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The wind was blowing by the dark looming forest, and the rain was falling heavily as if to tell me that it had no intention of stopping anytime soon. And I, I am surrounded by an endless sea of trees that extended in every direction making it hard for me to see if there was any civilization nearby.

But, maybe, the world was playing in my favor because this way he, she, it won't be able to track my footsteps, as they will get erased by the rain, or see me, for after all, it was impossible to see anything that was not five feet in front of you, so surely, he will not be able to catch up on me, right?

I had a head start, but it's also important to mention that there's a huge bleeding gash on my head. It is making my world a little bit too blurry and is kind of slowing me down.

Okay, who am I kidding?

I am barely able to take two steps before I stumble and start running in another direction, so I would say that my best bet is to find a place to hide in until the rain stops and the bleeding from my wound slows down if I want to make it out of here alive.

So, with that thought in my head, I start looking around to find any cave or maybe an opening in a tree, like in that book that I read as a child, where two children stayed to hide away from their evil aunt, I think.


I just need anything to hide me because I know for a fact that I don't have much time left before the person finds me. Trying to focus all my thoughts and survival instincts into finding a hiding, I squint my eyes to try to clear and vision and continue looking around me until I found what looks like a caving, which looks like it could have enough space to fit, in a tree. At least that book wasn't lying.


Running towards the tree, I quickly manage to fit myself into it just as my vision starts getting really blurry, and the pounding in my head increases. I guess that's what happens when someone hits you with a rock over your head.

And, with that last thought on my head, I feel my head drooping, and I start going in and out of consciousness. Time passes, maybe seconds, maybe minutes, who knows? I can no longer distinguish between anything. How long will I have to stay here? Won't my roommate get worried about me and call the police, but again, who am I kidding? She probably didn't even-

"Come out, Come out wherever you are. I will find you, so just come out, and I won't hurt you."

What a cliche line, I think I heard that line in a thousand movies. I mean why would anyone in their right state of mind come out of their hiding?


I can't afford to make any mistakes right now, but wouldn't taking a nap be a dream come true right now?


A little nap won't hurt. I guess the part of my brain that wanted to take a nap was much stronger because the next thing that I know, I was slowly drifting off to sleep and ignoring the smart part of my mind that kept telling me that the person's nearby and that I need to be on high alert.

Yes, a nap is just what I need, and when I wake up, I will be more focused and maybe the rain would've stopped, and I'll be able to run better.

This is the plan.

"Didn't I tell you that I would find you?"

Hi guys!

I want to say thank you so much for checking my book out, it really means a lot to me! This is the second story I've written, and if you've already read my other one, Her Hope, you'll immediately notice that both of them are so different in their genres and their writing style. This one will be more teenager-y, I guess.

Also, this book won't be all about mystery straightaway because I'm trying to focus on other aspects such as friendship, for instance.

The chapters are also going to be longer than my other stories, so they'll range between 1500 and 2000 words each, and the story itself will have more chapters. Please let me know if you'd like the chapters to be longer or shorter.

Please don't hesitate to leave constructive criticism, or to correct any grammatical errors that may be there (because this is a first draft).

Again, thank you so much for checking my book out, and please vote and comment if you like the story, for it motivates me to write more.

Enjoy your reading :)

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