Ch 15 - One Sweet Day?

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Her eyes widen with delight as she sees the building in front of her. Way nods affectionately and grins.

"Yes, it's an Escape Room,"

"I don't think I can-"

"Come on, it'll be so much fun! I promise you..." Way gently pulls her inside. With a heavy heart, she simply follows him. It's the only way she can divert her thoughts and frustrations.

They step into the escape room, diligently working together on clues and unraveling the storyline to escape. Laughter and screams fill the air. Both of them thoroughly enjoy themselves, supporting each other in collecting clues to break free from the room.

But the fun doesn't end there.

After the escape room, Way notices that Gia is still feeling down, so he decides to take her to a theme park. He's determined to help her let loose and enjoy herself for a while.


"Come on, when was the last time you let yourself be a child?" Way playfully persuades her. Gia simply allows him to lead the way.

They enter through the main gate.

"Gia... Look!" Way points to a shop that sells adorable headpieces.

"They're so cute!" Way smiles and guides her towards the shop. He selects a rabbit ear headpiece and gently places it on her head.

"You look like a bunny..."

"Hey!" Gia playfully smacks his shoulder, but he can't help but burst into laughter. He rummages through the rack, searching for another set. Finally, he finds something and places the lamb ear headpiece on his own head, grinning mischievously.

"Okay, Little Lamb, you look absolutely adorable!"

"Am I?" Way adjusts the headpiece before removing the rabbit headpiece from Gia's head. Then he places the lamb headpiece delicately on her.

"We are the lamb couple..." he leans closer to her face. Gia can feel warmth spreading across her cheeks. A crimson red blush fills every pore.

"I'll take this..." Way informs the shopkeeper. After making the payment, he intertwines his fingers with Gia's. She stutters a bit.

"So that you won't get lost..." Way says with a smile. Gia simply nods. She can't bring herself to object to anything. Her body seems to be attentively following his lead, and his lead alone.

They venture through the theme park together, searching for games to play. First, Way guides her to the Viking Ship. Gia nearly loses her voice from all the screaming. Since it's a weekday, there are fewer people than usual. So they have the ship all to themselves. Gia tightly grips his arm, screaming and laughing throughout the ride. Way thoroughly enjoys the experience.

After the exhilarating Viking Ship, Way pulls her towards the Backwards Coaster. He needs to persuade her for a few minutes before she agrees to ride. Gia screams her heart out, as if there's no tomorrow. Way can't help but laugh, finding her adorable.

They continue to enjoy several more rides like the Bumper Cars, Swing High, and Shake-a-Deal before Gia calls it a day. She can no longer match Way's boundless energy. That boy is surely a true gamer, and being younger than her, he naturally possesses an endless supply of energy.

"Okay, let's go for lunch," Way suggests when Gia refuses to ride any more attractions. He leads her to the nearest restaurant, still holding her hand.

As they make their way to the restaurant, they come across an arcade with a photo booth.

"Gia... Can we take some photos? Just for the memories?" Way points to the photo booth. Gia hesitates, fidgeting with her fingers.



"Promise me you'll keep them to yourself," Gia says. The last thing she wants is for others to misunderstand their relationship.

Way raises his palm, making a pledge to keep the photos private. Gia sighs and nods. Way happily pulls her towards the photo booth, selecting the couple's photo option.

After entering the booth, he closes the door and pulls Gia close to his side, flashing a smile. Gia sits up straight.

"Get ready!" Way exclaims as the screen shows their reflection. When the countdown reaches zero, Way suddenly places his hand on Gia's shoulder.

"The screen looks a bit small! We should get closer," Way suggests. Gia furrows her brow and pouts. Way pulls her even closer to him, their legs almost touching.

The countdown began, and this time Way pulled Gia into a tight side hug. Gia was taken aback and found it hard to muster a proper smile.

"I look hideous!" she exclaimed, feeling self-conscious. Way couldn't help but laugh.

"We have one more frame! Hurry!" Gia quickly adjusted herself, fixing her appearance. The countdown commenced, and this time they both smiled warmly as they embraced.

But when the countdown reached zero and the shutter snapped, Way surprised Gia with a gentle kiss on her cheek. She jumped in shock, not expecting such a gesture.

"What was that?" she asked him, her confusion evident. Way simply smiled, his expression sheepish, and swiftly exited the booth, taking the printed photo with him.

"Way!" Gia called out, chasing after him. She grabbed the hem of his jacket, causing him to stop in his tracks.

"What was that?"


"That... in the booth. Did you just kiss me?"

"Yes," Way's answer left Gia frowning, searching for an explanation.

"Why?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity. Way's smile remained, his eyes shining with affection. He leaned closer to her, tilting his head slightly.

"Because I wanted to," he whispered softly.

"You know it's not right, Way..."

"What's wrong with it?"

"We can't just kiss each other. We're not..."

Before Gia could finish her sentence, Way slowly closed the distance between them. Feeling a mix of fear and surprise, she tightly shut her eyes. Way's smile grew wider as he tenderly brushed away strands of hair from her cheek. Gia cautiously opened her eyes, met with a sight that melted her heart.

"I like kissing you. It reminds me of the innocent moments from my childhood," Way admitted with a gentle smile.

"But..." Gia began to voice her concerns, still unsure about the situation.

"Come on, let's go! I'm hungry!" Way brushed aside any doubts or worries. He took hold of her wrist, his touch reassuring, and guided her towards the restaurant.

Gia hesitated for a moment, contemplating her feelings, but ultimately decided to trust Way. With a soft smile and a hint of curiosity, she followed him, allowing herself to be led by his warm presence.


Gia savored each bite of her burger, feeling Way's unwavering gaze upon her. It was as if his eyes never left her, not even for a moment. She playfully warned him not to stare too intensely, lest he lose his sight.

"I can be blind for you, right now," Way responded, his tone filled with playful affection. Gia couldn't help but shake her head, unsure of how to respond to his charming yet audacious remarks.

Throughout their time together, Way had been showering her with witty punch lines and banter. While it was a refreshing change from the predictable compliments she received from others, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

"Your fiancee must be lucky to have such a fun guy like you," Gia commented, trying to divert the conversation. Way's playful demeanor quickly shifted, and he furrowed his brow.

"Do you feel lucky?" he asked, his tone holding a hint of seriousness. Gia was taken aback by his question, unsure of how to respond.

"Well, if you do feel lucky, then that statement holds true," Way added, a mischievous wink accompanying his words. Gia was about to say something in return when her phone suddenly rang, interrupting their exchange. She instinctively reached for her phone, but Way playfully kept it out of her reach.

"You mentioned wanting some peace, remember? Answering that might just pull you back into work," Way explained, his voice adopting a more authoritative tone.

Gia tried to negotiate, wanting to at least see the caller ID, and after a brief moment of resistance, Way relented. She quickly glanced at the screen and saw that it was Sorn calling. Gia hastily grabbed her phone and answered, leaving Way alone, his grip on his palm tightening. He watched Gia attentively from a distance as she engaged in conversation with his brother.


"Till he apologizes, I will never show up," Gia firmly declared over the phone, her voice carrying a resolute tone.

"G, please don't be like this! I know he's a pain, but we didn't have much of a choice. And this collaboration is important," Sorn pleaded, trying to reason with her.

"You know me, Sorn. When I make a decision, I stick to it," Gia replied, her determination unwavering.

"Don't be so stubborn, Gia... Please..."

"We're just arguing in circles, Sorn. I'm exhausted," Gia sighed, feeling drained from the disagreement.

"That's exactly my point, G... Let's stop bickering and come back. By the way, where are you right now?" Sorn asked, unaware of Gia's current location. She snapped a little, realizing she hadn't mentioned her outing to him.

But her attention quickly shifted as she turned around and saw Way, gasping at the sight of his bloody palm. Without hesitation, she rushed to his side, concern filling her eyes.

"Sorn, I'll call you back," Gia swiftly ended the call, not waiting for Sorn's response. She focused on Way, holding his injured hand gently. He winced in pain.

"What happened?" she asked, worry evident in her voice.

"I... didn't realize there was something sharp under the table... I wanted to get up and fetch some sauce..." Way explained, his voice filled with a mix of discomfort and embarrassment.

Gia grabbed a napkin and applied pressure to the wound. Her gaze never left Way's face as she cared for him.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice laced with genuine concern. Way nodded, his demeanor still a bit dazed and distant.

"Okay, let's go home now," Gia decided, her priority shifting to ensuring Way's well-being.

"Can you help me?" Way extended his hand towards her. Gia took it without hesitation, offering her support as she helped him up. However, she was taken by surprise when Way embraced her tightly, almost suffocating her.

"Way!" she gasped, attempting to pull away, but he clung to her, unyielding.

"Please, don't leave me," he pleaded, his voice trembling. Gia blinked, her own thoughts swirling as she listened to his plea. It reminded her of when he was a young boy, scared of the dark and seeking comfort.

Slowly, Gia reciprocated the embrace, gently patting his back and caressing him. Though she had questions on her mind, the words got caught in her throat. Instead, she pressed her ear against his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. In that moment, all worries and uncertainties seemed to fade away.

They melted into each other's embrace, forgetting about everything else.

Just two souls finding solace in one another.

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