Chapter 35

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Izumi's Pov

"Are you sure they're going to be alright? I mean-" Kakashi pressed a finger to my lips, hushing my rambling. 

"They'll be fine. Trust me." He lowered his hand and smiled. "It's only the chuunin exams, Izu. You and I have both taken the exams." 

"I know, but that was years ago, Kakashi. Are you sure they're ready?" I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm serious, baka. Look at Sakura. She doesn't even know how to fight. And whenever I try to talk to her about starting some sort of training, she goes off into wonderland about Sasuke." 

"They'll be fine." Kakashi chuckled, hand settling on top of my head. "The chuunin exams haven't changed much since we took them." 

"Oh, suure." I rolled my eyes, smiling. "Where are we going tonight anyway?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow, smirk crawling over his handsome features. 

"You'll see." He chuckled again, taking a gentle hold of my chin, lifting my face up. "Besides, I have a surprise for you." He whispered, leaning close, his lips just barely touching mine. My cheeks flushed, and I felt my heart rate accelerate inside the confines of my chest. 

"I have a surprise for you too," I whispered back, my right hand sneaking up to the back of his neck, and pulling him down so there was no more teasing. 

The kiss was short and sweet, and I had to pull away before things got too heated. 

"Your going to be late.... again.." I pulled away completely, and pushed lightly on his chest. "I'm going to see Kurenai." I turned, and grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. "Hurry up before the kids get angry again." I pecked his lips and rushed out of the apartment, heading straight for Kurenai's place. 



As soon as I got there, I knocked once and slipped inside. "Kurenai?" I called out, dropping my bag on her couch. The brunette stopped humming, and turned to face me, watering can in hand. 

"Izumi? Your back!" She smiled, set the watering can down and practically pulled me into a bear hug. "I haven't seen you in so long, I was beginning to worry." 

I carefully maneuvered out of her grip, and smiled. "I'm sorry, Kakashi and I were on a mission with the genin. It was a real pain... but at least I have good news.." I very subtly placed y hand over my stomach, and Kurenai frowned. "Kakashi doesn't know yet..." 

"Izumi!" She giggled like a little school girl and pulled me into yet another bear hug. "That's amazing. When did you find out?" I looked away.

"A-A week ago?" The woman sent me an accusing glare. 

"And you have yet to tell Kakashi?!" She snapped.

I flinched slightly, and sighed. 

"I didn't know how to tell him.. but we're going out tonight. He said he has a surprise for me. I'm going to tell him." Kurenai nodded. "I feel so hormonal, it's like I'm a nervous train wreck." I groaned. 

"Has the morning sickness passed yet?" I nodded, and suddenly burst into a fit of giggles. 

"I can't believe it's finally happening." I gasped and practically ran to the bathroom. I pulled my shirt up, exposing my stomach, and stared at it in the mirror. Kurenai, who followed me, watched as I poked at it. 

The brunette laughed lightly, and raised an eyebrow. "How far along are you?"

"The doctor said about a month when I went in, so about... four weeks? I think.." I answered absently. "I can't believe we're having a baby." I smiled, 

"Kakashi is going to be so happy." 

I sighed, pulling my shirt down. "Help me?" That earned full out laughter, and a nod from my best friend. 


Hours later, and I was sitting on the couch in Kurenai's living room, talking about random things with the woman, when a knock erupted from the door. "He's not late.." She laughed, making me roll my eyes. 

"He's not... always late.." I tried to defend my boyfriend, but, it wasn't coming out right, and Kurenai ended up in a fit of laughter as she tried to answer the door. 

"Hello, Kakashi," she greeted as she finally managed to pull the door open. I rolled my eyes and stood from the couch, and going to the door. "She's all yours!" I was pushed out of her house and right into Kakashi's waiting arms. 

And my completely, and totally mature response was... sticking my tongue out at the already closed door. "Ready?" I nodded, and righted myself before slipping my hand into his. 

"WIll you tell me where we're going now?" I pursed my lips as we started walking. Kakashi just chuckled, and shook his head, deciding not to answer. "Please?" 

"You'll just have to wait." He said, peeking down at me. With a sigh, I let him lead me to wherever he was leading me to. It was quiet along the way, but it was a comfortable silence, as always. I wasn't even paying much attention, until we stopped. 

"Hm?" I looked around, only to see a blanket on the ground and little picnic basket beside it. My gaze swept over the area, and there was a perfect view of the village, as well as the clear night sky. "Wow.." 

"Come on," Kakashi tugged on my hand, pulling me toward the blanket. He pulled me into his lap as he sat down. 

"This is amazing," I leaned back against him. 

"I'm glad you like it." He whispered in my ear, making me shiver. "I love you, Izu." 

"I love you too." I gasped, jumping up from his lap as something caught my eye. "A shooting star.." I heard Kakashi stand beside me, and slowly follow as I moved further into the open to watch it pass. 

"Did you make a wish?" He asked when it was gone. I simply shook my head. "Why not?" 

"I have everything I could ever ask for." Kakashi smiled, and took my hand in his, turning me toward him. 

"I'm almost there." He said. One hand was in his pocket, while the other stayed in mine. All of a sudden, his expression became serious, and I frowned. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. Kakashi shook his head. 

"I was hoping to do this later, but I can't wait any longer." My eyes narrowed slightly as the hand in his pocket reappeared, and took my free hand. My heart was racing as he spoke again. "Izumi..." He took a deep breath, and let one of my hands go, once again reaching into his pocket. "I love you, with all my heart - as cheesy as that sounds -." He suddenly kneeled down on one knee and my eyes widened. 

"K-Kakashi..." I could feel tears stinging the corners of my eyes as my heart tried to explode. 

"Will you marry me?" He pulled out a small box, and inside, was a silver band. 

"Y-Yes.." I finally stuttered out, after a few moments of my mind trying to process what was happening. "Yes." 

Kakashi stood up, and slipped the ring onto my finger before cupping my cheeks in his hands and pressing a kiss to my lips. My fingers trembled as they tried to keep a grip on his shirt, while I stood tip-toed to kiss my - now - fiance. 

"I love you, Kakashi." I whispered against his lips. He nuzzled his nose against mine, and I thanked Kami he had lowered his mask as soon as we got here. Pulling away, I took his hands in mine, and stared up into his dark eye. "I have something I need to tell you."

He frowned, "What is it?" 

"I-I'm pregnant." 

His jaw dropped, and his eye widened. Literally. 

"Your going to be a father." I said slowly, watching as the wheels in his head slowly worked around the new information. It was kind of funny how he just stared into my eyes for a few moments, before pulling me into an -almost- bone crushing hug. 

Oh yes. I could tell he was very happy to hear the news. 


I don't own Naruto. 

Well, loves, it looks like the adventure shall take a turn >:) 
In a good way, of course. 
I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did while writing it! 
I can honestly say, I have been waiting to write this chapter for quite awhile... 
But things needed to happen first. 

Well, Goodnight, my loves! 


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