Chapter 1: The Queen of the East

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A cold night reigned over the freezing wilds of the north. Horses galloped through the dense forestry as they followed the dirt path towards their destination. Two men rode in front and two at the back with a man on a stocked carriage in front of the men at the back, one man rode behind the two men in front and behind him rode two other men. In between the men in the middle, rode the most important person within the group and that person was what all these men were protecting.

"Halt." The person in the middle, who was in fact a woman, stated in Japanese, her mother tongue, and everyone stopped as the men to her left and right held onto their swords immediately.

The man in front of her turned to look at her and her look gave him everything he needed as he turned back to look in the front.

"Whoever you are, show yourselves. There is no use in hiding when we can find you." The man stated.

It didn't take a while for bushes to rustle and sounds of leaves to be stepped on which immediately alerted the men and they grabbed he handles of their swords.

Men in common attire exited the woods and gathered in front of them, all five of them wielding swords that looked worn out and dull but that didn't deter the smirks of confidence on their faces.

"Gentlemen, can we help you with something?" The man asked.

"You're in our land." One of the bandits stated and the others chuckled "You'll have to give us payment to pass through."

"Shall we clear them out?" One of the two men in the front asked.

"No, let's give them a chance." The man replied.

"Hey! What are you saying?" One of the bandits asked.

"What's with the funny gibberish ya'll are spouting?" Another one of the bandits asked.

"Easy now, we're all friends here." The man said in a friendly manner "How about we forget about any of this and we go our separate ways."

The bandits looked at each other and most if not all let out hearty laughs as the man sighed.

"You must be the jester of this whole group because that was simply hilarious." A bandit stated in between chuckles.

"How about we take everything you have? That seems like the more viable option." Another bandit said with a smirk.

"And just for the laugh, we won't gut you all and leave the Starks to find you." Another one of the bandits stated.

"All you want are our belongings?" The man asked.

"Every single one." A bandit stated.

"The woman too." Another bandit said with a smirk as he looked her over "She looks like a mighty fine lay."

The bandit that seemed to be the head smirked "All your belongings and the woman, only then will we let you go back to whatever castle you crawled out of."

"Is there no other way for us to pass?" The woman asked, gaining their attention.

"Oh, she speaks common tongue?" The leading bandit asked as he looked to his men then the two men in front "I assumed she only spoke the gibberish these two were speaking."

"That's perfect, it means she can scream my name on my turn." One of the bandits stated with a smirk but the woman looked unfazed by their words.

"To answer your question sweetheart, no there is no other way for you to pass." Another bandit stated.

"Is that right?" The woman asked as she straightened her back with a stern face "Take them."

The two men in front hopped off their horses and approached the bandits, drawing their katana and taking up a stance.

"Do you really think two guards can take the five of us out? We were kingsmen back in the day!" The leading bandit stated as his men raised their swords.

"They're not guards," The woman informed stoically "They're soldiers."

The fight began with one of the soldiers slashing downwards and cutting right through one of the bandit's legs to which he screamed too as he knelt in pain and the soldier stabbed the katana right through his head.

The others looked on in shock as the soldier pulled out the blade while the other soldier took their shock as a distraction and slashed one of the bandits from his shoulder to his stomach, stabbed another exactly through his heart and switched his hands to hold the blade in a reverse grip and letting out a strong shout as he pulled out the sword and swung it in an arc, cutting another bandit's head off.

The leader of the bandits looked on in shock at the display of the soldiers. All four of his men were dispatched in under seconds by just two people, he had only seen this in the most skilled individuals and that realization made him realize his obvious mistake.

He dropped his sword and got on his knees with fearful eyes "Please! Please spare me! I only do this to survive, I don't deserve death! Please let me live."

One of the soldiers scoffed "Death is a blessing to you, western scum."

They both slashed at the man, cutting through him like butter and sheathing their swords in a perfect motion. The leader widened his eyes as his head slid off and blood sprayed in the air as his whole upper body was next to slide of and fall to the ground.

The soldiers walked back to their horses and got back on, looking to the front and waiting for their next command.

"Well at least we know their skills are still sharp." The man stated.

"When have they ever not been?" The woman asked in amusement.

"After so long without any actual war, I was skeptical." The man replied with a shrug.

"Quite a shame there are people like this in Westeros though, I can imagine the suffering they had brung to others." The woman said.

"A testament to your ruling, such things make me glad to have a home within our walls." The man stated and the woman smiled.

"Thank you, Kai." The woman thanked and he simply smirked at her "We aren't far from them now, we can reach them within a few days."

"I thought the winds were getting colder." The man, Kai, joked.

"May we get you a blanket, Master Kai?" One of the soldiers asked and the other soldiers chuckled besides the ones beside the woman.

Kai rolled his eyes with an amused smile along with the woman as he replied "That won't be necessary but thank you."

"Let's move." The woman commanded and the group started to move, getting closer to Winterfell.


The next day presents a very busy time as any for the people of Winterfell. Everyone works hard as usual, maintaining the supplies and stocking up for the eventuality of the arrival of winter.

An important figure of House Stark crosses the busy courtyard, greeting residents along the way, and makes her way to the most sacred area of the whole land, the Godswood.

This figure was Lady Catelyn Stark, a woman with an average height, pale skin, light brown eyes and dark brown hair. She wore a black dress with layers of garments, brown boots and a fur coat over her to protect from the cold.

Catelyn spots her husband in front of the Godswood tree, a large white tree with red leaves and a facial carving embedded on it, and he seemed to be deep in thought.

He was a well-respected man with a heart of gold, adorning Caucasian skin, brown eyes, shoulder-length brown hair and a well-trimmed beard. He wore a brown leather tunic, black pants and brown boots with a fur coat over him to protect from the cold. This was Lord Eddard Stark, Ned for short, the head of House Stark.

"All these years and I still feel like an outsider when I come here." Catelyn expressed as she made her way over to him.

"You have five northern children. You're not an outsider." Ned stated.

"I wonder if the old gods agree." Catelyn pondered.

"It's your gods with all the rules." Ned said in frustration.

"I am so sorry, my love." Catelyn apologized sincerely.

"Tell me." Ned stated, knowing she had news to bear.

"There was a raven from Kings Landing. Jon Arryn is dead. A fever took him. I know he was like a father to you." Catelyn said sadly.

"Your sister. The boy..." Ned enquired.

"They both have their health. Gods be good." Catelyn said but paused from Ned's look and chose to relay more information "The raven brought more news. The king rides for Winterfell. With the queen and all the rest of them."

"He's coming this far North, there's only one thing he's after." Ned stated.

"You can always say no, Ned." Catelyn said, knowing what he meant but that did nothing to ease Ned's inner conflict.


Later on, within the Winterfell great hall, Catelyn is helped by a few servers as well as the resident Maester in preparation for a great banquet.

He was an older gentleman with receding white hair and pale skin. He wore long grey robes, brown sandals and a long rusted chain of rings that hung all the way down to his stomach. This was the Maester of Winterfell, Maester Luwin.

"We need plenty of candles for Lord Tyrion's chamber. I'm told he reads all night." Catelyn ordered.

"I'm told he drinks all night." Luwin retorts.

"How much could he possibly drink?" Catelyn asked in amusement "A man of his... stature."

"We've brought up eight barrels of ale from the cellar. Perhaps we'll find out." Luwin replies in equal amusements.

"In any case," Catelyn said, crossing something off her list "Candles."


Meanwhile, within a clustered up house, three important young men sit as they get barbered for the arrival of their visitors.

With long curly black hair, black eyes and Caucasian skin. Wearing no shirt, showcasing his muscular build, black leather pants and black boots. This was Jon Snow, the bastard of Ned Stark and what could be described as the black sheep of the Starks.

The next young man had curly hair but it was dark brown, rather than black, blue eyes and Caucasian skin. He was also shirtless with a muscular build, wearing brown leather pants and black boots. This was first born to Ned and Catelyn Stark, Robb Stark.

The last young man was a special case since he had no relation at all to the Starks but was housed within their walls. He had pale skin, wavy dark brown hair, piercing blue eyes and he was shirtless with a less muscular build to the two with light brown pants and brown boots. This was follower and friend of Robb Stark, Theon Greyjoy.

"Why's your mother so dead-set on us getting pretty for the king?" Jon asked in irritation.

"It's for the queen, I bet. I hear she's sleek as a mink?" Theon expressed jokingly.

"I hear the prince is a right royal prick." Robb said.

"Think of all those southern girls he gets to stab with his right royal prick." Theon joked but then Robb held onto his shoulder and forcefully brought him down on the chair.

"Go on, Tommy, shave him good. He's never met a girl he likes better than his own hair." Robb stated with a smile as Jon laughed whereas Theon looked worried.


Within a few days, the royal procession of King's Landing approaches Winterfell. A young boy sees them from his perch high atop a castle wall and clambers nimbly down to tell everyone.

He was a short boy with pale skin, brown eyes and brown hair. He wore leather clothing with black pants and brown boots. This was the second youngest of the Starks, an energetic boy with a strong will, Brandon Stark, but he liked to go by Bran.

Catelyn and Luwin walk to the courtyard, passing Bran's wolf pup in the process.

"Gods, but they grow fast." Catelyn comments, looking at the pup but then spots Bran on the wall "Brandon!"

"I saw the king! He's got hundreds of people!" Bran says excitedly as he climbs down.

"How many times have I told you: No climbing!" Catelyn scolds.

"But he's coming right now! Down our road!" Bran urges.

"I want you to promise me: No more climbing." Catelyn chides, dismissing his words.

Bran is saddened by this and looks down as he replies "I promise."

"D'you know what?" Catelyn asks in amusement.

"What?" Bran asks, looking up at her.

"You always look at your feet before you lie." Catelyn teases "Run and find your father. Tell him the king is close."

Bran runs off, followed by his wolf pup as Catelyn and Luwin chuckle as they watch him go.


Not too long, the arrival of the king is at hand. Residents of Winterfell gather in a long row for the grand entry of the king's horses and men. A young girl, wearing a helm and cloak, pushes her way into a tall wagon for a better look. In rides a snide looking young man, followed by a dangerous looking armored man.

Catelyn approaches her eldest daughter in hopes of knowing the whereabouts of her youngest.

She was a tall girl who was quite a beauty within Winterfell. She had pale skin, brownish red hair and light blue eyes. She wore a pink dress and brown boots with a black fur coat to protect herself from the cold. This was shy young damsel, Sansa Stark.

"Where's Arya? Sansa, where's your sister?" Catelyn asked and Sansa shrugged, not really caring on what exploits her annoying sister was up to.

More riders of the king with banners enter the walls. The helm wearing girl scoots past her Catelyn and Ned to get in the receiving line but Ned catches her before she could pass.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. What are you doing with that on?" Ned asks pulling the helm off her and ushering her in the receiving line.

She was a young girl pale skin, long brown hair and piercing green eyes. She wore a green dress and brown boots with a fur coat as well to protect herself from the cold. This was the tomboyish daughter of the Starks, Arya Stark.

"Move!" Arya shouts as she shoves Bran out of the way and stands by him.

The snide young man that had entered before was short and thin with pale skin, piercing blue eyes and short orange hair. He wore red leather clothing with detailed designs, silk black pants, a dark red cape and newly shined brown leather boots. This was the entitled heir to the throne, Joffrey Baratheon.

The dangerous looking man that followed him was big but not very appealing to the eye. He had long disheveled brown hair with a dark brown beard, Caucasian skin, black eyes and a burn scar on the right side of his face. He wore black armor that looked dirty and not well kept, brown boots and a sword by his side. This was Sandor Clegane but he was most commonly known as The Hound.

Joffrey rides up in front of the Starks and smirks as Sansa smiles at him though Robb glares at Joffrey as The Hound pulls up his helm. The coach carrying lumbers in and out comes the queen, followed by the king.

The queen was a beautiful woman with long braided red hair, peach skin and dark green eyes. She wore a red and yellow dress with red silk cape and brown boots. This was the conniving and dangerous queen of King's Landing, Cersei Lannister.

The king was a large stout man with long brown hair, matching his grizzly beard, Caucasian skin and black eyes. He wore brown leather clothing embroiled with colors of yellow, dark brown leather pants and brown boots along with an obnoxiously big golden crown. This was the current ruler of Westeros, Robert Baratheon.

All kneel before their presence as Robert heaves himself off his horse. Ned looks shocked at the sight of his old friend, now fat and red-faced. Robert signals for all to rise and looks at Ned who matched his gaze.

"Your Grace." Ned greets.

"You've got fat." Robert comments, looking him over.

Ned gives Robert a "What about you?" look as the others look on in slight worry, that is until they both start laughing.

Robert stops laughing as he turns to look at Catelyn "Cat!"

"Your Grace." Catelyn greets with a smile.

"Nine years. Why haven't I seen you? Where the hell have you been?" Robert asks Ned.

"Guarding the North for you, Your Grace. Winterfell is yours." Ned replies.

"Where's the Imp?" Arya asks.

"Will you shut up?" Sansa remarks as she looks down at her.

"Who have we here?" Robert asks as he walks over to Robb "You must be Robb."

Robb nods proudly as Robert nods as well and moves over to Sansa "My, you're a pretty one."

Sansa smiles as Robert looks down to Arya "Your name is?"

"Arya." She replies and Robert nods, looking at Bran.

"Ooh. Show us your muscles." Robert teases and Bran flexes as Robert chuckles "You'll be a soldier."

A knight removes his helm to reveal a handsome man with short blonde hair, brown eyes and Caucasian skin. He wore the standard armor of the knights from King's Landing along with a sword strapped to his hip. This was the twin brother to Cersei, Jaime Lannister.

"That's Jaime Lannister. The queen's twin brother." Arya whispered to Sansa.

"Would you please shut up." Sansa said in annoyance.

Cersei approaches Ned and Catelyn, standing beside Robert.

"My queen." Ned greets along with Catelyn.

"Take me to your crypt. I want to pay my respects." Robert orders.

"We've been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait." Cersei tries to convince.

Robert opts to ignore her and looks to his friend expectantly "Ned."

"Lord Stark! Lord Stark!" A guard shouts as he runs to them, bowing respectfully to Robert as he looks at Ned "My lord, we have a group of unknowns approaching."

"Unknowns?" Robert asks.

"Is this an attack?" Ned asks.

"We don't know sire." The guard replies.

Suddenly horses neigh as the soldiers enter through the gates, surprising everyone as they ride around the king's company, looking at everyone.

"What is this?" Robert asks but Ned was just as lost as he was.

"Who are they?" Robb asks.

"Knights of some kind." Jon says from behind him.

"No knights I've ever seen." Robb retorts as he looks over the soldier's attire.

They were heavily armored with colors of red and white along their armor and golden talismans spread along the armor as well and under the armor were black clothing that looked padded. They wore intimidating masks along with helms with golden dragon designs atop them and on their sides rested their katanas.

The king's guards drew their swords and one of the unknown soldiers let out a laugh as their whole group made their way through the gates.

"Children get inside! This has become very dangerous-" Catelyn was ordering but Ned stopped her.

"Wait!" Ned stated as he looked on in shock at who he sees and he smiles in amazement "Withdraw your weapons, we are among friends."

"Friends?" Cersei asked, thinking the man had gone mad.

"Robert, surely you can recognize her." Ned urged as he pointed to the woman within the group.

Robert looked at her and widened his eyes "By the gods..."

The woman smiled as she got off her horse and approached them as the two guards beside her followed very closely, hands staying on their blades. Everyone widened their eyes and looked on in utter shock and amazement at the gorgeous woman in front of them.

She was short in stature with tanned skin, long black hair that was tied in a braid and black eyes. She wore a royal armor that consisted of black, yellow and red colors with exquisite designs adoring the whole armor, black leather pants with black boots and a white katana strapped to her side. This was the beautiful and powerful woman that reigned over millions that many within her kingdom and outside referred to as The Queen of the East, but her actual name was Amaterasu Tatsugami.

The two guards beside her were very intimidating in presence and stature, towering over all the men around them, even The Hound, and heavily armored to the tee with black Oni masks covering their faces and their eyes were just white and blank as two katana were strapped to their side.

"It is good to see you after so long, Eddard." Amaterasu stated with a smile that charmed almost all.

Ned was at the brink of tears from how happy he was to see her, their friendship ran deep and anyone was bound to get emotional after so many years. He got down and knelt in respect, shocking almost everyone there.

"You may rise." Amaterasu stated and Ned stood up.

"I've missed you, Amaterasu." Ned stated which warmed the woman's heart.

"So you're alive, you little minx." Robert stated with a laugh "You sure do know how to hide."

Amaterasu looked at Robert with a look of confusion "I'm sorry but who are you?"

Robert guffawed at that as some like Arya, Bran and Jon smirked at that but Cersei did so anyway along with Jaime, even Sansa had to contain herself from laughing.

"It's me! Robert!" Robert stated but Amaterasu still had a look of confusion "Robert Baratheon! King of Westeros!"

Amaterasu widened her eyes "The boisterous Baratheon? You've been crowned king?"

"Yes! That Robert!" Robert stated with an awkward laugh.

"Well good on you Robert, your dream to be king has come true." Amaterasu commended which made Robert smile happily but she held in a laugh as she looked at his large belly "The life of a king has been treating you well, I see."

Ned laughed as Robert waved her off with an embarrassed chuckle. Some others like Catelyn and Cersei were still wondering who this woman was and how she was so close to her husband and the king.

"Ah, I believe introductions are in order." Ned stated as he noticed the confused looks.

"I'll be handling that one, thank you." Kai stated as he got off his horse and approached them.

"Holy tits! Is that Kai?" Robert asked in surprise.

"Indeed it is, looks like we've both let age get ahold of us, eh Robert?" Kai asked with a smirk and Robert laughed.

You see, Kai was what you would call a pretty boy at a younger age but over time, his looks remained but he started to look even more like a man as he grew. With long slicked back black hair, black eyes, peach skin and a black beard along with a muscular build. He wore dark blue samurai robes along with a black robe over his attire for warmth. This was the hand to the Queen of the East, Kai.

"People of Westeros and others," Kai spoke as he briefly looked at the Lannisters "My name is Kai and it humbles me to introduce to you what many of you may think as a legend, a myth but to us, she is our leader and friend. Please do not be alarmed for in front of you stands, The Queen of the East."

Almost everyone gasped in shock with stunned faces as they looked towards Amaterasu who smiled kindly at them. The myth told around Westeros was living and breathing, not just that, she was right in front of them. What many believed to be a children's tale now stood before them and the descriptions of her held a lot of truth. Like stories told, she was beautiful without a doubt and a warrior's spirit was radiating off her along with an air of radiance accompanied her.

Sansa was the first to fall to her knees as she bowed and many followed in her stead, Lannister's and king's guard still looking on in shock.

"Don't just stand there, show some respect!" Robert ordered as he faced his company.

Slowly but surely, the king's guard bowed and soon enough the Lannisters reluctantly followed. Amaterasu's men bowed respectfully as well as she stood there flattered by the display everyone showed.

The Queen of the East had arrived to Westeros and her mere presence is already starting to have an effect, only time will tell now on what might happen in the future.

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