Chapter Fifteen (Creampaw)

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         "Now when fighting Forestclan, remember that you have the advantage near water. Wait-- actually for you, you don't since you don't know how to swim. So- ummmm-- claw that. Maybe you can... Wait! No, never mind. How about, no, that won't work." He paused to think of any solution. "Well, you're pretty useless in a battle right now." Joked Creampaw's new mentor, who only earned an annoyed glare from his apprentice. 

         " Okay, okay! Since you're a long-hair, you'll have the advantage of weight. You can pin down a new warrior if you can control your strength. Now listen to me closely." Ivyclaw turned to his apprentice to make sure she was listening before he demonstrated the move. "This move only works for a medium sized warriors or large apprentice apprentices. Smaller of bigger opponents will easily out maneuver you. First, you dodge their blow and bit their shoulder, while doing so claw their back. They, in response will take the opportunity to rake your side which will be exposed, but to perform this move you must be able to take that blow. You must then bite their flank, unbalancing them due to their already weakened body from the back rake. Because of your heavy build, you'll be able to push them down, belly up. They will most likely bite or claw your foreleg, take that blow and claw their underbelly, the weakest part. They will probably flee at this point but if they don't then bite their ear. You might get badly clawed doing the last part, so be careful."

         Ivyclaw's words made no sense to Creampaw, she tilted her head in confusion and asked, "Sooooooo, what do I do?"

         Her mentor flexed his claws into ground with frustration, and took a deep breath to control his anger. "You know what. Just attack me, let's what you got."

         The apprentice lunged on her mentor and tried to pin him down, like what she did with Fuzzypaw. But Ivyclaw easily batted her to the side and knocked her off balance. While she tried to get up, he pinned her down and gave a fake 'killing bite'.

         He let Creampaw get up dust herself off before explaining what she'd done wrong. "First strike, you tried to pin me down at first. I am a full grown warrior which means, you'll have to weaken me before being able to pounce on me. Second strike, you jumped onto me headfirst. I could easily tell you were about to pounce on my left shoulder. When in battle bolt around your opponent to confuse them, then pounce. Third strike, you took too long to get up. Don't try to get up normally, otherwise you give the other cat time to attack you. If you're pushed onto your back then wait for them to leap on you before clawing their underbelly and escaping. If on your stomach, bounce or spring up which takes less time and surprises your opponent."

         Ugh! Stop talking! I get it! I get it! I did something wrong, can we move on now please! As if Ivyclaw had read her mind, he mewed, "Attack me again."

         Creampaw this time rushed to the left and then to the right before clawing at Ivyclaw's right foreleg, claws sheathed. The tom held his stance and and raked at Creampaw's exposed back, pinning her down. The apprentice, did as her mentor told her and sprung up, clawing the mostly white tom's ear. This seemly took Ivyclaw by surprise as he stumbled back, but to the cream apprentice's surprise, he quickly charged towards her and pretendedly bit behind her shoulder and pushed her down before raking her underbelly. She grumbled again as Ivyclaw had defeated her. "Reed fluff!"

         Ivyclaw gave an amused glance, which only made Creampaw more annoyed as she stomped on the ground and gritted her teeth. The tom gave her a soft lick on her cheek and purred, "I didn't expect you to defeat me. I'm an experienced warrior, next time you can try against Salmonpaw. Now come on, it's getting really sunny and we should get back to camp."

         The tan she-cat just grunted before following her mentor to camp, where Shadepaw greeted her with a welcoming smile. "Before you get something for yourself. Ask the elders if they'd like something to eat. I'll be in the Warrior's Den taking a  nap." Instructed her trainer.

         Creampaw began heading to the Elder's Den, but was interrupted by her sister who was bouncing with excitement. "Wanna hang out!? It's been a long time since--"

         "Ummm actually, I have to---"

          Shadepaw took no notice in Creampaw's statement and kept talking, "...we've talked, you know? No that you're a warrior's trainee, maybe you'll have more time!"

         "Maybe in a bit. Ivyclaw told me to ask the elders if they wanted any prey."

         "Kay, maybe I'll save some carp for you." teased the grey tan tabby.

          The cream apprentice pushed through the dangling ferns at the entrance. Twigclaw was sleeping, which Creampaw gave a sigh to. Otherwise the cranky elder would always complain 'this mouse is too small' 'the fish has too many scales' and so on. 

           Blackstorm gave her a welcoming smile and purred, "What brings you here, young'n? A story perhaps?"

           "That would be nice, but I promised Shadepaw I'd hang with her. I'm just here to see if you'd like any prey."

           "Hang?" asked Ripplepelt with a furrowed expression.

           Reedleap chuckled, "It means spend time with. You really gotta get out more often."

           "Apprentices and they're silly language." grumbled black spotted grey tom. "You know, back in my day, trainees used to be such a curious bunch. Always begging the poor old elders for stories. I still remember my sister and I coming here for fun, not just for chores. These days, apprentices rather be 'hanging' than learning about clan history." Maybe cause history's so boring. "I'll tell you one thing, Creampaw. Enjoy being a trainee while you can, cause their is no stage in life as amazing as apprenticeship."

         Yea. Yea. Yea. We get it, now can you just tell me what you want to eat!?

         Reedleap finally understood Creampaw's annoyed state and amusedly mewed, "Why don't you leave the poor apprentice alone. Don't you see she doesn't want to know your boring lessons. Let her be free!" Ripplepelt grumbled a small insult at Reedleap, but the old molly just stuck out her tongue in response.

         Finally!! Some old cat who understands! "Soooooo, ummmm, you want any food?"

         Blackstorm rasped, "Of course, we want food! Two herrings for me!"

         "And a trout for Reedleap and I! We haven't had anything this entire day!" 

         "Kay." Creampaw went up to the fresh kill and nosed through the prey. Two herrings. Two herrings. She found only one so she got a vole instead of a second. After giving them to Blackstorm. She dragged the trout for the other elders.

          Finally! She could get to her sister!

          "Ummmm, Creampaw? Do you know where Coldpaw is?" questioned Pebblewing.

          UGH!! WHAT NOW!!! The tan apprentice paused for a moment to collect her thoughts. "I think he went to the dirt place, I'm not sure." Creampaw led the older molly to where she thought the grey-blue apprentice was. She peeked into the dirt place clearing, only to find it empty.

           She then spotted him coming out of the leader's den. She raced up to him and called out to Pebblewing, "He's here!!!"

           Coldpaw, for some reason visible winced at her words. Pebblewing came pacing up to him and started scolding, "I was worried sick about you! Next time tell me before going anywhere! You should have more responsibility, you're almost a warrior!"

            "Calm down. I was just talking to Puddlestar about something." He grumbled.

           Now that that's over. Finally for some quality sister time! Before another interruption!

That chapter took forever to publish. Probably cause I'm such a procasinator! Also, I hid a secret in this chapter as well! I know!! Another one!! I love hidden clues!!!!!!!! Try to find it! Also, do you think I developed the elder's personalities well? I want almost every cat to be introduced well, starting with the elders! Anyways, comment down below what you think! And updates will be slower cause of school!!

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