Chapter Twelve (Creampaw)

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         "Stop!!" roared a voiced that seemed as angry as a disturbed badger when it was sleeping. "Is this what you train your apprentices, Puddlestar!? Fighting at gathering! If it's a war you want then its a war you'll  get! Forestclan we're leaving!" Oakstar lashed his tail and commanded his clan to follow. What have I done.

          The gathering couldn't continue with a clan missing so Willowstar and Grassstar called their clans back and left. You minnow-brain Creampaw! That's what you are, a minnow-brain. Can't you do anything right! Puddlestar was at a loss of words and just flicked her tail as a signal of return. Creampaw hung at the back of the crowd, too ashamed to face her mentor or any cat.

          She padded her nest and plopped herself down. She didn't want to face Comfreyheart and her scolding. The tan molly drifted into dreamland, trying to forget about her eventful night.


         It was past dawn but the apprentice just hung back in her nest. Replaying last night's events in her head, unable to forget what a monster she was. 

         "I know you're awake," mewed her mentor simply in a monotonous voice. "Why don't you make yourself useful and find some herbs. Anything would help, our stocks are quite low."

         Creampaw grunted from her nest and slowly rose up. She stretched her cramped hind legs and stalked her way out of the den without even looking at Comfreyheart. She stiffly made her way out of camp. Burning gazes were staring at her and she could hear whispers from the groups of cats. Tears were brimming her eyes but she quickly blinked them away without her clanmates noticing.

          She burst into a sprint and ran deeper into the territory, unaware where she was going. The she cat just wanted to be somewhere far far away from her disappointed clanmates. Creampaw just gave in and fell against a tree, bursting into sobs. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, YOU MINNOW BRAIN!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!! YOU'VE DOOMED YOUR CLAN AND BROKEN SEVERAL RULES!!" She breathed in and released another fury of words, "CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT!? ANYTHING! YOU'RE WORTH NOTHING MORE THAN A LOAD OF RABBIT DUNG!!" She gasped for breaths and continued sobbing, blubbering some random words.

         "LOOK AT YOURSELF!!! SALMONPAW ALREADY CAUGHT HIS FIRST PREY AND SHADEPAW HAS MASTERED SEVERAL FIGHTING MOVES!!!!!! YOU CAN BARELY REMEMBER HOW TO TREAT A THORN!!! LOOK AT YOURSELF! A PATHETIC PIECE OF FISH SCRAPS!!! YOU'RE OWN MENTOR DOESN'T EVEN WANT TO LOOK AT YOUR FACE!!!!!!" The she-cat buried her head into her lush tan fur and sobbed her emotions away. She cried until there were no more tears left to shed. She lay their, thinking and sniffling, how useless and damaging she was to the clan. You've just begun a war, a war that Streamclan can't afford. Our herb stocks are so low. We barely have enough marigold and horsetail for 5 cats, for Moonclan's sake. I might as well try to find something, Comfreyheart will think I'm an even more useless excuse for a cat if I don't bring anything back.

          Creampaw smoothened her matted fur and took a deep breath before standing up. She bit her jaw and promised to herself that she wouldn't cry anymore and would do what she was supposed to. Like she should have done. There should be something in this forest. She wandered through the lush forest carefully checking the undergrowth for any funny looking plants. All of them smelled funny, so that method didn't exactly help. You should know this! You're a medicine cat trainee, how do you not know a single herbs! Creampaw continued taunting herself.

          She stumbled upon a small plant with pink bell shaped flowers. At its base were several small brownish black seeds. Poppy seeds! Poppy seeds were one of the only 3 herbs she remembered. She nipped some leaves from a nearby bush and placed it next to the seeds. She slowly rolled the delicate herbs onto the the bundle of leaves so she could carry them. She picked the edges of the leaves to create a small pouch like structure and carefully padded towards camp. 

         Creampaw somehow felt better after all the sulking as she nervously entered camp, greeted by all the stares from her fellow clanmates. Some with sympathy and some with disgust. She stormed through camp and quickly entered the medicine cats den.

         "Only found poppy seeds?" Comfreyheart sighed.

         The cream apprentices shifted her paws and whispered sheepishly, "I didn't remember what the herbs looked like..."

         Comfreyheart looked as if she was going to blow. The cream and grey tawny was taking deep breaths and keeping herself from shouting. Creampaw let out a squeaky 'sorry' as tears brimmed her eyes.

         Comfreyheart realized how much her words were affecting her apprentice, "Oh, Creampaw. I'm not disappointed in you at all. Learning about herbs is hard, and I'd say that you're making quite a progress for only being a trainee for only half a moon."

         She's probably just saying that to make me feel better, and I have to admit. It's working. The cream molly gave a weak smile as Comfreyheart gave a reassuring lick.

         "All cats old enough to swim the swim the streams, gather under the Willow Stump for a clan meeting!", Puddlestar's voice roared across the camp. Creampaw hesitated to go to the clearing.

         Her mentor gently mewed, "You shouldn't be ashamed of your actions when you feel they're right. Embrace them, and yourself."

          The apprentice lifted her tail high and joined the gathered cats.

           Once most of the clan had gathered, the leader started her announcement, "As most of you have heard, Forestclan has threatened a battle at yesterday's gathering. I would like all the apprentices to be trained in fighting moves, with our numbers down from the wolf attacks we need every paw helping. The healers should be shown some defensive moves just in case and I want 2 warriors or apprentices back guarding camp at all times. Now Comfreyheart has an announcement!"

           The tan and grey tawny molly leaped onto the Willow Stump next to Puddlestar and cleared her throat. "I would like everycat to keep a lookout for any herbs on patrols. Our stocks are very low from the late new-leaf frost."

           "The meeting has been dismissed!" Cats began dispersing and small conversations about the meeting were rising. 

           'Would Oakstar really start a battle and break our peace treaty?'

           'I don't know, but we should be ready.'

           'Why wouldn't Oakstar? To be fair, Creampaw broke the peace first after attacking one of their apprentices!'

           'I'm sure she had a good reason to.'

           'I'm surprised Puddlestar hasn't exiled her yet!'

           'Exile?! Puddlestar surely wouldn't. We're so low on cats right now, and she's a medicine cat.'

            'I don't know, the Clan Code is very strictly enforced.'

            'I'm amazed that Creampaw still hasn't been punished yet.'

             Creampaw flattened her ears and winced. 'Embrace them, and yourself.' Her mentors' words flashed in her mind and she quickly shook away her negative feelings.

Welp. It's not the best chapter but it does contain a special event. Try to see if you can find it. Someone/Something is not what they/it seems to be ;)
Hope you liked it, remember to share/vote/comment!! I love seeing your amazing feedback and ideas!

Salmonpaw is finally in a picture (as a warrior)!! 

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