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I hovered anxiously in the corridor outside Papa's study. The door remained firmly closed. When I pressed my ear against it, I could hear muffled voices but not understand the words. Early this morning, Spencer arrived in response to Papa's summons. I knew they discussed my future.

Spence monopolized my time during the four weeks following Joel's wedding. Under the watchful eye of Miss Young, we strolled around the summer garden arm-in-arm. With each passing day, we fell deeper in love.

Grayson stood beside me in the corridor. He seemed as anxious as I was to hear the results of the meeting. Would Papa say yes to Spencer's proposal, or would he claim my youth prohibited an early marriage?

"They're taking a long time, Priss," Gray stated, frowning.

"You don't think Papa will say no," I muttered tentatively. "Surely, he won't."

I pressed my back against the opposite wall and stared at the unyielding door. My mind willed it to open, revealing Spencer with a wide grin covering his beloved face. He would nod enthusiastically, and I would rush into his open arms. Nevertheless, the door remained firmly closed.

"Whatever are you two up to?" Miss Young asked, rushing along the hallway. "You've kept Mr. Blanchard and me waiting for ever such a long time. Now come along--your lessons won't wait all day."

"Aw, but Miss Young!" I protested, my eyes returning to the closed door.

"No 'aw, but Miss Young,' Missy," my governess remarked, hustling Gray and me toward the staircase. "Mr. Blanchard is waiting for your dance session. You have to prepare for your season."

"I won't have a season if Papa says 'yes,'" I rapidly countered. "Not that I wanted one."

"Nevertheless," Claudia Young stated, tapping her toe impatiently. "Come along."

Reluctantly, Grayson and I accompanied her along the corridor. We stepped onto the first riser when Papa's office door opened, and he called my name. I spun and ran toward him with Gray on my heels.

"Priscilla!" Miss Young chastised me, but I ignored her reprimand completely. "You'll never learn proper deportment." She sighed, shaking her head.

"No, I probably won't," I called back, turning toward her momentarily. She meant for me to walk sedately at all times, to conduct myself like a proper young lady.

"If you will step inside, Priscilla, please," Papa invited, pushing the door open wider. "I wish to discuss your future."

When Gray attempted to enter with me, Papa asked him to remain outside. Petulantly, my brother backed away and leaned against the far wall. Despite Miss Young's protests, he would stay there until I revealed Papa's response to Spence's proposal.

"Pray, be seated." My father offered me a chair in front of his massive oak desk. He moved to his chair and sat straight back. Spencer stood a step behind him, his hands clasped behind his back. "As you probably already know, Priscilla, the Viscount has asked for your hand in marriage."

I leaned forward, anxious for his answer. Spence smiled benignly without revealing his emotion. I waited in trepidation, my heart beating wildly.

"You are still quite young, my dear," Father continued, his mustache twitching slightly. "I might consider it a mistake to allow you to take this step while you continue to show signs of immaturity."

I sank back against the chair in defeat. Tears rushed into my eyes, but I held them back.

"Furthermore, the Lieutenant's regiment is preparing to leave for India in the coming months," Papa stated. "India, as you know, is quite unstable at the moment. You would either remain with his family here in England or travel with him to the Asian continent."

India Colony lay thousands of miles away on the Asian subcontinent. I had not considered Spence's military position in my rush to romance. He spoke of his duties on the other side of the world, but I did not take them seriously. I thought of leaving my home and traveling through the Suez Canal to India.

Suddenly, adventure called my name. If I traveled with Spencer, he would keep me safe at all costs. I would live with him in a strange and exciting place and raise our children there. 'Far away from Miss Plumb.' The unexpected thought entered my mind quickly, and I savored it.

"Please don't underestimate my abilities, Papa," I stated, raising my head defiantly. "I will learn and grow into my position as a military wife. I won't fail in my duty."

Behind my father, Spencer nodded his head in approval. He appreciated my determined stance and accepted it. I would quickly become the wife he desired...in faraway India.

On the other hand, Papa studied me benevolently. His mustache twitched, and he smiled broadly. I knew I had won him over.

"Very well," he stated jovially. "You may prepare for your wedding. I will speak to your mother; she will set the wheels in motion."

Papa rose and, turning toward Spencer, welcomed him into the family. Bowing slightly, he left my fiancé alone with me in his office. I rushed into his arms and kissed him passionately. A throat-clearing sound behind us drew us apart. I turned and came face-to-face with Miss Young. Chaperoned—again!

"Surely, Claudia," I began, using the governess's first name.

"Never mind 'surely, Claudia,'" Miss Young countered. "I congratulate you on your engagement and remind you that you are not married yet."

"Spoilsport," I muttered, taking Spencer's hand and drawing him through the French doors. "We'll stroll in the garden if you care to shadow us, Miss Young."

Spence and I discussed our future plans as we wove along the garden paths. He proposed that we visit Uncle Everett the following day to arrange the ceremony. I spoke happily of my trousseau and the journey to India.

"Oh, and I must speak to Dinah tomorrow," I exclaimed, halting on the path. "We promised each other long ago to act as bridesmaids for our weddings."

"I have two sisters I wish you would ask also," the Viscount stated encouragingly. "You will, of course, accompany me to my home so I can introduce my family. I'm sure your father won't object."

"Certainly not," I exclaimed happily. "As long as Miss Young accompanies me, I am sure it will not pose a problem."

"Ah, yes, the dragon. I am sure we will dispose of her when the time comes," Spencer sighed, gripping my elbow. "In the meantime, I'll tell you about my family. My father is the Baron of Barnchester. He's rather strict as fathers go, but he has his humorous side also. You'll rather like him, I'm sure. He's quite a bit like your Papa. Unfortunately, Mother passed away a few years ago. You've missed meeting her.

"I have two younger sisters, Cordelia and Viola—both named for Shakespearean female characters." My companion smiled benignly. "And lastly, Benedick, my younger brother. You will find him quite amusing. He turned twelve upon his last birthday."

"I am sure I will enjoy meeting them," I responded, smiling broadly.

I looked forward to meeting Spencer's family and traveling to a distant portion of Britain. I had never journeyed far from home. Although Papa kept a house in Grosvenor Square, we rarely visited the capital. Mama's illness kept us in the country. My father went for business purposes but liked to stick close to our mother. Her fragile life barred her from traveling.

"You will find Yorkshire a different place from here," Spencer warned. "Perhaps you won't like it."

"Oh, I'm sure I will," I answered enthusiastically. I would enjoy anyplace away from my brother's new wife.

The day following our engagement announcement, Mama summoned me to her chambers. I hurried along the corridor and threw open her sitting room door. She sprawled on her chaise lounge, eating from a bowl of strawberries. I knelt and took her hand.

"We have much to do, my little love," Mama exclaimed, cupping my chin softly. "Tell me of your plans."

I filled her in quickly with the decisions Spence and I had already made. Happily, I spoke of a church festooned with yellow ribbons and my bridal bouquet of fresh daffodils. Enthralled in making plans with my fiancé, I had not talked to Uncle Everett or Dinah yet. I intended to do it within the next few days.

Mama had met Spencer the previous day when we appeared in her room for introductions. She smiled at him benignly and welcomed him to the family. Smiling broadly, I poured out the tea and handed the biscuits around.

During the following days, my position in the family elevated. Both Miss Young and Mr. Blanchard treated me with deference. Although my engagement thrilled me, I never considered Spencer The Viscount. His title did not phase me particularly. To me, he remained simply Spence.

Instead of appearing for my morning lessons, I entered Mama's chambers shortly after breakfast. She engaged Maggie Wills to design my wedding gown, and we delighted in satin and Chantilly lace. My heartbeat wildly as Maggie draped the fabric around me. All the pleasure of planning the ceremony lay before us, and I looked forward to spending hours and hours in Mama's company.

We were engaged in choosing the bridesmaids' dresses when the door flew open. Startled, Mama gasped at the sound of it hitting the wall. Her pallid face frightened me, and I became even more alarmed when she fainted. Jane ran for the smelling salts immediately.

I knelt beside Mama, hoping she would revive soon. She didn't stir. A menacing presence filled the chamber, and I abruptly turned my attention toward my brother's new wife.

"Can't you enter a room silently?" I remarked sharply. "Where did you come from? We didn't expect you until next week."

"Well, ducky, that's a fine way to say hello to your new sister," Lottie chirped, swinging into the room.

"Sister-in-law," I shot back.

"Yeah, right, sister-in-law," she conceded sullenly. "What's happened around here while Joel and I were honeymooning? Coming home and finding my new little sister engaged is a fine thing. What a surprise, eh, Prissy?"

"That's my business," I huffed, returning to Mama, who began waking up. "Are you all right, Mama? I'm sure Lottie didn't mean to startle you."

"Give me a moment, Priscilla, dear," my mother whispered. She shrunk against her cushions and placed the back of her hand against her forehead. Sighing deeply, she closed her eyes.

"I think you better leave off for today," Jane suggested, frowning over Mama's condition. "She'll want to rest and gather her strength. There's always tomorrow."

I quickly agreed with Mama's maid and headed toward the door. It was best to leave my mother to her confinement during these trying times. Disturbances disrupted her day, which took her a long time to settle.

Instead of heeding the warning, Charlotte plunked into my vacated seat and began prattling about Paris, Florence, and Venice. Jane cleared her throat noisily, but Joel's wife continued her vivid description. Finally, she opened her handbag, drew out a small box, and extracted a perfume bottle.

"A gift for my new mother," she explained, opening the vial quickly. As she handed it to Mama, the contents spilled onto her nightdress.

"Ugh!" Mama exclaimed, gasping at the heavy scent.

"Oooh, I am sorry, ducks!" Lottie exclaimed, dabbing at the spill with her lacy handkerchief.

Before we could react, Jane took immediate control. She shushed us out of the room quickly and fussed over Mama. As Lottie and I departed, I noticed the maid leading my mother into her bed-chamber. It would take the rest of the day to settle the invalid into her bed.

"You're like a bull in a China shop," I exclaimed when we reached the corridor. "Don't you ever think before you act?"

"Don't you?" Charlotte quipped, storming away.

I stood transfixed, watching my sister-in-law disappear. I did not understand the meaning of her words. They sounded like an accusation, but for what? I certainly had not done anything wrong. Charlotte had entered Mama's room like a whirlwind and spilled the perfume. Perplexed, I slowly descended to the garden, where I met Grayson in the summerhouse.

"Joel's home," my middle brother stated when I joined him.

"I know," I sighed heavily. "Charlotte appeared unannounced in Mama's chamber. She managed to bathe Mama in cheap perfume."

Beside me, Grayson blanched and then shook his head slowly. I propped my elbows on my knees and glared at the morning glories and marigolds. The joyful wind that blew my sails dissipated. Spencer would dine with us this evening. I wondered what he would think of the uncouth Charlotte Everstow.

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