Clan Code

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1. When and how much prey you eat depends on your rank. The leader eats first, because he or she has to stay strong for the clan. The medicine cat(s) eats next, because they are needed for healing injuries. The kits and queens follow behind, as the kits are the future of the clan, and queens are needed to care for them. They are followed by deputy, who is needed to keep everyone in track. Elders come next, because they are honored for their past work. Apprentices and warriors may take their share after. 

2. Respect your elders, whether they are an apprentice, warrior, senior warrior, queen, deputy, leader, or elder. Even a leader must listen to the word of a cat older than them. 

3. Your clan is your first priority. Protect the youngest kits to the oldest elders. Friendships from other clans are monitored by the leader and deputy, if you are suspected of becoming too close, there will be consequences.

4. Hunting or crossing into another clan's territory is considered disgraceful. If you are found on the wrong side of the border, the opposing clan has the right to attack you. Some cats have died to their injuries, due to their camp being too far away. This reminds cats that the border is set so that there is a fair distance from camp to the outskirts.

5. If a cat is going to the Dreamstone, then they may pass through another clan's territory. Only 4 cats may go to the Dreamstone at once with the exception of medicine cats who visit the sacred moon when the moon is at its thinnest. Otherwise known as claw-moon.

6. After a deputy dies or becomes the leader, challenges must be held to choose the new one. There are three challenges, hunting, battling, and authority.  Hunting is based on how much prey a cat got, and how big their prey is. During the battling event, the cats fight each other with claws sheathed. Whoever pins the other down, wins. For the authority, the leader presents the cat with different situations that may take place. The rest of the clan will vote on which decision they like the most. The cat with the most votes, wins this round. The cat with the most wins, is elected as deputy. If it is a tie, then the leader will select the deputy him or herself based on the cat's performance.

7. Kits are apprenticed around the age of 6 moons. If the leaders thinks that the kits are ready to be apprenticed before that age, he or she has the will to that. There are rare occasions when kits were apprenticed at the age of 4 or 5 moons. The leader also has the right to postpone a kit's apprenticeship if they think that the kit is not ready.

8. Whatever the leader says, it is to be followed. Cats may voice out their opinions, but the word of the leader at the end is law. Rebellions have happened before, but only because the leader was thought to be dangerous to the clans.

9. Gatherings are held every half moon to discuss news among the clans. Fighting is forbidden at this time. If the moon is no longer visible, the medicine cats call the gathering to a close. The leader, deputy, and medicine cat(s) must attend, unless they are sick, injured, or unable to.

10. Tainted blood  and forbidden relationships are not allowed. If a clan cat has a relationship with another clan cat, a loner, a rouge, or a kittypet, the cat is exiled. The kits would usually be exiled to, but in some rare cases, the leaders were kind enough to let them stay while only their parents were driven out.

11. Medicine cats are allowed to have kits as long as there is another cat to take their place. There must be at least 2 healers in the clan for one them to have kits. But they must not show biased importance to their kin.

These set of rules that the clans follow. Instead of being called the Warrior Code, they are called the Clan Code. They are meant to keep the clans safe. Breaking these rules can land you in a serious punishment.

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