Chapter 9

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Izumi's pov.

A little later the alien woke up, and started freaking out when he seen how cuddled up to me he was.

Let's just say that.. well... he started pulling his bound hand away from me.. then basically tried to rip his hand out of the chakra rope... making me roll right onto the floor..  and causing him to... *ahem* fall on top of me.... his masked lips pressed to mine and both of our eyes wide...

And that is where we are now....

Great morning, huh?

"Ah!" Kakashi suddenly got off of me. I couldn't tell if he was blushing,but I know that I was. He jerked so suddenly that the movement moved my small body like a rag doll, pulling my on top of him. Kakashi's eyes were wide, and mine, I'm absolutely positive were the same way.

"St-Stop moving!" My eyes narrowed into a glare, my cheeks flaming. "Holy kami-sama!" I slowly, and very carefully, seeing as one of my legs was right next to... uh... there (close enough that one wrong move would send him into a world of pain), I got off of him, sitting on my knees.

"Sorry." Kakashi choked out, covering his face with his free hand.

"You better be you baka alien!" I slapped the back of Kakashi's head, earning a nice glare from his dark eyes. "Ugh." I stood on my feet, pulling Kakashi with me, standing or not, into the bathroom. Pursing my lips, I tugged the alien with me to our bags, pulling out my hairbrush and toothbrush, and going back to the bathroom once the alien got his to.

I barely even noticed that our fingers had clasped together, as we did our morning routines. Once my hair was finally tamed to a point, I sighed.

"Damn, how am I going to braid it?" I groaned.

"Rin can do it." Kakashi stated, pulling me out of our room and heading toward the dining room we passed yesterday. Its where everyone who doesn't order in room meals goes to eat.

"Good morning, Izumi, Kakashi." Minato smiled as we sat down in the two empty seats across from Obito and Rin.

"Morning." We both muttered.

"Hey Rin... Could you braid my hair for me?" I asked, my eyebrow twitching. I've never cared for this girl. I don't know why and I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about her just puts me off.

"Sorry, Izumi. My hand is bound to Obito." Rin held up her left hand that was indeed bound to my cousin.

"Here, Izumi." Minato stood and came behind me, braiding my hair.

"You can braid, sensei?!" Obito said a little louder than necessary.

"Kushina has me braid her hair all the time. She made me learn specifically so that she didn't have to do it." Minato laughed a little and sat down when he finished. I flipped the braid over my shoulder.

"Wow, Minato, your pretty good." I complimented. "I have one other problem..." I stared down at my breakfast. Everyone turned to look at me. "I'm right handed..." I narrowed my eyes on the chopsticks, and raised my right hand.

"Kakashi will just have to feed you." Minato smiled again. Damn his cheeky-ness.

"What?!" We both yelled, Kakashi probably in anger, and me in surprise as I tried to force down the blush that threatened to show.

"You heard me." I glanced up to see Rin feeding Obito since he is right handed as well. Blinking, I titled my head to the side when food appeared in front of my mouth.

"Open, baka." Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

"Stupid alien baka." I sighed, closing my eyes and opening my mouth.

That's how it went on until everything was gone. Kakashi fed me and himself. And the entire time Minato just sat there and watched, amusement very clear in his blue eyes.

"Now. Were going to meditate today. I know this is supposed to be a bit of a vacation and rest time, but we do need to keep up our strength." The blonde announced when we all finished eating.

"Let's go."


Minato lead us to a small clearing just outside of the bath house. "Aright. Now how you meditate is your choice." I pulled Kakashi away from the others, and positioned myself in front of him.

"What are we going to do?" He asked, watching as I spread my legs into what could be assumed as a fighting stance, and raised my arms.

"Meditating." I tugged Kakashi's arm with me while I moved slowly and carefully, gracefully, letting the wind take me away, my eyes closing. Its sort of my thing. In the morning, I always warm up and wind down.

I could feel the silver heads eyes on me, before I felt him begin to move with me. His movements weren't as fluid as mine, but it was a start.

Opening my eyes, they landed on the alien, who was surprisingly becoming more fluid in his movements. I waved my arm, Kakashi following the movement in almost perfect precision.

Now normally, I would have moved into training by now, first practicing my Taijutsu. But it would be hard to do with my hand tied to Kakashi.

"Good job, Izumi, Kakashi." Minato complimented. "You two work well together."

"Hn." I breathed, taking a deep breath and letting it go, raising my right leg up, my toe pointing to the sky, my right hand holding the tip of my foot.

"So... flexible.." Kakashi seemed surprised.

"Mhm." I let out a breath, stretching my leg muscles. I slowly lowered my leg. "Can you stand on your hands?" Kakashi slowly nodded, narrowing his eyes. I lowered, now standing beside the alien.

Placing both our hands on the ground, I lifted my body up, putting most of my weight on my left hand, and raised my right. Kakashi was unstable, but managed to copy, doing a one handed hand stand.

"Ok! That's enough for today!" Minato once again announced. "Alright. The rest of the day is yours. Do with it what you will." With that, Minato poofed away.

"He really annoys me when he does that." I fall to my feet, the alien did the same.


"Let's go explore the village." I tugged the alien along with me. Not that he really put up a fight, though. We left the clearing, leaving Obito and Rin behind, while I tugged the alien into the village.

"So this is the waterfall village?" I nodded.

"Yes." I answered. "The founder of the village thought it would protect the people by building it on the inside of a waterfall. No one knows the way in except for the villagers. Unless of course, your like us and have been granted access, well then your basically one of them." I waved at a few girls who were running around playing house. They stopped and grinned, waving their small hands back.

"You know a lot about this village." Kakashi stated, rather than asked.

"I've been on quite a few missions here. Hokage-sama knows that." I sighed. Three girls, around the age of 7 stopped in front of us.

"Miss Izumi, welcome back!" I stopped, just barely catching myself from running into the girls.

"Akira, Toshiro, and... Megumi?" I stared down at the girls, my face blank before I smiled a bit. "Thank you."

The girls grinned, all three of them latching onto me, their small arms winding around my waist. "Yay! Wait until we tell Aniki!"

"Aniki's still here?" I blinked. "Where is he?" At the sound of 'he' Kakashi went rigid beside me.

"He's at home." Akira stated.

"I see. Why don't you girls go play, I have to go do something." I pecked each girls forehead, turning them red and giggle puss' as they ran off.

Kakashi was silent for the rest of the day. Not very unusual but, it seemed like he was quieter than even his usual.

I can't help but wonder why.

I don't own Naruto.

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