Chapter 13

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~The three days later~

Izumi's pov.

I let out a breath as we finished our morning exercise. Its freezing and I can't stop shivering. Seriously. Everyone else is fine. But me? Its like I'm a popsicle now. Everyone but Kakashi and I left to go do their own thing.

Anyway, Misaki, Aniki's mom, dropped the child off with me early this morning so she could get run some errands. He's now being a warm little bundle of energy that won't stop glaring at Kakashi.

Yes. Glaring.

When he got here, he started yelling at said alien about stealing me away from him. It was honestly adorable. Especially when Aniki got up in Kaka-bakas face and narrowed his eyes.

Don't ask me how Aniki got up there. I think he climbed. Weird....

"Zu-Zu is mine! Stay away scarecrow!" Aniki yelled. Kakashi's eye twitched. Probably in annoyance. But you can't stay mad at Aniki! He's so kawaii~!

I keep my facial expression passive as I fan girl on the inside. Kakashi moved his arm under the four years old, preventing him from falling. "That's enough, Aniki." I interrupted, smiling at the child as I ruffled his hair with my free hand.

"Zu-Zu can I play?" I nodded and watched as Kakashi carefully set Aniki on the ground, also watching as the child started running around in random circles.

"He's going to be at it for awhile." I muttered, tugging on Kakashi's hand as I lead him to the lone swing. I was big enough for both of us and I sat down on it. Kakashi just stared at me with some strange emotion in his eyes, before he sat beside me.

But my inner child wanted to swing. So I did what any rational person would do when their right hand is bound to someone. I lifted my right arm over my head, sandwiching myself with Kakashi's arm behind my back and my right arm stretched around my front.

"What are you doing?" The alien asked, watching as I put the rope in between our bound hands and intertwined our fingers so we had a good grip.

"I wanna swing." I looked back over my shoulder at the alien.

Big mistake.

His face was so close to mine, his chin resting on my shoulder. My tongue unconsciously flitted over my lower lip, and his dark eyes watched the movement. My cheeks flushed and found myself leaning in just as Kakashi did, my eyes half closed, my heart speeding in my chest.

"GET AWAY FROM MY ZU-ZU!" We both jumped back, startled as Aniki jumped into our laps. Aniki slapped his hand over Kakashi's mouth, pursing his little lips as his eyes narrowed. "Zu-Zu is mine. Not yours." Aniki turned to me, surprising me by planting a kiss on my lips. "See? Zu-Zu is marked territory." Aniki nodded in triumph.

My eyes were wide as I watched Aniki jump down, figuring he had made his point and ran off to play.

"What?" Kakashi muttered. "The hell just happened?" I shrugged, very aware of how close the alien is to me. Suddenly my feet were off the ground and we were swinging through the air. Both my hands clutched the rope each time as we descended.

"K-Kakashi!" I squealed as we went back again. My hand that was bound with his was most likely squeezing the life out of his.

"Don't worry. I wont let you fall." His voice was a bit teasing. I glanced over at him, to see his eyes glinting in amusement. "Are you scared?" I shook my head. "Good " He began swinging us higher and higher. 

I could see Aniki staring at us with awe clear on his little face. He just sat in the grass watching us. It was then that Kakashi suddenly yelled, "Jump!" And flung us from the swing and sending us falling to the ground before we tumbled down the hill.

When we stopped I was laughing, my head laying on his chest, my ear over his heart, and my free arm flung around his waist. I couldn't stop my laughter, no matter how much I tried.

"Zu-Zu! Are you ok?!" Aniki dropped down beside me, placing his tiny hand on my head.

"I'm - ahah - just fine -haha-" I breathed out between my laughter. I felt Kakashi's chest move and rumble with the sound out his own chuckle. I sighed as I calmed down, my fingers lightly squeezing Kakashi's as my thumb ran over his skin.

"Scarecrow has to be careful with Zu-Zu! She's a princess!" I blinked and glanced up at Kakashi. I didn't even bother moving off of him, seeing as he really is comfy. "She's fra-jel." Aniki tried to pronounce. "And since the scarecrow is tied to princess, its his job to take care of her!"

"Aniki, I'm fine." I rolled my eyes at the child. Aniki shook his head, and plopped himself down beside us.

"No! Scarecrow has to appolo... appologise." Aniki announced, crossing his arms over his chest. "He has to fix ALL Zu-Zu's booboos with a kiss!" I blinked. Didn't he hate it when Kakashi even looked at me?!

I sat up a little, staring at the child, my hair falling around Kakashi and I as I did so. "But Aniki-" The child cut me off my forcing Kakashi to sit up, making the distance between us lessen. I felt my cheeks heat up.

Aniki said nothing as he tore Kakashi's mask down, and placed a hand at the back of both of our heads. "NOW KISS!" with that he pushed us together, carefully, but surprisingly harsh enough that we had no choice unless we hurt him.

My eyes widened and my cheeks flamed when Kakashi's bare lips crushed mine. His also widened, obviously not expecting it.

But then his eyes closed, his bound hand tightened on mine, and his free hand rose, cupping my cheek. I felt my heart racing in my chest as my own eyes fell closed. I felt his thumb trace my cheek as he pulled away. My eyes opened to an adorable view. Kakashi's cheeks were flushed, his eyes half lidded, and sparkling with an unknown emotion in them.

His thumb trailed down to my lips before tracing my lower lip. Slowly, ever so slowly, he leaned back in, allowing my the chance to push him off and figure out a way to run away.

But you know what? I didn't. I want him to kiss me again.

And then I thought. Ah hell, screw clan traditions! I used my free hand to cup the back of his neck and pull him down, slamming his lips on mine. And to be honest, I love the feeling. His lips are so soft.

I could faintly hear Aniki scolding himself on how, 'this didn't go as planned'. Or something along those lines. I could really care less though.

My mind is more focused on the soft, wet tongue gliding over my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I sighed into the kiss and denied, pulling away reluctantly.

I took a deep breath and bit my lip, well aware that Kakashi was watching the small movement. Tearing my eyes away from his, I looked toward Aniki who was stomping his feet as well as kicking things and throwing them.

"A-Aniki?" I called quietly, shivering when a hand began running through my loose hair. "Honey, come here." The boy sauntered over to me, a large frown on his face. I shifted in Kakashi's arms, settling myself between his legs, my back to his front and my right arm around my own waist.

"Zu-Zu cheated on me." I blinked. "With a stupid scarecrow!" He cried. I lifted my right arm and opened my left, allowing the child to dive into my arms.

Kakashi sighed behind me, his fingers tracing a pattern along my neck.

"Aniki, you shouldn't be so mean." I sighed, running my fingers through the child's brown hair, trying to focus on calming him. But a certain someone was distracting me. "Alien, quit it." I whispered. Kakashi raised an eyebrow when I peeked at him over my shoulder. Rolling my eyes, I glanced down at Aniki, hearing his even breathing.

"He's asleep." I muttered, leaning back against Kakashi, involuntarily, might I add, as I breathed a sigh of relief. "He really fell asleep."

"Now we can talk." I frowned as Kakashi spoke.

Waving him off, I yawned. "Talk later, stupid alien baka is comfy." I whispered as I closed my eyes, feeling his other arm wind around my waist.

"I'm not an alien." He protested. I giggled, reaching up and poking his hair with my eyes closed.

"Then why is your hair defying gravity, ne, alien?" I asked, my eyes opening and a smile gracing my lips. Kakashi rolled his eyes, a small smirk adorning his beautiful features. "No answer? I've proved my point." I chuckled, gasping when he suddenly laid back. I fell to his right side, and Aniki was snuggled between us. Pulling up his mask, Kakashi tightened his hold around my waist as our legs tangled together.

"Fine. We'll talk later." I snuggled into the alien and sighed, feeling his now masked lips gently press a kiss to my forehead.

Well... today was rather eventful... wasn't it...

I don't own Naruto.

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