Wayne: Who am I?

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POV | Wayne

My name is Bruce Wayne; I was the CEO of famous Wayne Enterprises. In the day I'm a billionaire playboy and at night I am the silent guardian of Gotham City. I am Batman. Savior of this crime filled city.

Five years ago the circus came in town; Alfred insisted I go so I did. I watched the famous Flying Grayson do flips and tricks. Then I heard a large snap and saw that the wire had been cut and the family fell to their deaths. Then I looked up and saw a traumatized 8 year old that looked at his family. I felt every ounce of that boy's pain; I did lose my parents to after all. He ran down the ladder and ran his hand through his hair and dropped to his knees then the cops surrounded him in a mob. Richard Grayson lost his parents that night and he could be felling vengeful. I broke out of my daze and looked for the Shadow who was on the streets. I looked and came up empty, I then saw Two- Face robing a jewelry store and I ran it

"What are you doing Two-Face?" I said while throwing a Bat-a-rang at his hand a he dropped the diamond.

"What a man can't rob a store." he said while I stared at the gun being aimed at me. Then the shouting began I dodged bullets left and right, I then jumped and kicked him in the face and he fell to the ground unconscious, I then turned around and saw Jim Gordon and I walked up to him and we shock hands.

"Good work." he said and I nodded and grappled to a building and I looked above my great city. I then looked and saw a small lean figure running across a roof so I jumped off and persuaded. I got faster until he jumped off and disappeared in the night. I looked everywhere and came up clean; I sighed and grappled to the Batmobile. I drove into the cave and the platform spun and I jumped out and walked to my computer. I was typing really fast when I heard someone walk in.

"Master Bruce did you find anything?" Alfred asked me in his usually hardly toned British accent.

"Yes, I found that Shadow who has been killing people in the streets." I said while typing away on the computer and still looking.

"Who do you think it could be?" he asked and I reclined and wiped my hand over my face and my cowl fell off.

"I don't know." I said and rested my elbows in my knees.

"You need to get rest." he said and I shook my head.

"Bed, now Master Bruce." he said and I nodded and stood up and took off my uniform and walked into the elevator. I heard a ding and walked up the stairs and walking into my room and plopped into my bed. I went under the sheets and instantly fell into darkness, same old dream. 

I walked down the alley with my parents after we went to the theatre and we were sighing at my dad's jokes. Then my mom stopped me and I looked up to hear a voice say.

"Give me your money." he said and my dad nodded.

"Calm down, sure thing." my dad said and he grabbed his wallet.

"The necklace." he said pointing it at my mom and her hands removed from my shoulders I was terrified. She took it off and the guy snatched it from her then I heard a loud BANG. My dad dropped.

"Thomas!" My mom yelled and tears streamed down her face. Then I heard another BANG and my mom dropped next to me, then the killer looked at me and ran off. I dropped next to my mom and shook her.

"Mom!" I screamed then I shock my dad who was slightly alive.

"Dad!" I said and he breathed deeply.

"Bruce, why do we fall?" he said while trying to breath.

" So we can g..get back u..up." I said sputtering and he smiled and died in my arms. I then screamed and cried into my hands. I looked and saw that they had blood on them and I cried harder looking at my dead parents. I then woke up in a sweating stated after that dream and I remember I promised myself that until that day I would never let fear control me, I would control it.

A/N: Sorry guys I'm a new writer and in sorry if my writing is awful and it sucks. I'll be back with more updates soon. Tell me what you think in the comment below.
- Nightwing

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