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I don't own anything except my original/own characters and my original plot.


Chapter 9-Nightmares


"WALLY!" I shouted out happily, running towards the speedster.

He didn't move, back facing me. Hesitantly, I reached out for him, touching his shoulder. His head snapped around to face me. His normally bright green eyes were dull, lifeless. A light shone down on us and I realized why. He had no shadow.

"You give me Wally back right now."

Shadow Wally stayed motionless. The light expanded, and the league stepped up. They didn't have shadows either.

"This is your destiny (Y/n)," an echoed male voice echoed, owner unknown, "This is what you will achieve someday. You struggle on the line of hero and villain. Step over. Embrace it!"

"I can't!" I shook Wally frantically, "Wally please!"

"Accept your destiny (Y/n)! Go to the right side, where you belong! Come back to us! Leave the heroes. The ones who bend society to their will, who alienate your family. Come to the ones who will change the world!"

I woke up with a gasp, choking back a scream. Sitting up with shaky arms barely able to hold my weight, my chest tightened. I couldn't breathe. Would that really happen? Who was speaking to me? So many questions I focused on instead of allowing air to reach my lungs.

The darkness on the walls creeped around me, covering every surface in the room with a never ending darkness.

"Miss. (Y/n), you are struggling to breathe and are shaking. These are signs of a panic attack. Should I contact M'gann or Mr. Kent?"

"No, no," I reached over to my nightstand, grabbing my 'league approved' phone. It had the leagues and teams contacts, with the most basic functions. Everything else was blocked and monitored.

With shaky fingers I pressed Wally's contact, praying he would pick up before I passed out from air deprivation.

"(Y/n)?" His voice came through thick and groggy with sleep.

"Wally, can- can you please- I need you here," I gasped out, cutting off my explanation with a sudden sob. No light remained in the room at this point. The only thing allowing me to see was my powers. Can't control darkness without night vision, right?

"I'll be there soon."

I ended the call and laid back on my bed. ALICE spoke about random things, likes London's weather, to keep my mind off of my depleting mental state. Two minutes later, Wally ran into my room. Dressed in sweatpants and a Flash t-shirt. His hair was even messier than usual.

"What's wrong? How can I help? Ow," Wally hit the edge of the bed on his way to me.

"Miss. (Y/n) is suffering from a panic attack. I suggest talking to her until she calms down."

"Right, okay," Wally knelt in front of me, grabbing my hand, "The team and I want to throw you a 'birthday' party to help convince you we're more fun than the villains. There'll be a cake, and piñata, and a pin the cape on Superman. Cheesy stuff like that."

Nodding, I sucked in a deep breath. It burned my lungs, but released some of the tension held in my head. Wally ran his thumb over the back of my hand. The shadows backed up and crammed together in their former corners, bringing back some light in the room.

"I promise I'll always be here to help you through this," Wally swore, "You're lucky it's Friday night, or Saturday morning really."

"I'm sorry I woke you up."

"Don't be. I'd do anything for you."

"Can you grab my music box?" I motioned towards the nightstand.

Reaching over, he grabbed my music box from my nightstand. He set it next to me and I grabbed the necklace from the nightstand as well.

"Come here," I ushered Wally over. He hesitantly sat next to me on the bed.

Inserting the key, I twisted it until the top popped open. The two figures inside spun in circles as the song rang through, the voice clear as the day it was made.

"Vot moyo serdtse. Ono polno lyubvi," I read the engraving off the side as the song soothed me.

"What does it mean?" Wally questioned, I chuckled, setting the box on my nightstand so it could continue to play.

"It's Russian, Lex-" I paused, regretting saying his name. I was still in the denial phase. Despite everything against him, I couldn't believe it, "He taught me a few languages. Thinking it was important to know for business. It means 'Here is my heart. It is full.' I should have gotten rid of it, the music box, but on nights like tonight I'm glad I haven't."

"What did you have a panic attack over?" Wally asked, slowly intertwining his fingers with mine.

"I was controlling the league, you, the team, and I couldn't get you back. There was this voice, it kept telling me I was on the wrong side. That controlling the league was my destiny. But I don't know what side to go to. I think, after a day or two of being able to think, I'm coming to terms with the fact that the villains lied to me."

"You'll stay with us," Wally assured me, "Good wins, and you're good now."

"Yeah," I nodded, the acceptance a punch to the gut.

As the song reached its end, I moved closer to Wally. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Thank you for coming," I whispered, leaning my head against his chest and listening to his rapid heartbeat. Fast from his powers or the situation, I didn't know.



I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. When I fell asleep the night before Wally was right next to me. Something tickled my nose, invading my peripheral vision. A sticky-note. Reaching up I pulled it off.

"Really Wally?" I mumbled, but I couldn't stop the smile spreading across my face.

(Y/n), had to go home. Change of clothes on dresser for you. You're going shopping with M'gann and Artemis today. Have fun! See you later Malen'kaya ten.

P.S. Yes, I looked up Little Shadow in Russian just for you ;p


Chuckling, I held the note close to my heart. Wally was the sweetest person in the world. Rolling out of bed I stuck the note to my desk and picked up the new clothes from my dresser. Changing, I stuffed my League Phone into my pocket and left my room.

"There she is," M'gann cheered when I entered the kitchen, setting a plate of food in front of me, "Once you finish breakfast we'll go shopping."

"Shopping?" I asked fearfully.

Artemis sang, "You can't escape it."

I laughed nervously, shrinking under their intense gazes. Who knew heroes could be so scary when it came to shopping?

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