Past Event's

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POV | Grayson 

You could hear the practically joy and excitement in the air at Gotham City. The night was just right, not to hot and not to cold. The clouds covered the sky to make the lights from the attraction more noticeable. Giggles and laughs could be heard throughout the night, most people we probably their or at their night jobs. Gotham was in poverty, it needed money. People's worries just went away here, to get them happy for what we did here. At the Haly's International Traveling Circus.

We traveled everywhere you could imagine, we traveled to Bruges, Paris, Romania, Europe, Asia, and many more. We currently stood at the back of the tent in our new uniforms my mom. The Fearless Flying Grayson's that was my family. We we're one in ever meaning of the word, caring, loving, hopeful. The whole circus was my family, even Haly; he was like a Grandfather to me. He loved me family like it was his own; I never knew my grandfather but if there was one in my life it would have to be him.

"Come one Grayson's!" my aunt smiled and I smiled two, her goofy attitude was hilarious in my perspective, we held open the curtain and walked to the center ring. Tonight we did our dangerous act; I knew this move by heart. I watched them do it in every city we've ever been in. We slowly began making the way up the ladder; I went up in the middle so I wouldn't be last or first. One we got up there, the wind battered my face slightly with the medium temperature. My dad finally got to the top and we smiled.

"I love you all." My mom said and I smiled, her cheeks flushed with red. She was so amazing, and the best mom you could ask for.

"So do I." my aunt said and looked at me, her deep blue eyes were so awesome to go along with her goofy personality.

"You know you can't participate right?" she asked and I nodded, my hair slightly moved with the motion.

"I do." I responded and my cousin ruffled me hair.

"Don't worry birdie you'll get your chance sooner than you think." he said and I smiled, I hated when he did that. He always knew what to say, I'm not even kidding. It was kind of funny and creepy in my perspective; I loved them all so much. They were the best family you could ask for. We smiled and the lights began to dim down. The spot light shown at us in the Center ring, I knew I couldn't do the act with my family but I always got the best spot. At the centers ring, right in the place with my family. I smiled at this looking at my waving family.

" Ladies and Gentlemen my I present to you The Fearless Flying Grayson's. Doing their amazing act without the safety of a net!!" Haly always introduced our act in his booming voice; it was part of being the ring master. Then we heard the net drop, my family smiled. They then began to take off into the trapeze. They rightful belonged there; my mom and aunt did amazing flips and moves with their flexible bodies. They were the flyers while my uncle, dad and cousin were catchers. The catchers had their legs tightly around the trapeze led and caught the flyers. They then threw them to the other led; the crowd was clapping with whistling for our great act. But the crowd silenced and they continued and started The Crown.

Their signature move, they made it themselves. I heard a creak come from the wires; I ignored it at first and continued watching. But the creaking got louder; I looked up and saw something that made my heart dropped. The metal rope began slowly fringing from the weight in the wires. I went into panic mode.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled but they weren't listening. Now things began moving slow motion, and tunnel vision. The rope then snapped like a whip making everyone silent. They slowly began falling in air.

"Dick!" my mom yelled and reached out her hands, I tried.

"Mom!!" I yelled and their bodies finally hit the ground. I closed my eyes tight and a tear dropped. I scattered back as fast as I could. I felt my back hit the back of the center ring; I let the tears flow down my cold and pale face. Everything was silent because people wanted to get out of the tent. I stood up shaking and climbed fast down the ladder. I walked and collapsed by their mangled and dead bodies.

Soaked in a trapezius's blood, the blood of a circus performer. Their act was amazing, all their acts they did. I felt more tears streaming down my face and I didn't fight to stop them, this is the city where my mom met my dad and married her. Gotham was their bindings; they would forever be bond to this act. They would forever be bound to the trapeze....

I heard a heart monitor go really fast and I shot up in a gasp....

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