Chapter 37

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Izumi's Pov.

"I can't believe this," Kurenai smiled, staring down at my hand, which she had clasped in both of hers. "After being together for so long, he really proposed." Rolling my eyes, I took my hand back and shifted on the couch, tucking my feet under me. "Are you excited?" 

"About what?" I asked, sounding like an idiot. 

"Marrying Kakashi, baka." She sighed, pushing her hair back over her shoulder. I raised an eyebrow as she took my hand again, staring down at the ring on my finger. "That's so sweet." 

"Very," I agreed with a small laugh. 

"Good," she giggled. "So, have you two talked about the wedding?" I sighed, looking down into the mug in my other hand. "Izumi?"

"My mind has been so focused on the chuunin exams, I haven't hardly thought about it." I answered truthfully. Her eyes widened a little, but she smiled sadly. "Even though it's just another exam. It happens every year." 

"Don't worry so much," Kurenai scolded lightly. "Besides, everything will be fine. It's probably because this is the first group you two have taken on." She sighed, "Honestly, I'm nervous about my team as well. But I don't doubt their abilities. They're very talented with skills each their own. All we can do is support them." 

Nodding, I pursed my lips. 

"But, now that we have a little time to ourselves," she suddenly grinned. "It's time to at least start planning." I felt my right eye twitch as she pulled out a notepad from nowhered. "Now," her hand curled around a pen, ready to write, and I blanched. 

"You're awfully prepared..." I muttered, lifting the cup to my lips and taking a sip. 

"So, how big is the wedding going to be? What's the date you'd like to consider? Oh! And what about the baby shower?" My eyes widened and I nearly choked on my tea as she began her parade of questions. 


"What?" She asked innocently.

"Kakashi and I haven't even discussed this." I stated dryly. A thoughtfull look crossed her face. "If we're really going to talk about this now, then he needs to-" I was cut off when she dropped the notepad and pen onto the coffee table as she stood, rushing to the door. "Where aare you going?" She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at me over her shoulder. 

"Going to get Kakashi." She stated. 

"No, he's busy." With a pout, she moved toward the couch and sat down. Picking the notepad back up, she grasped the pen, hand poised above, ready to write once more. 

"Well, you can at least get started and go over ideas with him later." She stated. "So, how big will it be?" 

"Very small." I stated, eyeing the brunette. She pursed her lips and wrote the small note down. 

"Alright, colors?" I blinked. 

"I have no idea.." Kurenai blanched. 

"I see..." She sighed, placing the notepad and pen back on the table. "How about you talk to Kakashi tonight about it, that way you can get started. And while your doing that, I'll start planning your baby shower!" She clapped her hands together as she spoke. 

With a roll of my eyes, I dropped my feet to the floor and stood with my mug in hand. "And exactly why am I having a baby shower upon your orders?" I asked as I stepped into the kitchen and placing the mug into the sink. 

"It's traditional for a woman to have a baby shower with her upcoming first child." Kurenai stated, following me. "I promise it won't be too bad." She grinned. 

"Fine," I sighed. I glanced out the window and frowned. Alot of time had passed. It's nearly dark. "Kakashi should be home by now. I'd better go." Kurenai placed her mug on the counter and pulled me into a hug. 

"I hope I get to be as lucky as you some day." She muttered when she pulled away. 

"You will. And I bet Asuma is just itching to be that guy." I winked at her. Her face flushed and I laughed. "I'll see you later." I left her house, and went straight home. It didn't take long since we don't live far from each other. 

I stepped into the apartment and nearly gagged as a strange, burnt smell surrounded me. Covering my nose and mouth with my hand, I closed the door behind me, kicked my shoes off and moved further inside, listening to the somewhat frantic movements coming from the kitchen. Damnit... Kakashi's trying to cook again...

I rushed into the livingroom and pushed the window open, watching as the inside cloud of smokey air flowed outside. Taking a breath of the fresh air, I turned back to the inside of the house. Now to deal with my idiot, I thought, scowling as an image of my kitchen the last time Kakashi cooked flashed through my mind. 

Huffing out a breath, I moved to the kitchen. I had to close my eyes and prepare myself before I could even think to look. When I finally opened my eyes, they widened. Both Kakashi AND Gai were in the kitchen. Gai was trying to do something with my dear alien trying to stop him, saying I'll kill him if he makes it worse. 

There was spaghetti sauce splattered over the cupboards, floor and even the cieling. I've no idea how it got up there, but at this point I don't care. Little grains of rice were scattered everywhere, and 

"What thd hell are you two doing?" I asked out loud, making both men freeze. 

"Oh! Izumi, my darling, your home~!" Gai grinned, jumping in front of me, and grasping my left hand in both of his. "Kakashi and I were just cooking you dinner-" 

"More like destroying my kitchen," I retorted dryly, eyeing the passive, yet innocent looking Kakashi. "You have twenty minutes to clean this up. If it's not spotless by the time I'm out of the shower, I'm not cooking either of you dinner." I narrowed my eyes as Gai sprung to action and Kakashi moved to my side. 

"You wouldn't-" 

"Oh yes I would." A smirk lifted the corner of my lips. "Better hurry." I laughed and started down the hallway. 


"Wow, you guys did a good job." I praised the men as they dropped down into chairs at the kitchen table. "Alright, you guys earned dinner." I pulled my hair over my shoulder and quickly braided it, stepping into the kitchen fully. 

"I can't wait to eat your amazing cooking again, my beautiful flower!" Gai nearly fell out of his chair as drool fell from his mouth. 

I sighed, opening the fridge and pulling out ingredients so I could make dinner. "Gai, calm down." Kakashi siad, pulling out his book, propping his elbows on the table as he opened the orange cover. 

I watched from the corner of my eye, as Gai started yelling at Kakashi. Apparently he didn't "appreciate" me enough. I just rolled my eyes and continued my cooking. I didn't take long, and was already halfway done when Gai came in, not bothering to scold Kakashi any longer as he was getting nowhere, and offered to help. 

Naturally, I kicked him out of my kitchen - yes, my kitchen, seeing as I'm the only one who can cook - and glared everytime he made a move to get up from his designated spot. 

All too soon, dinner was over and Gai was on his way. Kakashi guided him to the door, trying to keep the black haired man from suffocating me with his "love". While he was doing that, I started cleaning up. 

I quickly did the dishes, and smiled when Kakashi's arms curled around my waist as I was finishing the task. "Is he gone already? That was quick." 

"He made a fit about it too," he muttered, head dropping to my shoulder. "How was your visit with Kurenai?" He asked after a small silence. 

"It was... interesting." He hummed in response. "Apparently she's planning my baby shower, and helping with the wedding." 

"How nice." He chuckled, straightening when I tried to move. "Come on." He took my hand, and pulled me toward the bedroom. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, a small smirk tugging at the corner of my lips. As soon as we were in the bedroom, the door was kicked shut and I was pinned against the wall. "Now I'm really curious." Kakashi stayed quiet, only eyeing me. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"I love you." He said softly,

My eyebrows furrowed together. "I love you too, now tell me what's wrong." He sighed, eye closing. "Its what Gai said isn't it." It was a statement, not a question. No answer. Looks like I hit the nail on the head. "Kami, you are such an idiot." His eye snapped open and his gaze narrowed.

"I am not-" He protested, but was cut off.

"Obviously you are." He scowled at that and I laughed. "This is Gai we're talking about. He is eccentric, and though he means well, he isn't always right."

Kakashi averted his gaze. "He said I don't appreciate you enough-"

"Typical Gai. Kakashi, he says that all the time." My hands moved to his hips, pulling him closer to me. "Honestly, do I seem like the type of woman who wants to be smothered?"

I got a laugh for that. 

"I love Gai, but he doesn't know me like you do." I could tell that my words were reassuring him, and washing away all of his doubts. "And besides, I would tell you if I felt unappreciated."

He pulled down his mask and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," our lips melded together, and I let out a small gasp when I was picked up, my legs going around his waist. Pulling apart, I felt my cheeks flush as I whispered two simple words. "Show me."

I don't own Naruto! Enjoy~

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