Chapter 31

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Izumi's pov. 

"This is the Demon of the Mist?" I actually had to look to Kakashi for confirmation. The alien nodded, just glancing my way for a brief second. Humming in response, I narrowed my eyes on Zabuza. 

"Kakashi Hatake the Copy Cat. Hand over the old man." Zabuza glared at Kakashi.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." The alien answered, getting into a battle stance. "Manji formation! I taught you teamwork now its time to use it."

The kids surrounded Tazuna. Zabuza let out a deep chuckle as he threw himself from the tree, taking his sword with him, onto the water, where he stood making hand signs.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu!" He called, and as those words left his mouth, a heavy mist rolled over the land. I couldn't see anything except Kakashi who stood to my left. Activating my sharingan, I scanned around me for anything.

The blood lust that he had emanating from him. So powerful. I looked back at the kidst, and shot my hand out, pushing Sasuke's down. He had positioned a kunai, ready to kill, at his throat.

"Sasuke. Don't worry, I'll protect you all with my life." Kakashi said before he disappeared into the mist.


"Sakura don't be so loud." I hissed, turning and clashing kunai with sword as Zabuza tried attacking both us and the client.

"This one has good reflexes and senses." Zabuza probably smirked under the bandaged covering his mouth and nose. "You would make an interesting kill." I glared and pushed against his sword sending his back.

"Izumi, stay out of this. Just keep them back." Kakashi lifted his head band to reveal... a sharingan...

"Kakashi of the Sharingan eye." Zabuza chuckled, going back to the water. I could sense his movements. "Said to have copied over a thousand jutsu."

"Sharingan! Sharingan! Will someone explain what the Sharingan is?!" Naruto yelled obviously annoyed.

"The sharingan is a powerful dojutsu, and eye power. It is able to copy an opponents movements and mirror it to the exact detail." Sasuke answered. 

"Huh?" I could hear the confusion in the blonde's voice. I sighed. We couldn't see anything and next thing we know, the fog is cleared a bit and we heard a yell from Kakashi.

Who somehow got himself into a... water prison... run by Zabuza...

"Sensei!" Naruto and Sakura yelled.

"Run! Your no match for him! Take Tazuna and run! As soon as he caught me it was over!" Kakashi-sensei yelled. I raised an eyebrow and shared a look with Kakashi. He nodded his head once and I smiled. 

I pulled my glove further down my hand and eyed Zabuza. "You guys, go" I called back to the kids, making a few handsigns before lightning erupted from my right hand. And no, it was not Kakashi's chidori. 

"But, Izumi-sensei!" Sakura yelled. I flashed a reassuring smile back at her. 

"It's fine, Sakura. Go." I raised my hand in front of me, my expression becoming serious as I narrowed my eyes. "And make sure you don't look back." I steadied my sharingan on Zabuza and focused my chakra, stretching it. With a sigh, I let it explode, sending an electric current everywhere in front of me. The clone was lucky as he narrowly missed each current. 

Moving my head to the side, I caught the clones fist in my hand and pushed him back. I brought my knee up, and since he was so close, I slammed it between his legs, making his eyes widen. I heard the boys groan in sympathy and Sakura give a small squeal. 

I was about to turn to the real Zabuza, but the clone grabbed hold of my arm and kneed me in the stomach before tossing me away. Coincidentally, I was thrown into the water prison, and right into Kakashi's arms. I huffed out a breath and rubbed my hand against my stomach. 

"Ass..." Kakashi simply raised an eyebrow as he wrapped an arm around my waist, hand resting against my stomach. 

It was a few minutes before we were freed and going our own way. Zabuza was a water user. Kakashi only has a single sharingan without proper training... Zabuza is a criminal who is most likely going to use big jutsu, which will force Kakashi to do the same. I can already see how this will play out. 

I rushed over to the kids and Tazuna, and began leading them away. "What's going on?" 

"Kakashi's taking care of it-" I was cut off as a wave started coming toward us. I grabbed Tazuna and jumped into a tree, watching as the wave slowly, stopped, revealing Zabuza slumped beneath the tree. "Baka!" I hissed, dragging Tazuna with me as I dropped back down to the ground. 

"This will be your last fight," Kakashi stated. Just as he was about to deliver the final blow, two needles appeared from nowhere and pierced Zabuza's neck. Turning, there was a child, not much older than our genin from what I see, in a trackers mask. 

I didn't listen as Kakashi spoke to him, I was busy, placing my hand on the silver heads back and beginning to flow my chakra into him, since I hadn't used much. When they were finished, the little tracker took Zabuza's body and left. 

"Let's go." Kakashi moved from my touch and only took a few steps before he froze. 


"Don't worry," I caught the baka before he fell completely, and smiled at the kids. "He just over used his sharingan. Let's go." 


"Your such an idiot," I snapped at said idiot as I began healing him. Kakashi just stared at me in response. "Shirt off." I demanded, sitting back on my heels as he sat up, with a pained grunt, and lifted his shirt over his head, as well as his mask. He better be glad I love him enough to lock the door to the room we're using. 

I huffed out a breath and flowed more chakra to my hands, making them glow a soft green before pressing them against his chest. 

"You know what could happen if you overuse your sharingan," I sighed, dropping my hand to the side of the futon matress. "You haven't had the training, and your body isn't built for it like mine is." I rested my forehead against his shoulder, feeling his arm slip around my waist. "You need to be careful.. be greatful it wasn't as bad as last time." 

"I know," he pressed his bare lips to the top of my head. "Sorry." 

"We're going to have to do this again, you know." I felt him nod. "Put your shirt back on so i can let the kids in." I pulled away and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before standing. Kakashi slipped his shirt back over his head and adjusted his mask before giving me a go ahead. 

I unlocked the door and pulled it open, two very curious head fell over onto the floor as I did so. Kakashi raised an eyebrow. 

"Were you eavsdropping?" I asked with a tight smile. The two scrambled to their feet as Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter, stepped in. 


After a quick talk, and go around about how Zabuza wasn't dead, we Kakashi and I decided what training would be best. It was an interesting conversation. 

I don't own Naruto. 

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