Ch 19 - Submissive

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Trigger Warning: The following text contains graphic and violent content that may be distressing to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.


Gia splashes her face with cold water, feeling the refreshing sensation wash away the remnants of temptation. As she stares at her reflection in the mirror, she lets out a heavy sigh, relieved to feel a sense of lightness in her body. The guilt and awkwardness that had plagued her moments ago seem to have dissipated.

If it weren't for Tamara knocking on her door, Gia might have found herself in a compromising situation with Jules. While he had managed to plant a fleeting kiss on her neck, she had swiftly pushed him away just in time. Fortunately, Jules had played it cool, pretending to engage in a serious discussion with Gia as Tamara entered the room.

Gia can't help but berate herself for her recklessness. She wishes she had exercised more self-control and not allowed herself to be influenced by her desires. This behavior is completely out of character for her. Ever since the enigmatic Mr. Unknown entered her life, she feels as though she's lost control and is acting out of character.

She grips the sink tightly, frustration coursing through her. It's all because of him. Mr. Unknown comes and goes as he pleases, treating her like some sort of mistress. Where is he when she needs care and stability the most?

No, she mustn't dwell on him now. Gia reminds herself to focus and gather her courage and determination. It's time to immerse herself in her work and put these distractions aside.


"I would like to express my gratitude to Jules Adrams and the AD+ team for giving us the incredible opportunity to collaborate. It is a great honor for our small fashion house to work with such a renowned name in the industry. I also want to thank all of you for your unwavering support. This collaboration has been a tremendous success for YoLo! See you all in Milan!"

The audience erupts into thunderous applause as Sorn, the representative of YoLo, concludes his speech. He looks over at Tamara, Gia, and Jules, who stand together on the runway, filled with pride and excitement over the triumph of their joint project.

After the fashion show, everyone decides to continue the celebration at a club for the after-party. They head downtown to VivaTech Club, which happens to be owned by one of the AD+ executives. Jules has arranged for the entire club to be privately booked, ensuring an uninterrupted and exclusive party experience for the AD+ and YoLo teams. The music blares throughout the venue, while drinks and snacks are served abundantly.

"What an amazing club!" Tamara exclaims, adjusting her one-shoulder mini dress while holding a drink in her hand. Gia smiles as she takes a sip of her non-alcoholic beverage, leaning against the bar.

"Soda? Are you sure?" Tamara questions with a playful tone.

"I've decided to stay sober tonight," Gia responds. She has learned her lesson from the incident in Paris. Although she knows there's no chance of a certain someone crashing the party since it's a private event, she wants to remain alert and conscious just in case.

"This party reminds me of our time in Paris," Tamara reminisces.

"Let's not dwell on that, Mara..."

"Come on, don't tell me you've forgotten how you got so drunk that night! You were convinced someone was sneaking into your room and attacking you!" Tamara giggles, mimicking a wobbly motion in front of Gia's face.

Gia gives her a half-hearted glare, remaining unresponsive to the teasing, not wanting to dwell on the embarrassing incident any further.

Tamara's expression turns to one of horror as she looks at Gia, who remains composed on the stool.

"Wait, so Paris happened?!" she exclaims, her voice filled with disbelief and concern.

"Stop thinking about it, Mara. It was just a random attack, and as for Paris, well, I was drunk at the time, so it was probably just my imagination running wild. I should stop watching those thriller movies on Netflix," Gia quickly deflects the conversation, avoiding Tamara's probing question.

"Look at me," Tamara insists, pulling Gia closer and gazing into her eyes.

Reluctantly, Gia meets Tamara's gaze, unsure of what she might see or hear next.

"Yeah... You were drunk that night. You even kissed Sorn on the lips!" Tamara reveals, leaving Gia stunned by the unexpected confession.

"I did?" Gia's eyes widen in surprise and confusion, her memory failing to recall that particular detail of the drunken escapade in Paris.



He stood there, his fingers lightly grazing his lips, a mix of confusion and intrigue etched across his face.

"Did she just..." Tamara begins, her voice trailing off in bewilderment.

"Yeah," Sorn responds, a smile slowly spreading across his face as he recalls the unexpected kiss.

"Sorry about that, she can be a bit crazy sometimes," Tamara apologizes on Gia's behalf, attempting to downplay the situation.

"No need to apologize. I understand her. Let's just enjoy the rest of the night. It's not every day you get a kiss like that, you know..." Sorn's eyes twinkle with a sense of joy and contentment as he looks at Tamara.

Finally, Tamara comprehends the complexity of the situation and accepts it with a newfound understanding.


"He likes me?" Gia's voice trembles with a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

"More than just liking, Gia. Sorn has genuine feelings for you," Tamara confirms, her tone serious.

"A crush? That's ridiculous!" Gia laughs, trying to brush off the idea.

"Okay, let's call it something more significant then. He's in love with you," Tamara states matter-of-factly. Gia stumbles over her words, struggling to process the revelation that her best friend has romantic feelings for her.

"I don't think so!"

"Open your eyes, you clueless idiot! We've been friends for years, and Sorn has been by your side since childhood. How many times has he been in a serious relationship? Almost none, or at least fewer than us! Have you ever wondered why?" Tamara challenges her.

Gia begins to consider Tamara's words. Indeed, Sorn has rarely been involved in long-term relationships. Apart from a brief encounter during an art summer camp in high school, he has always been there for Gia, even when she was with Alan.

"He can't love me!" Gia exclaims, her voice filled with fear. She places her glass down and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, looking terrified.

"How can you prevent someone from loving you, Gia? And what does he lack? He possesses all the qualities any woman would desire," Tamara insists.

It's true. But that's not the real issue.

For Gia, accepting Sorn's love would be self-destructive.

"Loving me is dangerous," Gia mutters, her voice filled with anguish.

"I'm... Excuse me..." Gia abruptly stands up from the stool and rushes away, leaving Tamara alone. She needs a space where she can vent her emotions and cry her heart out.


Gia exits the bathroom, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. She attempts to regain her composure, but the situation feels overwhelming. She walks down the dimly lit aisle, contemplating whether she should stay at the party or make a swift exit. The desire to celebrate has vanished entirely.

Lost in her thoughts, Gia is startled when she sees Jules standing before her. How did she not notice him earlier? Perhaps her deep introspection had blinded her momentarily.

"Oh, hi..." Gia greets him, her voice trembling.

"That's quite a cold reception," Jules remarks, slowly approaching her. Gia's uneasiness grows, and she attempts to distance herself, but Jules forcefully pushes her into a nearby room.

"No, Jules! Please!" Gia pleads, but her words fall on deaf ears. He slams the door shut, trapping them inside. His eyes lock onto hers, filled with an intense and lustful gaze. They are now alone, in a place where even the slightest noise would go unnoticed.

"How about we have a little chat, shall we?" Jules suggests, loosening his tie and unbuttoning a few buttons on his shirt.

"There's been a misunderstanding..." Gia's voice quivers, desperately attempting to reason with him.

"Oh, you don't want this? That's bullshit..." Jules interrupts dismissively, his gaze unwavering.

"I'm wrong. I should have stopped you earlier..." Gia stammers, regret washing over her.

"But you didn't, did you?" Jules questions, a sinister edge creeping into his tone. Fear grips Gia, her intuition now validated.

Jules harbors malicious intentions.

"I admit my mistake, but it's just that—a mistake!" Gia tries to assert herself, her voice laced with anxiety.

"I'm a mistake? I don't think so. Deep down, you want me, Gia. You're just living in denial, picking fights with me because you know that you'll inevitably fall for me," Jules asserts with smug confidence.

"I did not! Stop living in your delusions and let me out of here, Jules!" Gia's voice turns stern, her desperation mixing with anger.

"It's too late, Gia! No woman can escape my desires. I despise rejection so much! Now, I know where your model learned that feisty attitude," Jules's eyes widen with a twisted gleam.

"You sick bastard! I knew you did something!"

"She's not the one I want right now..."

"Let me go, Jules!"

The man smirks, his face inching closer to hers. Gia struggles and thrashes about, desperate to break free. But Jules holds her tightly, effortlessly throwing her body onto the sofa. She tries to rise, but he is already upon her, pinning her down.

"Let me go! Help!!" Gia screams, her voice filled with terror.

"Do you wonder why I chose this club for tonight's celebration? No one can hear us, baby. I'll make you scream in pleasure... again and again..." Jules launches a vicious assault, his lips forcefully claiming hers. Gia fights back, pushing against him with all her might, but it's futile.

She is defenseless. There is no one to save her now. In desperation, Gia sinks her teeth into Jules's ear, biting down as hard as she can. Jules yelps in pain, momentarily releasing his grip. Seizing the opportunity, Gia pushes him away, but her respite is short-lived.

In an instant, Jules retaliates, his hand landing harshly on Gia's face, leaving a stinging mark. The pain overwhelms her, and she sobs uncontrollably.

"You asked for this, woman. Now, I'll give you pleasure... and pain!" Jules undresses and forcibly tears off Gia's white blouse. She refuses to surrender and continues to fight, summoning every ounce of strength within her.

But then, unexpectedly, Jules collapses on top of her.

Silence descends, filling the room with an eerie stillness.

Gia opens her eyes. She sees a man, in a mask looking at her. He wore black attire and held something in his hand.


The man can't even finish his word when Gia suddenly jumps towards him and hugs him tight. He holds her in his embrace and caresses her hair. She tries to lift the mask, but he stops her.

"I just wanna kiss..." slowly, he put his hand down, and let her lift the mask a bit until his nose. Gia leans closer and they kiss. Full of passion. Desire and lust mix in between.

He slams her onto the wall and bites her neck all over until she moans. Her finger scratches his back, a sign of her begging him not to stop.

"Not here, jellybean... Come with me," says him. Gia nods. He let her down on her feet and drags her out of the room. They walk out from the club using the backdoor.

He then takes out a lace eye cover from his pocket. Gia stares at him with her puppy eyes.

"Sorry jellybean, you know the drill..."

"I don't want to..."

"Trust me..." Gia looks at the man. He sounds sincere and trustworthy tonight.

And she let him do whatever he wants.

She's ready to submit this time.

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