Chapter Thirteen

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Spiderpaw gently padded besides Oceanfur, fearfully aware of Jaggedclaw's yowls of sadness from behind him. To his relief, when he saw the she-cats, he was assured that neither of them were injured, although Jaggedclaw was splayed out across the dirt. Mothspring sat besides her, curling her tail around her rear, giving her ear comforting licks every few seconds. Jaggedclaw caught his eye for a moment, and seeing the despair within her, Spiderpaw immediately looked away.
"Jaggedclaw, Mothspring," Oceanfur begged. "One of you has to tell me what's going on."
For a moment, both of the cats were quiet. Mothspring best down to lick Jaggedclaw's ear before looking back up. "Everything's fine," she assured.
But Jaggedclaw interrupted her.
"No, not everything is fine," she argued. "I feel so guilty!"
The strain Jaggedclaw put on the final word of her sentence made Spiderpaw shiver with panic. "What's going on?"
Jaggedclaw lowered her head, tilting her gaze away from Spiderpaw, as if she didn't want him to know. For a moment he felt offended, but when he saw the embarrassment in her eyes, he took a brisk step backwards.
He watched carefully as Jaggedclaw composed herself, bending her strong leg to pick herself up with Mothwing's head supporting her weak side. When Jaggedclaw was ready to sit upright Spiderpaw noticed she gave Mothwing a quick nod to tell her she was stable.
"You know what's been going on with Ashpaw," Jaggedclaw meowed at last, her voice even more torn and raspy than usual. "He feels so desperate and devastated cooped up in the medicine den, forced to take on a role he never wanted to do."
Spiderpaw quickly glanced at Oceanfur, but he saw no offence taken in the tom's eyes as he dipped his head carefully, ready to listen on.
"He has three working paws," she meowed. "And he has one paw which disables him. Look what we have in common, and look where he's gone. The role he's been given isn't fair on him." Jaggedclaw looked down and took in a deep breath before meeting Oceanfur's eyes again. "I know Muskstar's decision isn't your fault," she meowed reluctantly. "But I can't help feeling awful that we have the same disadvantage, but such different fates. I don't understand why he doesn't get to be happy and do what he loves, even when I do. Everyone knows I struggle to carry out my duties perfectly, and everyone knows I stumble while I'm hunting, I can't climb and sometimes, I can't even keep myself upright. StarClan," she grunted. "My injury may even cause my demise."
Spiderpaw winced, and noticed Oceanfur looked a little uneasy, but Jaggedclaw didn't seem to care as she continued on.
"But I don't care," she meowed. "If my injury sends me to StarClan, then at least I got the life of doing what I love most, being a warrior and serving my Clan. And I've still got three working paws, so has Ashpaw. I just want to see him happy, and seeing him in so much despair knowing he can never do what he loves causes me so much pain."
For a moment, no cat knew what to say. Jaggedclaw lowered her head, and Mothspring let her lean on her to calm her down a little.
Spiderpaw watched as Oceanfur collected his thoughts. "You're right," he meowed. Jaggedclaw's eyes opened up, as if she couldn't believe the medicine cat had agreed with her.
"I need an apprentice Jaggedclaw," he admitted. "But all medicine cats must follow their heart in having such a role, and take passion for serving their Clan in such a different way. I know Ashpaw doesn't have that, and I want him to be happy just as you do, Jaggedclaw."
Spiderpaw felt as if he shouldn't have been saying anything, but he couldn't prevent himself from letting out a murmur. "Is there anything you can do?"
Oceanfur glanced back down at him, and then back to the weakened she-cat. "I can't promise," he meowed. "But you know I'll do all I can to make that apprentice happy."
"Would you talk to Muskstar?" Mothspring questioned.
"Of course," Oceanfur meowed. "But we have to turn back now." Suddenly, he paused. "Wait. I need to go to the Pool of Stars urgently," he meowed. "I'm so sorry Jaggedclaw, that must have slipped my mind with all of the confusion."
Jaggedclaw hung her head. "I understand," she meowed. But nevertheless Spiderpaw could sense that even if Jaggedclaw did understand, she was distraught. He couldn't bare to see the she-cat who had helped him feel welcome ever since he had arrived feel so upset. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Spiderpaw meowed. "I'll go to the Pool of Stars, if that helps both you and Jaggedclaw."
Oceanfur paused, glancing at Mothspring and Jaggedclaw in turn before turning back to him. He seemed uneasy, but before he could say anything, Mothspring unwrapped her tail from around Jaggedclaw and stepped forwards.
"Please, Oceanfur," she meowed. "I'll take him there just as a warrior would take you. He's a very capable cat, and this would be essential for his training. I trust him, and I'd be very happy to ensure his safety."
Spiderpaw was overloaded with shock over the ginger and white she-cat's words. He never thought Mothspring had taken a liking to him, ever since he noticed how quiet and reserved she was when they had first met. Spiderpaw felt reluctant to meet her eyes, but when he did, he didn't feel fear. He only saw pride in her beam as she approached him before turning back to Oceanfur.
"I can't pick your choice for you," she meowed. "But please - just think of Jaggedclaw. Think of Ashpaw."
Oceanfur hung his head, his jaws slightly apart. "You leave me no choice, do you?" he questioned. "Very well."
Jaggedclaw seemed to let out a bursting sigh of relief. "I'll never forget this," she meowed, limping quickly towards Oceanfur and brushing her head against his flank.
"Neither," Mothspring assured. "That was a very wise choice of you."
"I won't let you down," Spiderpaw meowed boldly, aware of the sun disappearing behind the trees.
"If you want to reach the Pool of Stars, you'll have to go fast," Oceanfur meowed. Just as Spiderpaw and Mothspring turned around to leave, he heard Oceanfur call his name.
"And don't worry about letting me down," he whispered. "You never would."

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