Chapter 1

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Izumi's pov.

"Good morning, imouto." I glanced up to see my twin smiling down at me, already in his anbu uniform.

"Onii-san." I greeted, my bangs as always falling into my eyes. I brushed them back and exited my room.

"So your meeting with them today?" I nodded. "I heard from father that it will only be temporary."

"Only until my Ninjutsu is suitable for Fugaku-sama's taste." I answered quietly. I have a small voice.

"I see." I took Shisui's outstretched hand in my own and we began to walk into the dining room. "I'm going on a mission with Itachi today."

"How long?" Mother interrupted as we sat down in our places at the table.

"Three days at most. Its just a retrieval." Shisui answered, smiling at me.

"Izumi when are you meeting with the new team?" I watched as mother set a plate of food down in front of me, as well as a cup of tea.

"At ten. Outside the Hokage tower." I took a breath before picking up my tea and sipping at the warm liquid.

"Its already 9. Hurry up, dear. Don't want to be late." Mother smiled as father entered the room and took his place at the head of the table. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Father answered, kissing mothers cheek and smiling as she blushed. Our parents aren't really like other Uchiha. They show emotion. Like Itachi's mother, Mikoto-sama. A kind woman.

"Good morning, father." Shisui greeted father, who smirked the famous Uchiha smirk.


"Hurry Izumi, your going to be late." Mother scolded. I nodded and finished breakfast before kissing father on the cheek, slipping on my shoes and dashing out of the house and through the compound.

"Hey Izumi!" I heard a little voice call as I ran. I skidded to a stop, barely missing the small Sasuke who stood in the center of the walk way. "Izu!" He laughed, waving his arms.

"Sasuke!" I poked the poor boys forehead and then skipped around him. "Sorry Sasuke I've got to go! I'll play with you later!" I waved my hand and let my feet start running again, taking me out of the compound and through the streets of Konoha.

Auntie had waved goodbye since her house is directly in front. She's a nice lady. I love her. Especially her sweets she bakes. Yup. She's a master cook/chef.

My feet skidded to a stop in front of the Hokage tower, dirt lifting and making a cloud. There was coughing and yelling from one specific person.

My older cousin. Obito. He's 14. And an Uchiha and hasn't gotten his sharingan. He doesn't act like an Uchiha.

"Izumi!" Obito yelled.

"Wow..on time for once.." I smirked the Uchiha smirk at Obito who glared. "Where's Minato?" I took look around only noticing three Genin. A brown haired girl with purple ractangles on her cheeks and a silver haired boy with onyx eyes and a mask covering his mouth and nose.

"He's speaking to the Hokage." The girl answered. Obito smiled at her."I'm Rin."

"I'm Izumi Uchiha." I dropped all emotion.

"An Uchiha? Like Obito?" I nodded.

"Izu is my cousin!" Obito wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close while doing a peace sign.

"Oh.." Rin lost her grin. But soon replaced it with a small smile as she turned to the other boy. "Kakashi won't you introduce yourself?"

I could see what was up with her. She had a crush on silver head while Obito had a crush on her. Wow.

"No need, Kakashi Hatake." I said monotonously. Obito just stared at me.

"Your so smart Izu!" I glanced at the boy and sighed.

"Good morning." A new voice chimed in.

"Good morning, Minato." My eyes landed on the tall blonde. In all honesty he really is attractive. I see one of the reasons Kushina, his wife stays with him. That and he's a good man. He used to train me when I was little.

"Ah, Izumi. The Hokage told me you'll be joining us for awhile." I nodded.

"Under request of Fugaku-sama." I sighed. Minato nodded.

"He said you needed work with your Ninjutsu. Well work on it. But today we have a few missions. Just D-Rank, so after were finished well see what we need work on." Minato smiled, and put his hand on my head.

"Alright." I nodded.

"Alright. We start out with.."

After Missions


"Ready?" Minato asked getting into a fighting stance.

"Always. Sharingan!" I activated my sharingan.

"So you finally got it huh?" Minato smirked as he lunged at me, but I seen it coming and dodged.

"Fire style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" I made hand signs as I spoke and blew fire out of my mouth, at the blonde man.

"Hm.. You've gotten good at that one. Now avoid this! Water Style: Great Serpent!" A giant water snake formed from water and out es my fire.

I took a breath and made hand signs. "Lightning Style: Stream!" Lightning covered my hand and I streamed it into the water which was still connected to Minato. He stared wide eyed and quickly jumped out of the water, trying nt to get electrocuted.

"That's good!" He called. "I think that's enough for today." I fell to my knees, panting. My lightning jutsu takes up a lot of chakra.

"I'm.. ok.."

"Let's go home." Obito put my right arm around his shoulders and pulled me to my feet.

"Be careful and get some rest." Minato smiled before poofing away.

"You look horrible." Obito commented as he sort of.. dragged me home.

"Shut up Uchiha." I glared at him.

"Fine. Uchiha." He retorted.

When we reached my house, Itachi and Shisui were waiting for me outside.

"Hey Izu are you okay?!" Shisui scooped me up bridal style, "What happened?"

"Just lost some chakra.." I sighed. "What's going on?"

"We don't leave for the mission until tomorrow... So we thought wed take you and Sasuke to get some dango." Shisui grinned.

"Let's go!" I jumped from Shisui's arms and grabbed an unsuspecting Sasuke, and dashing to the dango shop with the other two boys trying to catch up.

"Haha!" I laughed as me and Sasuke sat down in a booth.

Shisui and Itachi caught up and were exhausted by the time the reached us.

"Hi!" Sasuke grinned, his adorable grin.

We ended up talking about my new team, and how Kakashi was.. ugh. I don't know how much sanity I'll keep after being with this team.

I don't own Naruto!

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