Chapter 21: Final Assault

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Everyone was now flying towards the military base, preparing themselves. The scientists were preparing everyone with syringes and tranquilizer guns that shoot out the cure, ones that could help infected soldiers, New Borns, and the ones Shadow was controlling, minus Shadow himself.

"So, will these work on Walten?" Tink asked. "I'm not too smart, but if Shadow is directly attached to him, he'd be infected too."

"Well, theoretically, it should weaken Shadow since he is the infection itself." The scientist told him. "I'm not sure how to break Walten out of his control, but the cure should weaken Shadow Guardian long enough for us to stop him. And if Walten is alive, maybe with Shadow weakened, he can break out."

Tink sighed in relief. He knew it was theoretical, but it was still relieving to hear something reassuring.

Miles faced the small army they still had. "Alright, we cure one solider and hack The Imposter and then fight off the army while these four take out Shadow Guardian. Is that clear?"

The soldiers saluted him. "SIR, YES SIR!"

Po just nodded, still feeling saddened by the fact she lost her friend to Shadow's bloody claws. Was this what Walten felt like when he couldn't save them years ago? She didn't like it.

Anne noticed and walked over. "Hey, how are you holding up?"

"O-Oh...Good..." Po replied.

Anne gave her a sympathetic look. "Hey, don't lie to me."

Po sighed. "I feel so guilty. I feel like I could've done more to help Walten. Maybe I could've used these spider legs to help him, or m-maybe I could've-"

"Po, look at me." Anne said. "Shadow is some kind of all powerful being to our kind, there was nothing you could do to him. Hell, me and Fiona went through weeks just to figure out what he was. You may not have been able to help him then, but you can help him now."

Po smiled a little. "Thanks."

"Anytime. I'd know he hate seeing you this way. And I know this isn't the time, but I think he likes you."

"Huh? We're friends. Of course he likes me." Po said, obviously confused.

Fiona overheard the conversation and smirked. "Y'know, like-like you."

"So...Best friends?" She asked again.

Fiona raised her arm a bit. "A little more than that."

"Super duper best friends?"

Anne shook her head. "No. More than friends."

"....Super duper ultra best friends? That's like the highest peak of friendship I know." Po said, feeling very stupid.


Then, Connor spoke up. "Alright! We'll be right back! Don't get too close to the base or one of them will see us. This is a sneak attack and ambush for a reason."

They all nodded and watched two soldiers follow Connor out of the helicopter before it flew back into the air with the others. Thankfully, it was far away from the military base so that way none of The New Borns would see and attack, but when Connor and his team did arrive nearby, the grass was dead and gray, it seeming almost impossible for them to grow back even with tons and tons of hard work.

Connor looked around, putting away his sniper rifle and taking out his katana and lowering his helmet. He looked around, trying to see if he could find any sight of one of Shadow's generals when he suddenly saw a blue tubby with a black eye and chainsaw. He and the other soldiers quickly hid behind a wall when Ron turned his head, but saw nothing.

A soldier pulled out his pistol, which had the cure loaded inside.

Connor made a hand gesture to shoot him, and then watched the soldier peek out and shoot Ron.

Ron screamed out a little, dropping his chainsaw and falling to his knees before collapsing. Connor and the others quickly rushed out, grabbing the body. "Excuse me? Sir? Are you ok?" Connor asked.

The soldiers looked at each other, wondering if this would work.

Ron coughed a little before groaning and standing. "What...What happened? Where am I?"

Connor smiled. "Hello sir, but right now isn't the time for introductions. We need your help." 

"Wait, what happened?" Ron then gasped. "Y-You guys are the military!"

Connor nodded. "Yes, and right now, it's the end of the world. We need your help."

"I-I'll try my best. But can I get an explanation?"

One of the soldiers shook his head before facing Connor. "Now we gotta find The Imposter and take him out."

Connor nodded once more and looked around before seeing The Imposter walking in front of the gate which was guarded by a mindless army of armless New Borns, with the traitorous Captain Richard who now had black eyes and a missile launcher on his shoulder leading them.

"So much for sneak attack." The other soldier commented, having the others and a confused Ron hide. "What do we do?"

"We have to make some sort of diversion and get The Imposter over here." Connor said.

Ron looked at Connor as if he were insane. "Won't those zombies come over here with him and ruin this whole sneak attack of yours? I don't mean to be rude, but that doesn't make sense."

"This whole operation to stop Armageddon doesn't make sense." Connor commented, grabbing a rock and throwing it.

It landed on The Imposter, causing him to turn around but only to see nothing. He turned to Captain Richard. "Stay here. I shall check that disturbance."

"That isn't a good idea-" Richard was interrupted almost instantly.

"You are only on Master Shadow's side because you helped him, but do not think you are in a higher rank than any of us. It is quite...illogical." The Imposter snarled in his robotic tone before walking away to go check what the noise was.

When he arrived, he was quickly stabbed through the chest by Connor's katana, causing him to fall, but he was quickly caught by the two soldiers so it wouldn't make a sound.

Connor then leaned into his two way radio. "Alright. Ron and Imposter are caught."

"Alright. Go back to where you were." Miles responded.

Connor nodded and then gestured his team to go back to the landing point, which they did arrive too and hopped back into a helicopter. Ron looked around and seemed relieved until he saw Dip and he screamed. "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

Dip tilted his head before remembering his infected day as some kind of headless monster wielding The Guardian's chainsaw. "Oh, uhh...Hi, Ron?"

Laa looked at her green friend. "You know him?"

"I may have killed him when I was a monster..." Dip said, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

Fiona went over to calm down Ron and fill him in on what was going on as the helicopters took off back into the air and started flying. Then, Miles spoke up to the four tubbies.

"Get ready. We'll try our best to clear a path." Miles said.

Po nodded. "Ok. But where do we go?"

"Trust me, when you enter the base, you'll see the room he's in." Anne said simply, also trying to reassure all four of them.

The four looked at all of each other with their black and white eyes and nodded, readying themselves for the battle ahead of them. Then, before they knew it, they heard growling and roaring, along with the firing of a missile.

Lenny panicked a little bit and quickly gave The Imposter a new power source and reprogrammed him before The Imposter powered on and got ready to fight The New Born army.

Miles grabbed his rifle. "Alright! Land!"

The helicopters, as if on cue, landed and then out came the soldiers, who started fighting the guards of the gate, shooting their weapons to try and clear a path.

Ron grabbed his chainsaw and then started slashing, figuring that's what he needed to do. All of this was so sudden, but he was slowly starting to remember all of it, and it only encouraged him to keep fighting.

Tink, Dip, Laa, and Po quickly got out and then was led by a small force of troops, who were using their weapons to clear out a path for them.

Richard growled and fired one of his missiles from his shoulder launcher, but it was shot in mid air by Anne, who began shooting him in the arms and legs just to hurt him for what he did years ago.

Fiona joined in, shooting down as many New Borns as she could, but it seemed that with everyone she shot down, more would keep coming. But she kept going, despite never being in a war before until today.

The four eventually reached the gate and Tink punched it down with his bare hands, seeming to remember he still had the strength of Tinky Tank, his old monster form. And with that, they rushed inside, dodging or outrunning any New Borns that came their way.

Laa looked around. "Where is he?!"

"In there!" Dip replied, pointing to a room that seemed to be pitch black and covered in shadows. They all nodded and then ran inside it, only to see something horrifying.

A throne was made out of robot parts, including Shadow's slave Unit 437. It seemed the demon had some kind of god complex ever since his plan was completed and Armageddon had begun.

Shadow Guardian grinned. "I knew you were going to show up. You won't stop me."

"Maybe not, but we're getting our friend back!" Tink cried, lunging at Shadow Guardian, but was scratched in the face and then swatted away by dark tendrils emerging from Shadow Guardian's body.

"YOU CAN'T DEFEAT ME, FOOLS." Shadow Guardian laughed.

Laa growled and then shot out her fire ability at Shadow Guardian while Dip spit out some kind of acid blast that he had in his lake monster form. Shadow Guardian just cackled and countered them with balls of darkness. Shadow Guardian then stood from his throne and began slashing away at Laa with his bloody claws, wanting to make sure every single attack he did hurt as much as possible. When Laa fell to her knees, he kicked her down and then teleported to Dip, swatting him to a wall with his dark tendrils. Shadow Guardian then stopped the ground, a small wave of dark mist hitting him.

Po took out the pistol that had the cure inside and aimed, ut was quickly punched in the screen and then sidekicked in the face, sending her flying and forcing her to drop the gun.

Shadow Guardian then grabbed the gun and was about to rip it in half until Tink punched him into a wall.

"Sorry Walten!" Tink called out, but was slashed by both claws and then blasted away.

"YOUR FRIEND IS NO MORE!!!" Shadow Guardian roared, his glowing grin turned into a giant frown.

Dip eventually spit out another acid blast before falling unconscious, being severely weakened. It wasn't surprising, this was his first time fighting in his correct state of mind.

Shadow Guardian hissed when the acid hit his black fur and he grabbed his arm. "STUPID MORTAL PAIN." The dark one hissed before getting slashed in the face by Po's spider legs.

Po screamed and slashed again and again, not even seeming tired. She eventually punched Shadow Guardian right in the jaw, sending him stumbling backwards. She then quickly grabbed the gun and prepared to fire, but her wrist was grabbed by a dark tendril, but that didn't stop her, and she fired.

The dart with the cure inside hit Shadow in the chest, making him roar and fall to his knees. "N-No!! WHAT IS THIS FEELING?!?!" Shadow Guardian's ooze seemed to want to get off Walten's body, before forcing itself back on. "I SHOULD'VE KILLED YOU FOUR FIRST!!! I WON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE NOW!!!!"

Po groaned a little and cut the dark tendril before charging at Shadow Guardian, about to punch him until her fist was caught by Shadow Guardian. She gasped.

Shadow Guardian growled and then twisted her arm until there was a large CRACK.

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