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I spent half my life underground. Carved into the earth, our tunnels were far from the luxurious castle in the shifter's village. Our quarters were nothing to boast—cramped, void of personality, and dark. But these tunnels make me miss the place I grew up.

The rungs of the ladder are slippery, making it difficult to clamber down. As the hole of light above me is covered, I'm enveloped in darkness. I don't even realise I've reached the bottom till my feet land on the earth, not another ladder rung. I shudder, breathing through my mouth and wiping my greasy hands on my shirt as I turn.

The stagnant air is thick with moisture, hard to breathe. I can't see more than a few feet ahead of me. The sound of water dripping echoes around me. It sounds close; but I know from my tunnels that the narrow walkways play tricks on your mind, making things seems closer than they appear. I take a shaky breath and reach a hand out, fumbling for the wall. I use it as a guide as I tread forwards, my feet pattering against the stone floor. After a few minutes, my eyes have somewhat adjusted to the darkness and I can make out more of the path.

The tunnel winds beneath the earth in a zig-zagged shape. In my mind, I try to envision the layout of the castle above, picturing where the the prisons rest in relation to the training centre I came from. But I've only been to the prisons twice—once when Flo was being held there. And the second time a few weeks after we got back and Cassia threw a hollower in there. Since then, I avoided them like the plague, and not just because they're unpleasant to be in. I could hear Flo in the prisons, her cries absorbed into the walls and played like a bird song. I could see her on her knees in the cell, begging for forgiveness. I could hear the words I spoke to her in the forest just hours before she saved my life. I wish you were dead. Elias was right when he said the dead never leave us.

The passageway winds around the corner, twisting uphill. I keep expecting to run into a hollower, but unless they already knew about these tunnels, there's no way they'd be down here. It doesn't keep the paranoia from swirling around my head. My mind races as I trace along the wall. I have to find Aliyah and Bastian, but what do I do then? I could break them out and take them down here, but then what?

Sweat beads at the back of my neck and I pick up speed. I need a plan, but I'm running out of time. Cynthia will be back in the morning. I have to be out of there by then, and I can't exactly take Aaliyah with me—she's the kind of person whose absence would be noted.

The tunnel comes to an abrupt stop. I almost walk straight into the wall, caught in my thoughts. A ladder leads up into the sky. I peer up, trying to gauge how far it goes, but it's impossible to tell in the darkness. I start to climb, gripping the rungs tightly as I get higher. Don't look down. The mantra plays over and over in my head. I've never been a fan of heights, but not being able to see the ground somehow makes it more terrifying. I keep one hand above my head, feeling for the roof to avoid hitting it. My fingers come in contact with hard metal. I pause, looking up. The top is circular, the same kind of drainage hole lid I went down in the training room.

I pause before pushing it open, cursing myself for not asking Harrison where exactly it led to in the prisons. If it opens in plain sight and there are guards down there, I'm as good as dead. I think over it for a few moments, coming to the decision that I'll take my chances.

The metal plate makes a grinding sound as I push it open. I cringe, gritting my teeth together and push it slower, a circle of light opening above me. My heart hammers against my ribcage as I wait a few seconds, waiting for somebody to appear and rip me from the tunnel, or worse, push me down. But nothing happens. I push it open the whole way. It clatters to the floor a few feet away, echoing through the tunnel.

Placing my elbows on the ground above, I hoist myself through the hole, dust and grime rubbing against my body. I peer around, brushing the dust from my arms. I'm in a small box-sized room with no windows, simply a door on the far wall with a slither of light peeking through the gap. Damp stone surrounds me and a thick musk hangs in the air. On the wall closest to me are silver chains attached to the walls. I've never been in here before, it's a room at the end of the prison cells, away from all the others. The door is usually bolted shut. I creep towards it, peering through the small hole in the wood into the next hall where the prison cells lie.

The hall is dark, but there doesn't appear to be any movement. I can't see into the cells lining the walls but there's no one standing guard. I hold my breath and push it open.

The door creaks, interrupting the deathly silent dingy room. I take a step forward, heart hammering as I peer into the first cell. A body lies slumped on the ground, their hair covering their face. I step closer, narrowing my eyes. I don't recognise them, but it doesn't keep the nausea from rising.

I keep walking, right to the end. Some of the cells are filled with multiple people, most unconscious like the first. The ones who are conscious stare at me with blurry gazes, following my movements. But from their lack of reaction I'm not sure they truly see me. I swallow, unease swirling in my stomach.

I reach the end cell. A body lies flopped across the floor, seemingly lifeless. His brown hair is longer, head flopped so his features are visible. My breath catches in my throat. Bastian's once stocky body is deathly thin, flopped across the grimy floor. I kneel down, eyes blurring with tears and try to reach him, but the metal bars keep me from touching him.

"Bastian?" He doesn't move when I call his name. I shove my hand further through, my shoulder blade aching in protest, but all I manage is to scrape the back of his shirt. His body shifts but he doesn't make a noise. I let out a sigh of relief. He's alive. For now.


I spin around. Opposite Bastian's cell someone is pressed against the prison bars. I narrow my eyes, making out her dark features.

"Oh my gosh, Aaliyah." I rush to her, grabbing her hand. Her grip is weak. She resembles nothing like the woman we left behind to lead. Her arms are thin and her skin is a sickly grey.

"A-re you real?" she murmurs.

"I'm here." She looks like she doesn't believe me, like I'm a figment of her imagination. I shudder. "I-is Bastian alive?"

She nods. "Hollowed." Her eyes go blurry for a moment before coming back into focus, as if seeing me for the first time. "You shouldn't be here."

"They don't know." I shuffle closer, lowering my voice. "I snuck in with Elias. The others are waiting outside to—"

"No," she sways slightly, seeming to lose consciousness for a brief moment.

"Aliyah!" I grab her arms to keep her upright, but the bars keep me from supporting her too much and she stumbles to her knees.

"L-leave, take Elias and leave," she begs. "It's... a... S-she wants him and—" she coughs, leans her head against the bars, falling silent.

"Aaliyah?" Her eyes fall shut and he breathing is shallow. I try to reach her through the bars but she fell a few inches too far. "Aaliyah."

But it's too late, she's fallen unconscious. I panic, trying to unlock the doors but just end up jangling them instead. They've been locked with a key, and even if I had the key, breaking her out would be too suspicious. I tug at my hair in frustration.

If only I could reach through, help her. We need to know more of Cynthia's plan, we need to know what she's doing tomorrow morning, why she needs everybody ready. But before I can say anything else, voices carry through the hall. They're coming from the hallway to the main entrance. The guards. My heart rate picks up as I search around for somewhere to hide. The hall is barren aside from the cells, my only hope is behind the door. I duck behind it just as it swing open, hitting my nose.

"Back already? We were supposed to have till sunrise!" The voice says. To my relief, they don't shut the door behind them.

"Yeah well you know how she is," one chuckles. "Cynthia gets what she wants."

My blood runs cold as they walk down the hall, to the end of the cells. Cynthia's back already? It can't be morning yet and I'm stuck in the prisons cells. My only way out is through the entrance they just came through. I peer around the door. They're walking towards Aaliyah's cell, unlocking it. Their backs are turned to me. Part of me wants to run at them, hit them with my dagger, but I have no idea if they're immortal or not, and others could come down if they hear the commotion. From what Aaliyah said, they're just hollowing them here. I have to get out, back to the others, so we can help them But first, I have to get out.

I take my chances and start to run, sprinting from where the guards just emerged towards the castle foyer. My steps pound against the floor, echoing loudly but I don't stop until I reach the entrance to the foyer, ducking behind the jutted out door. Only two men guard the castle doors, leaving this hall empty and the staircase clear. They stand stoically as I peer around the corner, heart pounding. Their eyes rest on the far wall, bored as they chatter mindlessly to one another.

I stare at the staircase. It's my only means of escape, but while they're not looking at it right now, one sound and I'll draw both of their attention. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to think of a way to create a diversion that will give me enough time to duck through unnoticed.

Voices carry through the hall, coming back from the tunnel. Adrenaline flood through my veins. My only chance is to run.




I shoot off towards the staircase, sticking to the stones covered in rug. I don't dare look at either of the guards, I don't need to; if they see me, they won't let me escape. The voices grow closer, I jump the last few steps, rolling across the ground to break my fall, and press myself against the bannister. The voices filter into the foyer and the guards start chatting amongst one another, four voices instead of two.

I breathe a sigh of relief. They didn't hear me.

Crawling up the staircase, I stick to my hands and knees, holding my breath as if they could hear my pants. I reach the top, waiting till I'm safely in the hall before standing to my own two feet. My breath is ragged as I stare down the winding hall, a thrill rising inside of me. I did it.

I start down the hall, back the Elias' office where I last saw him. But before I can take more than two steps, a hand wraps around my arm and yanks me backwards. My heart drops to my stomach as I twist, reaching for the dagger in my boot. I'm too slow, my other wrist is restrained too. I stare up, terror clawing at my throat as our eyes meet.

The hollower staring down at me glares, familiarity flickering in her green eyes. "Hello, Milena."

Flo's mum. 


sorry for the delay! I was out sick last week. turns out I have a severe allergy to latex which I discovered after blowing up over 100 balloons for a birthday party. Never again. I'm on the mend now!


1. Am I the only one super proud of Milena for doing this all by herself? I feel like a proud parent

2. What do you think Elias has been doing this whole time?

3. How do you think Milena will get out of this situation?

ahhhh look how beautiful she is guys!!!! for those of you who have preordered the book, I can't wait for you to hold it in your hands <3 

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