Chapter 7: Embracing The Shadows

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The next day was as normal as usual for The Guardian, and quite nice. Tink was playing with Dip in water and Laa was playing with her bouncy ball.

Walten was alone with Po, his basic crush. Like earlier said, he had what the Coat Men said he should never have. A crush. In other words, he felt an unexplained attraction to the red and now spider like girl.

"It's a nice day, isn't it?" Po asked suddenly, sitting next to The Guardian.

Walten smiled. "Yeah. It really is, isn't it?"

Po smiled back. "Tink was right. You're nice to talk too."

Walten shrugged. "Call it a trait of mine."

Po snorted and then began laughing an adorable giggle. "You're funny."

Sooner or later, the two began to laugh up a storm. Not caring how loud they were, or how insignificant or unnecessary it was to laugh. It made the two smile, and that was all that mattered.

Po then faced The Guardian. "Hey, I never said this, but thanks."

"Hmm? For what, Po?"

"For bringing us all back." Po said simply. "I regret doing anything I may I have done bad to you or my friends. But, even though you didn't know us in person, you did everything to bring us back. And well, that makes you a friend in my book." Po said with a kind smile.

Walten smiled widely, but kept a calm composure. "I'm glad you're even my friend. I really am. You have no idea how long I've wanted to meet you all."

"Well, now you don't have to imagine."

As Po and Walten talked, time flew by rather quickly and soon enough? It was time for sleep. After a midnight snack, The Guardian snuggled up in his bed and blankets, setting his favorite hat aside and actually falling asleep.

But then, The Guardian who named himself Walten groaned, his head pounding as if it was trying to break his skull. He looked around and then saw barely anything, the area he was in was almost pitch black, but he was the only light source, yet he wasn't glowing.

"Ok, this place is weird...Where am I anyway?" He asked himself, getting to his feet and looking around.

Wherever he was, he was walking on a black and white checkered floor and everything else was nothing but darkness.

Walten tried walking around, hoping he would find something, or at the very least bump into someone or something.

But nothing, he was lost in this area of darkness.

"How am I gonna get out of here? And why does this place look so familiar...?" Walten asked, hiding his fear.

"You have been here before." A voice spoke.

Walten went wide eyed and turned around, looking in every direction to find the owner of the voice. "Who's there?"

"I don't exactly have a name to go by...But, you can call me..." Then, a black figure with bloody fangs and claws walked up to him, his screen almost blinding to look at. It was the black creature again. "Shadow."

Walten backed up...He saw this creature in only hallucinations and nightmares, and they always terrified him. But now the black monster he and Laa feared was right in front of him. "S-Stay back!"

Shadow smiled even wider. "How cute. To think, you see me all the time and yet fear still flows through your mind and makes your body tremble. It's so...riveting."

Walten trembled a little like Shadow had said he would do, but he quickly shook it off and hid his fear, standing straight and not moving away from the monster.

"Oh, Guardian." Shadow laughed. "You didn't think Laa or your mind could keep my existence a secret, did you?"

Walten clenched his fist. "How do you know Laa!?"

"Why, I warned her of the infection, of course." Shadow spoke with an even wider and evil smile.

The Guardian's eyes went wide. "Y-You...? You're the-"

"Shadow Tubby? Yes, that's what she calls me...But I prefer to call myself: The Infection."

Walten became baffled. The Infection was an action and what was essentially the apocalypse! It wasn't a person or in this case, a monster. Unless...

"...You made him go crazy!" Walten screamed, talking about the machine that he thought started The Infection. "He saw you in his head too, and he created the-"

"I am going to stop you right there." Shadow said with a snarl. "I didn't just go in that machine's system, I infected him too."


Shadow cackled even more. "You didn't think a machine created something so great, did you?"

"You...YOU KILLED MY FRIENDS. YOU MADE TINK MURDER THEM!!!" The Guardian screamed, his body boiling with rage.

Shadow smiled even more at The Guardian's rage. "Indeed I did. After all, I caused all of their deaths in the first place..."

"YOU..." Walten shouted, and tried to punch him, but his fist was caught and then he was tossed like he was nothing.

He landed on the ground with a loud THUD, but got to his knees, growling at Shadow.

"I am glad you're here, Guardian. Because I so badly wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." Then, Shadow roared demonically at The Guardian and ran at him, his bloody claws about to strike him right in his heart.

Walten grunted and then tried pushing Shadow back, struggling to do it because of how determined this creature was.

Shadow just laughed, and then clenched his hands, his claws seeking into his hands. The Guardian held in his cries of pain and pushed Shadow back and then tried to punch him again but Shadow caught the attack and then slammed his own fist into The Guardian's screen, cracking it, which felt like a huge kick to the guts.

The Guardian fell to his knees, covering his stomach, but was then sent flying by some kind of blast of darkness.

"COME AND FACE MY DARKNESS!!!!" Shadow laughed as he teleported and then appeared behind Walten, having tendrils of darkness emerge from his body and grab him.

The Guardian ignored his wounds, and struggled to get out, but to no avail.

"Struggle all you want, you won't escape my realm..."

Walten growled. "Maybe not. But you're not getting out either, you said it yourself. You can only talk to us through our heads."

Shadow found his little threat hysterical and began laughing, but then scratched Walten in the face with his bloody claws, and then forced him to face him dead in the eye with a tendril.

"Perhaps for now...but don't worry. I'll see you in real life very, very soon..."

"W-What?" Walten said, his fear finally coming out.

"I will let you live for now, but don't think I'm sparing you. Consider it a head start in our little game of hide and seek." The demon laughed. "Farewell, Guardian."

Walten woke up with a loud gasp, sitting straight up in his bed, breathing heavily. He looked around and saw he was back in the place that was his home now and let out a sigh of relief.

"It was just a dream...Just a dream." Walten said, wishing he could believe his own words.

His loud gasp had woken Po up, and she yawned, wondering what all the noise was about until seeing Walten. "Guardian?"

"Huh?" Walten turned his head, and then saw Po and sighed in relief again. "Oh, hey. Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

"No, it's alright. Why are you awake?" She asked, walking over.

Walten stayed silent for a moment before replying. "Bad dream, I guess."

Po gave him a look of sympathy and hugged him. "Well, you should know it was just a dream." She kindly told him.

Walten felt a familiar heat rise to his face, but he hugged back. "Thanks, Po."

"You're welcome." She said with a smile.

"I guess you can go back to bed now. I won't try to wake you up this time, I promise."

"I...I think I can stay up for a bit, if you don't mind."

Walten rolled his eyes, but still smiled. "Sure, why not? Just be quiet, we don't want to wake the others up."

As a New Born that refused to be shot down began to walk, eternally undead, it felt...strange. Then, it suddenly roared in pain, and fell to its knees, then arms began to grow from inside his body.

The arms penetrated the skin and were revealed, and with the new arms, the New Born held its head, roaring in pain until it's skin began to grow a black substance. It surrounded its body at a quick rate until it was covered in it.

It roared and roared until the black substance went over it's eyes and it began to grow bloody fangs. Then, it went silent, and as the silence continued, a symbol grew on the top of his head, and then the black new born began to cackle.

Then, he got to his feet and continued to laugh.

"Finally...After all these years, I'm free..."

"Now, I have work to do..."

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