Chapter 24

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Izumi's Pov.
11 Months Later (1 1/2 year after Izumi returned home)

Since that day, my life became one of looking around each corner.

He kept sending guard after guard. It scared me a bit, and I was on edge every time I left the house. Especially when Kakashi wasn't with me. But I've sort of gotten used to it.

I have been on missions, but they're always close to the village, and I always have to have a partner, whether it be Gai, Kurenai, Kakashi, etc, even if their C-ranks.

Huffing out a breath, I smiled a little.

Kakashi thought it would be a good idea to take a... 'vacation'. We're going to the Waterfall village. Just. Us. He thought it would give me a chance to relax, and get my mind away.. And now is the perfect time since the village is stable now.

That also brought back old memories. More specifically, memories of a certain small child.

I wonder how big he's gotten... or if he even remembers me.

"Izu, you ready?" I glance back over my shoulder, meeting the dark visible eye of my silver haired boyfriend who was leaning against the bedroom door frame.

"Yeah," I said, slinging my bag over my shoulder. "Are you sure this is okay, though?" My question was answered with a chuckle and a hand on my head as I stepped closer to the alien.

"Hokage-sama was the one who gave me the idea, Izumi. Stop worrying." I sighed but nodded. "Let's go. I'm sure I know what your plan is when we get there." Taking my hand, Kakashi led me from our apartment, locking it behind us.

"Stupid mind reader alien..." I muttered, shooting a glare at said alien.

"I'm not a mind reader." He paused, a look of realization dawned on him after a moment and he shot me a very un-amused glance. "And I'm not an alien."

"Then why does your hair defy gravity? Hm?" My usual retort, as always, only earned me a sigh, since he never could win against me.

"Oh~ My dear, Izumi!" Kakashi and I both froze at the sound of that voice.

"Why..?" I let out a whine as our dear friend Gai bounced up to me, holding out a white rose.

"Please accept this token of my love, sweet angel of youth!" The rose was basically shoved into my hand. "As always, you look like an angel sent from heaven!"

"Thanks... I think?" I stared at the rose quietly. It looked freshly picked, as it still had thorns, and the bottom of the stem was mangled, like he lost the fight to pick the flower, or he was in a hurry... either works.

"What do you want, Gai?" Kakashi asked, watching as I carefully ran my index finger over one of the thorns. "We're in a hurry."

"I just wanted to say goodbye to my sweet angel of youth!" Gai exclaimed. A sloppy wet kiss was placed on my cheek and I blinked in surprise. "Goodbye, sweet angel!" He grinned and started running off.

I looked up at Kakashi who looked astounded. Wiping off my cheek, I let a hum noise when Kakashi's masked lips pressed a kiss to my other cheek.

"What was that for?" I asked, my cheeks slightly heated.

"Do I need a reason to kiss you?" He chuckled. Looking away, I mumbled a 'No' and started walking again.

As we left the village gates, I stopped to plant the rose Gai had given me. "There," I stood, dusting my hands off. "Let's go."

Kakashi just smiled beneath his mask and took my hand.

<<The Waterfall Village>>

"Wow!" I gasped, gaze drifting over the village. "Its changed so much!" A smile lifted my lips.

"You can explore later, let's at least check in to the inn first." Kakashi was watching me with very noticeable amusement. He tugged my hand gently.

"Okay," I followed, in too good a mood to argue.

We made our way to an inn that looked vaguely familiar. "Recognize it?" Kakashi broke through my thoughts, chuckling when I jumped a little.

"Hardly. Its been awhile since I've been here." I answered.

"Its the same place Minato brought us." My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "Come on."

He led us inside and all to soon, we were in our room. I dropped my bag on the dresser that was in the room and took a good look around. There was a king size bed, a dresser and a small table.

Kakashi wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, and leaning down to press an unmasked kiss to my temple. I placed my hands over his, leaning back into him. 

"Come on, I'm sure you want to go explore." I couldn't keep the smile from forming as I turned in his arms, my own going around his waist. "Kami, I haven't seen that in awhile." He whispered, left hand raised, his thumb tracing over my lower lip.

I didn't say anything. I just stood there, letting him do as he pleased while my cheeks heated. My heart was pounding in my chest as his hand slipped behind my head and he leaned in.

Our eyes met just before our lips did.

The kiss was slow, and sweet, and it made my head spin.

Kakashi's tongue darted along my lower lip, asking for entrance. I didn't even get a chance to answer as a knock sounded at the door, effectively breaking us apart.

"Excuse me." The door opened, revealing the tiny old woman from the front desk. "I've brought kimono's and extra towels." She said, lifting her arms full of cloth as she spoke.

"Oh, thank you." I was the one to speak while my alien just stood there, looking a little annoyed. Stepping forward, I took the pile from the old woman.

"If you need anything else, just call. Dinner should be brought in about an hour and a half." She bowed and turned to leave, closing the door softly behind her.

I set the kimono's on the dresser, and stepped into the bathroom to put the towels away. "Wow." I muttered, eyeing the luxurious room.

There was a large tub with jets to my left, while a large shower -*cough* made for two *cough*- was straight in front of me with the sink and toilet across from the tub.

The faint sound of an exasperated sigh reached my ears, as did the sound of a body falling on the bed.

When I finished with the towels, I stepped back into the main room, kicking my shoes off. Kakashi was sprawled out on the bed, eyes closed and mask pulled down. It was a cute sight to see, especially the way his lips were poised in a pout.

I hopped onto the bed, seating myself beside his head on my knees, my fingers finding their way into his hair. "Honestly..." I giggled, the sound enough to crack an eye open and look at me. "Come take a shower with me."

My offer got an eyebrow to raise, and his open eye to fill wit an emotion I was all too familiar with. Leaning down, I placed a quick kiss on his lips before slipping off the bed, just as his hand reached for me.

I'm so mean, I thought to myself with a mental grin and -scary- evil laugh.

I practically ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower, making it just right before I started stripping. The door was mostly shut, so I couldn't tell if the alien had decided to follow yet.

Stepping into the shower, I shivered when the hot water hit me. Ducking my head under the water for a moment, I pushed my hair out of my face, as I pulled out.

"You are such a tease."

I was feeling a little evil today... so I wrote this. ;)

I, unfortunately, don't own Naruto.
Kami only knows what id do if I did...

Enjoy, My Loves <3

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