Chapter 13: Ron's Revenge

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Shadow's plan for The Imposter had failed, but let's face it, he had a feeling that The Imposter would fail. He knew that a machine could not stop The Guardian, who had faced multiple robots and his monsters several times. The Imposter could be rebuilt stronger and better, but that was just a 'heads up' from the demon of shadows.

Richard's mind and soul belonged to him, he could send out Yeti and Claw to break him out easily. And who knows? He may even join and grab some more minions along the way.

But as of now, he was walking back to the Satellite Station to retrieve a body. He was powerful, there wasn't a doubt about that, but if he could control the undead, it wouldn't be too far fetched to think he could MAKE the undead. Thanks to looking through the mind of the formerly headless Dip, he knew there was a poor soul murdered at the hands of what was now The Guardian's chainsaw.

That poor soul's name was Ron. He was simple, designed to be like many of his fellow Blue Workers at the Satellite Station. But he helped The Guardian, who Shadow now declared his enemy. And it would be amusing to see The Guardian's scared little face as he sees an ally that he knew years ago come back from the dead to murder him.

Besides, Ron would be mindless and wouldn't disobey him. But maybe to give the blue worker a little motivation. A little revenge on the one who cut him up into pieces like minced meat.

Shadow eventually arrived and then growled when he saw a door in front of him, so he simply raised his foot and tapped the door, busting it down. "All too easy." The evil one cackled as he walked inside.

He walked around aimlessly and then grinned when he saw a body, or rather what was left of it. Its arms were chopped off, along with its head and legs. Quite the brutal death. If Shadow wanted to feel remorse, he'd almost feel bad for the being formerly known as Ron, and the trauma he caused to Dip.

Shadow cackled and picked up Ron's head and held it high as he began reciting things humans wrote before their extinction. "Alas, poor Ron. I didn't know him well."

Of course, Ron wouldn't stay this way for long, so he held the blue one's head with both his hands and then laughed as his body forcibly reattached itself thanks to his dark power, and then he attached the head. "Rise, my creation..."

Ron's undamaged eye opened and turned pitch black. He faced his new leader and bowed.

Shadow cackled. "Oh, how I enjoy that." The evil one laughed. "Stand up. I have an assignment for you."

Ron stood and then faced his master, obviously listening to him.

"You will retrieve Yeti and Claw to go to The Military Base and break out Richard. I will handle Miles and Anne, The Guardian's allies." Shadow spoke. "Do not worry about convincing them. They see what I see and I can choose to see what they see."

Ron nodded and then headed out before being stopped and thrown onto the floor by one of Shadow's dark tendrils that magically appeared from the ground. "I wasn't finished." He then summoned a black chainsaw from his fingertips and then handed it to Ron. "Go. Have fun."

Ron smirked evilly and then headed out of the Satellite Station. 

Shadow watched and grinned his glowing and evil grin. "Rest well, Guardian. I won't attack just yet. I have MORE to go and invite to my little party."

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