Chapter 21

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I'm not going to lie. I'm don't want to go back to the university because I have no idea what I'm going to do about the stalker person or the police, who probably want to frame me for Alexis's murder.

Deplorably the two days we spent back home passed by so quickly, and right now, I was forcing myself to sit still in the taxi on our way back to the campus. Going back home reminded me of how easy my life used to be compared to now.

Oh, how I wish I could turn back time and change the way I handled everything. Everything would've been different right now.

I've also been doing some thinking, and I'm really curious to know how 'S' knew that I had the journal in the first place. Was it because they saw it in my bag? Or was it accidental?

I guess I'll never know.

Or maybe you will. Who knows?

I really need to do something about that annoying voice in my head. Is there a way to shut it up? I guess I'll have to ask the therapist, who Lena is forcing me to go to when we come back for the winter break.

Oh, please. Like you'd know how to live without me.

Yup, I need to do something about it.

On another note, I know I said I'll finish all the entries before I get back, but I got swamped with too much work, so I didn't have the time.

However, I think that I did something smart. I have a photocopier in my room at home, so I photocopied every single page in the journal. That way, if I - for some reason - am forced to give the journal to the stalker slash murderer, I'll still have a copy of it.

I wonder what would happen if I try to outsmart 'S' by giving them a copy instead of the journal itself. I bet they would really lose their temper, and I definitely don't want that, so this plan is out of the window.

Since Lena was fast asleep, and the driver was obviously focused on his driving, I decided that it would be best to read one more entry now. Knowing me, when we get to the university, I'll get too caught up with everything else, and I'll have no time to read the rest of the entries.


Things did not turn out as expected. Things definitely didn't turn out like I expected them to.

My plan was supposed to help me uncover who the stalker is. It was supposed to help me, but do you know what it did? It made the stalker even madder at me, if that's even a word.

You're probably wondering what happened, right? Well, I wrote the stalker a really simple note to lure them in, as I said before, and I left it on my bed as planned.

What do you want from me? - Alexis

I then set up the camera - while the curtains were closed in case the stalker was watching me - in my wardrobe so that the lens would be able to capture everything that's going on in the room through the air vents. After that, I quickly opened my curtains, made sure the note was in clear view, and I left the room.

Coming back to my room, I was so anxious to see who the person is, that I didn't even notice the note on my bed. I was too caught up on replaying the tape while holding my breath and trying not to miss any little detail.

The person walked into the room, they - I still didn't know their gender because of the black hoodie they were wearing - picked up the note straight away like I expected. Till now, everything was going perfectly according to my plan.

Strangely enough, as soon as they read the note, they broke out into a fit of laughter, yet I still didn't manage to figure out whether they're a boy or a girl. Throwing the note back onto the bed, they came towards the wardrobe, opened it, and stood right there in front of the camera.

Except, the person was wearing a mask! A mask, like those creepy ones we wear on Halloween. The person stood there looking straight into the camera for a whole minute - to mock me, I'm pretty sure.

Closing the wardrobe, the person walked back to my bed and stood there doing something that I couldn't see before casually walking out of the room.

I have to tell you that I screamed in anger the moment the person walked out of my room. How could they do this every time? How could they always be one step ahead of me? How could they know everything I'm planning on doing before I do it every time?

This is getting frustrating.

Remembering that they stood in front of my bed for a while, I immediately turned to it to inspect what they did; however, I only found my note on the bed, making me stand there puzzled. Thankfully, it didn't take much time to realize that there was something written on the back of my note.

Oh dear, you really thought you could outsmart me? You still have a lot to learn in life.

Remember, I'm always watching. I'm always listening, and know that you will regret trying to cross me. I'm sick and tired of trying to be nice to you, so don't be surprised when you meet the other me, the dark me.

- S

My blood was boiling. I was getting tired of playing this game, well, losing in this game. So, I had to up my game. I knew that they were always watching, but how could they do that if it weren't through my window? And right then, the light bulb switched on.

In all the movies, the villain always hears what the hero - though I'm no hero - says by putting a microphone on them. But since I constantly change my clothes - unlike the heroes in the films, which is so unhygienic by the way - the microphone, or the camera in my case, must be somewhere in this room.

Before searching for anything, I used Lexa's computer to find out what those cameras look like. I would've used my own phone or computer, but I'm one hundred percent sure that they're tapped. A person who managed to put a camera in my room must have hacked into my devices.

It's safe to say that I literally went into a rampage. I was flipping everything in my room. I think that Lexa came to the dorm at one point, but she must have thought that I was having some kind of a meltdown, so she quickly left.

And then I found it, the reason this stalker was always one step ahead of me: a tiny little dot - that I would've never found if it wasn't for the tiny red light it emits. Making sure to show that crazy person that I found it, I looked at it for a whole minute, just like they did, before shattering the camera.

To make sure I was on the safe side, I thoroughly searched the room once again, and imagine my surprise when I found not one but two other cameras.

Oh, the nerve of this person.

I also searched for hidden microphones, but I found none, so I'm assuming that there aren't any. Though I'll search again tomorrow, in case I missed them.

This person is getting too close, they've put cameras in my room, for god's sake, so they need to be stopped. And believe me, I'll stop them, even if it will cost me my life.

I'll update you with the new plan when I come up with it.

Till next time,


Wow. That's a whole new level of being a stalker. Putting three cameras into someone's bedroom just to see what they're doing, that's something different.

I wonder what could drive a person to this point.

Does this mean that there're cameras in our dorm rooms as well? That would be creepy.

Really? No, it would be amazing? What in the world made you think it would be creepy?

I don't think there're cameras in the room, to be honest. Yes, the notes and messages always suggested that I was being watched, but they were all things I was doing in public.

But just to make sure, I'll search for any strange thing in the room whenever Lena's not there. I also-

The driver interrupted my thoughts. "Miss, we're here. Can you show the security guard your for them to let us in?"

After giving my student ID to the security, I started the process of waking up Lena, which is - contrary to your beliefs - quite the task.

I tried to shake her awake, but obviously, it didn't work when she said 'five more minutes' sleepily. Looking intensely at her, I observe her while thinking of some new way to wake her up. One thing that you should know about her is that you can never wake her up the same way twice.

Lena was certainly beautiful, in and out. With her curly defined yet voluminous brown curly hair - that I'm always jealous of, by the way - and her sparkling deep brown eyes, she can easily turn eyes everywhere she goes. Also, having naturally tanned skin always makes people look at her in amazement and envy.

"ANT INFESTATION," I yell into her ear.

Her eyes instantly opened wide, and she started screaming bloody murder. "WHAT? Where? I hate ants."

By this point, I was laughing so hard that my stomach started to hurt until I started wheezing. It was hilarious seeing the pure look of panic on her face. Okay, that sounded bad, but you get me, right?

"It's not that funny. You know I'm terrified of ants," she pouted.

"No, you're not." Thankfully, I managed to calm down my laughter so that my words could be understandable. "You had fifty pet ants when we were eleven."

"They were cute, and they would've been killed by the rain if I didn't save them," she defends herself, looking offended.

"And why didn't you let them go after the rain stopped?"

"I got attached to them," she tries to convince me, but judging by the look on her face, she figured out that it was not working. "Whatever. You're just upset because I was the one to save them and not you."

"You're right, I am upset. You put ten ants on my arm and let them deliberately bite me just because I wouldn't give you the last nugget the day before. That was cruel of you, by the way."

"You know I love my nuggets, so you don't have anyone to blame but yourself," she replies while sticking her tongue out at me.

The driver cleared his throat. "Girls, I hate to interrupt your banter, but we've been here for five minutes now," he says amusedly.

Flushing red, I apologize and give him the money, making sure to leave a huge tip. Now, getting out of the car was another story because a certain brunette kept insisting on climbing over me to get out of the car when she could've gotten out of the car door right beside her.

I'll never understand this girl's logic.

After signing in, we made our way to our dorm room, and as expected, the corridors were empty except for the two policemen stationed in each hallway. Guess this will be our new normal until they find the murderer.

I wonder if mom would've made us drop out of this university have we told her the entire truth. And if we drop out, will they give us back half of the tuition fees or something?

Maybe I should think about dropping out, taking this year as a gap year, and joining another university next year. Specifically, one that doesn't have stalkers and murder mysteries.

Weren't you the one who was longing to live in a mystery novel? Well, you've been given the opportunity on a silver platter.

"Ohhh, it's addressed to you. Looks like you made an impression on someone. I wonder who it is from. Maybe it's that mint boy?" Lena questions while holding what looks like a package - that she picked up from the doorstep of our dorm - in her hand.

Taking the package from her, I find a tag addressed to me from my mom? "No, it's from mom." Strange, why didn't she give it to me at home?

"That's sweet of her. She must've noticed how stressed you were," she says while opening the door. "What is it?"

Opening the package, I look inside to find something fluffy inside. After taking it out of the box, I discover that it's an extremely cute fluffy stuffed animal, Dory, to be exact.

"You're finally going to complete your finding Nemo collection soon." Lena smiles when she sees me hugging Dory close to me.

If only I'd looked a little closer, I would've noticed the slight red tint in one of Doty's eyes.

But it's a shame that Iwon't notice that it's there until S tells me about it.

Hello everyone!

Happy new year! I hope that this year will be filled with nothing but happiness for everyone.

Anyways, what are your thoughts on this entry and do you think that Alexis will actually come up with a plan to know who S is? I'm also really curious about who you think S is, let me know who you're suspicious of.

Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter. Every vote and every comment brings a smile to my face!

Till the next chapter,

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