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I don't own anything except my original/own characters and my original plot.


Chapter 17 - Greece



Beautiful, mysterious, amazing, ancient. My first destination, our plan was that Greece would be my swim in the ocean. Not technically a deep swim either, just wading to get the feel.

Considering it was Greece I would be touching a sea, but it would still amazing, and was going to be close enough to an ocean that I could cross it off my list. With three down and seven to go, I was doing well.

I cautiously looked out the window of the plane, quickly averting my gaze and moving a seat away from the window. I had been going in between the middle seat, aisle seat, and the window seat since we took off, slowly working up nerve and losing it as soon as I saw how high up we were.

"I think I'm going to throw up," I warned, looking to Wally. He rolled his eyes. I'd been threatening that since hour one of the twelve hour flight.

"You've flown in the bio-ship before," he pointed out, reaching across the aisle to grab my hand.

"This is different," I groaned, squeezing his hand, "This is higher because we aren't invisible, and it isn't as smooth. Planes are death traps. Forget dying in the field, this is how I meet my end."

"Right, well, we're almost there. Another half hour I think. You've done great so far."

"At least I can cross it off the list and never do it again," I whispered to myself, slamming my head against the seat.


"I said I can't wait to get off this plane," I lied. Wally hummed, turning back to his computer. He was doing his schoolwork, getting it done on the flight so he didn't have to worry about it after we landed.


"We'll be back here early tomorrow morning," one of the flight attendants told us, holding out our bags.

"Thank you," Wally smiled, I gave a nod, gulping in deep breaths of fresh air.

We walked down the steps of plane, being met with a car almost immediately.

"West and (L/n)?" The driver asked, like he didn't already know by the private jet.

"That's us," Wally confirmed. The driver took our luggage and put it in the trunk while we got in the car.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Nearly midnight," Wally reported, checking his phone. I sighed, leaning my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes.

"I can't wait to get to the hotel to sleep."

"It is a short ride to the hotel," the driver reported, buckling his seatbelt and leaving the airport.

"So what are you looking forward to?" Wally asked me.

I hummed in thought, "I don't know, honestly. We only have tomorrow, or today really, here so we're cramming a lot in. I'm looking forward to swimming, I just can't forget to wrap my tattoos before we go out."

"I still can't believe you got tattoos," Wally shook his head, chuckling.

"You're just upset I'm more hardcore than you," I teased, nudging his arm.

Wally shrugged, reaching out for my hand.

"We are at the hotel. The entire staff speaks English well," the driver spoke up, parking in front of a grand, obviously high class, hotel.

"That was fast."

"This hotel is only a few minutes away from the airport," the driver explained, parking the car and getting out to unload our bags.

"I'm fluent in Greek," I told Wally, "We don't need to worry about finding English places here. They always raise the prices at English places anyway. Tourists don't know the different."

Wally gasped excitedly, shaking my shoulders, "Really? Can you say something?"

"Eímai áptaista se pollés glósses," I grinned. Wally stared at me in shocked silence.

"What did you say?"

Wally and I stepped out of the car, meeting the driver outside with our bags. I took my bag with a bright smile.

"I am, in fact, fluent in several languages," I informed Wally, turning back to the driver I nodded, "Efcharistó."

The driver smiled at my proper 'thank you', handing Wally his bag with a polite smile as well. We walked inside, marvelling at the high ceilings and brightly painted walls. Vases, painting, marble, everything you would imagine of the Greek high class.

"What other languages can you speak?"

"French, Spanish, Greek, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Latin, and Russian," I listed off quickly, greeting the front desk clerk, "Hi, (L/n) and West."

She nodded, typing in the names on her computer. Finding them, she pulled out a key card, "Third floor, room ten."

"Efcharistó," I turned to the elevator to the right of the desk.

"How do you know so many languages?" Wally rushed to match my fast pace.

"Lex..." I paused. I would be seeing Lex again within the next five and three-fourths days, "He taught me a lot of languages, so when I took over the company I could go through deals without a translator. It's more personal that way, easier to rope people in."

The elevator doors slid open, and we stepped inside. Wally pressed level three. The ride up was silent, but comfortable. When the doors open we watched the numbers on the doors until we reached ten.

The room was similar to the lobby, the bright painting scheme and high ceilings the same. I didn't take a lot of time to take in the scenery. Instead, I threw my bag on the bed and pulled out my bathroom bag.

"I call shower!" I yelled, sprinting to the bathroom.

"Oh, come on!"


"Okay... Okay... What if it's cold?" I jumped, staring at the large body of water in front of me. Logically, I knew it was going to be freezing. If I stayed in there too long, I ran the risk of hypothermia, so I was sticking to an in-and-out fashion.

"Then you run right in and your run right out. All you have to do is touch the saltwater for it to count," Wally instructed. I nodded, sucking in a deep breath and tugging on my coverup.

I slowly pulled the long shirt off, flushing under Wally's gaze. I chucked the shirt at his face, sprinting to the water.

My feet touched it first, but I kept going. I felt sand between my toes before at the cave. I needed something new; I needed more. When I got up to my calves I stopped, looking back at Wally. He nodded, ushering me forward.

I waded further in, gasping at the numbness spreading throughout my body. Going in the sea in late November probably wasn't the best idea, but it wasn't like I could reschedule for the summer. Shaking out my arms and legs, I forged on until the water reached my stomach.

"You did it (Y/n)!" Wally yelled, cheering and clapping. I spun around, throwing my hands in the air in celebration. Wally pulled out his phone, a flash catching my attention.

"Wally, really?" I shouted, rushing back to shore.

"I want to remember this. It's a momentous occasion!" He disappeared in a blur before wrapping me in a towel from the hotel.

"That water if freezing," I shivered, pulling the fabric tighter around me, "But it was worth it."

"Anything else you want to do while we're here?" Wally held the back of my head and ran us back to the hotel, a few shocked pedestrians whispering when we suddenly popped up, me dripping water onto the sidewalk.

"I want to visit a lot of the Greek God and Goddess monuments, and with your powers, we can make it work and leave tonight!"


Seven monuments. We managed to visit seven monuments in four hours. We arrived, paid if we had to, looked around quickly, took in the culture of it all, snapped a picture, and moved to the next one. The reasoning, we had to be able to stop at the hotel again, shop, eat, be a couple, and get back to the plane.

After the monuments we went to a shopping district, stopping in stores we found interesting and, on occasion, buying a souvenir. On the way back to the hotel we stopped for dinner, using that as our couple time as well. We would go to the hotel, nail down things for Paris the next day, sleep a few hours, and get back on the plane.

"I didn't need that dress Wally. The size they had was one too big anyway," I sighed as Wally and I entered the hotel room together.

"But you were eyeing the dress. This way you can grow into it," Wally defended. I wasn't actually mad. Him buying the dress I liked for me after I had to leave it was endearing, it warmed my heart to know he picked up on my signals so easily.

"That dress will last me until I'm twenty-one," I emphasized with a laugh, "Don't get me wrong though, I love the dress, and I can't stay mad at you for buying it-"

"That dress will remind you of this trip for a long time," Wally interrupted, "If it's going to last you until you're twenty-one it'll have some memories."

I shook my head with a smile, toeing off my shoes. I grabbed my pajamas so I could change into them in the bathroom.

"I'm glad you came with me," I assured Wally, kissing him quickly, "I can't wait for Paris tomorrow, although I am in no way looking forward to another plane ride so soon."

"You'll get through it."

"I should have asked Bruce if he had barf bags because I guarantee I will throw up at some point. Best two out of three, and we have three more flights."


Eímai áptaista se pollés glósses - I speak multiple languages

Efcharistó - Thank you

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