's not mention that we can't let such small things make us judge everyone in this university.

So, with these thoughts on our mind, we finally set to find the main office which turned out to be just down the hall, so we didn't spend a lot of time or energy searching for it. Well, I guess I am inclined to say that we would've wasted much more time if it wasn't for the maps plastered everywhere on the walls. Thankfully, the office was pretty empty, so we didn't spend much time registering since all we had to do was fill out a paper with our names and major and get our schedules.

However, instead of just giving us our dorm's key card along with instructions on how to reach it, a senior was assigned to give us a tour around the campus and show us to our dorm room. But it turns out that this student was running slightly behind schedule, and by slightly, I meant that we have been waiting for more than half an hour for that student to turn up.

Finally, after what felt like a thousand years but was probably only about forty minutes, a disheveled looking boy came running into the reception where we had been waiting. For some unknown reason I had a feeling that this was the mystery student assigned to show us around. 

My feeling turned out to be true when I heard the receptionist scolding him for being late, and thus, making us wait for some more time when we could have been doing much more productive things, like settling in. We really need all the extra time we can get; especially, since classes officially start the day after tomorrow. 

After getting scolded for about five minutes, the boy turned around grumbling something under his breath while making his way towards us; however, the grumbling immediately stopped when he entered our hearing range and was instead replaced by a slightly sheepish grin.

"Hey guys, I am so sorry for being late. I had a really long flight yesterday, and by the time I got here, all I wanted to do was sleep. But being the stupid person I am, I forgot to set an alarm, so I didn't wake up on time. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Blake, and I will be helping you whenever you need something for the first week until you get the hang of being in college." He said, impressively enough, in one breath.

"Hi, I am Lena, and this is Aurora," Lena said with a smile. "We haven't been waiting for that long, just about forty minutes, but it will all forgotten if you will promise to not make us wait that long again." 

"I would promise you, but I will probably break it by tomorrow because I'm late almost all of the time. Thankfully, all of my friends learned to get over that small flaw. Anyway, I swear I'll do my best to not be late all of the time. Now, how about I show you around campus, I'm sure I can make this tour more interesting than the one you've had when you got accepted."

Now, this honestly caught my attention because supposedly, the no visits policy was first applied two years ago, so Blake should know that we didn't visit the campus before. So, now I have two conclusions, either he forgot that the rule was implied since he's a senior, or this policy was indeed applied only last year. And if it was only implied last year then, there's something suspicious going on here. Being the curious person that I'm, I had to know which one of the conclusions is the true one.

"But, we didn't get a visit nor did last year's freshmen class because of that new rule that was put two years ago. Is this the first year being a mentor?" I asked with a frown.

"Oh right, that policy totally slipped my mind," He answered with a strange look on his face.

"Are you sure?"

"Aurora, you really need to stop playing detective; not everything is a mystery like in those stories you love reading so much," Lena said while rolling her eyes.

"I honestly forgot about that policy because I obviously had a tour before joining this university seeing as I am a senior this year. Now, why don't you follow you, and I'll show you my favorite place on campus." 

Maybe I was being paranoid, but I always praise myself in knowing if someone is telling the truth. I'm almost one hundred percent sure that he's laying because of the way he avoided eye contact with me while talking, but I chose to ignore it. And since he's stuck with us for at least a week, I will ask him about it later when we get to know each other better.

So, I buried my paranoia, and decided to follow behind Lena and Blake who have already started about snickers, as in the chocolates? 

Guess Lena finally found someone who likes talking about the most random things like she does. So, for the next hour, Blake showed us his favorite place which turned out to be a cafe in the woods. The cafe had these amazing seats and tables that looked like tree branches, but obviously, they were not actual tree branches. That would just be strange, cutting trees to use them as benches in the woods, right?

Side note to self: wake up early on days that you have afternoon classes, and have breakfast here while reading a book.

Then, he showed us a little around the 'popular' trails in the woods, and according to him, I shouldn't even think about going on any of the unnamed trails if I don't want to get - and I quote - lost and never found again. 

He also told us that there's a curfew, which is six pm, and after that, no one should be found in the woods by the security guards. If someone is found there, they could face a possible two days suspension, which again is also strange in my opinion. I mean who gets suspended for being in the campus's woods after six pm? 

There're some strange rules in this place, I wonder why?

No, I have to stop trying to over analyze everything like Lena says, for I don't want to make myself live in constant fear that I created in my mind. I also really need to follow everyone's advice and stop trying to turn my life into one of my novels. Maybe I should start reading a different genre, but I've tried that before, and I fell asleep on the second page.

After giving us a tour of the named trails in the woods, Blake showed us where each of our classes is going to be held, and then he finally showed us the building where our dorm was in.

"It feels weird being in this building for the first time after four years of not being allowed in it. I am honored to be the first one of my friends to ever enter the girls' building," Blake jokes with a genuine smile that tells me maybe he is actually proud to be here.

Since it was also Blake's first time in this building, it took us some time to finally find our dorm, but I do have to say it was amusing seeing all those looks that Blake received from the girls in the hallway. So, after ten minutes of aimless searching in the huge building, we finally found our room making me sigh in relief and use my key card to open the door.

Deplorably, before I could actually turn the handle and open the door, I was interrupted by an angry girl who looked like the only thing she wanted to do was to strangle all three of us.

"What do you think you're doing?" She shouted harshly making everyone in the hallway turn around to look at us.

"Uh, I'm opening my dorm room?" I asked unsure of what we were doing wrong.

"What do you mean opening your dorm room? This can't be your dorm. No one has been here since Alex was kidnapped, her stuff is probably still inside. I am sure they did not assign this dorm to you." She said angrily.

"Look, I'm not sure who Alex is, but even our key cards have the room number 99 written on them, so this is our dorm. So excuse us, but we have to enter our room and start unpacking." and I still have to call my mom to see the room like she wanted to. I wonder what she and dad are doing now. 

I could hear Blake saying something to Lena under his breath, but I ignored them and turned around, but just as I was turning the door's handle, a hand gripped mine tightly enough to leave a bruise, and guess who the hand belonged to?

"Over my dead body."

Hey guyss!

Sooo, do you think that this university has strange policies as well, or is it just Aurora being paranoid? Who is Alex, and how did she get kidnapped?

So many questions to be asked, yet so little answers.

Also, I promise that the chapters will get longer gradually until they become 2000 words and more.

Please comment and vote if you like this chapter, and let me know if there any mistakes or typos.

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