Ch 21 - Junction / Confession

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Sorn paces back and forth, his anxiety growing with each passing minute. It's nearly three o'clock in the morning, and there is still no sign of Gia. They have been waiting in front of her apartment complex for almost three hours, their fatigue and intoxication weighing heavily on them. Tamara has succumbed to sleep, finding solace on Homme's shoulder, while Sorn remains wide awake, consumed by worry.

Suddenly, his heart jolts as the phone in his hand rings, piercing through the stillness of the night.

"Gia?" Sorn's voice trembles with hope as he answers the call.

"It's me. Way," the voice on the other end responds.

Sorn's excitement deflates, replaced by a mix of relief and frustration. He struggles to find the right words.

"Oh," he manages to say, his tone subdued.

"Is something wrong?" Way's concern is evident in his voice.

"I'll get back to you later..." Sorn's voice trails off, his mind preoccupied with worry for Gia's safety.

"Did something happen?" Way's urgency seeps into his words.

"I don't know... I just..." Sorn's voice wavers, his uncertainty palpable.

"You just mentioned Gia," Way points out, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

There is a heavy silence as Sorn gathers his thoughts, trying to find the right words to convey the situation.

"She's... I'm unable to contact her. She has gone missing," Sorn finally admits, his voice laced with worry and frustration.

"When did this happen? How?" Way's questions come in rapid succession, his worry mirroring Sorn's own.

"I'm not sure. She simply... vanished!" Sorn's voice trembles with a mix of fear and disbelief.

"Where are you now?" Way's voice is filled with determination, his concern for his sister evident.

"I'm at her house," Sorn responds, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

"I'll be there. Wait..." Way's voice holds a sense of urgency.

"Are you already at home?" Sorn asks, hoping for a swift resolution to their distressing situation.

"No, I'm at the airport, heading home," Way reveals, his determination shining through the phone line.

Sorn's heart skips a beat as he spots a disheveled figure approaching the building. Is it Gia? His instincts kick in, propelling him forward with a mix of concern and desperation. But before he can reach the person, they collapse onto the ground, their strength drained.

"Gia!" Sorn calls out, his voice filled with a mix of relief and worry. He quickly rushes to her side, gripping her shoulder gently. She is completely out of it, her consciousness fading. Taking in her disheveled appearance, wearing only a grey blazer with no clothing underneath, Sorn's protective instincts kick into high gear.

Without hesitation, Sorn scoops Gia up in his arms, carrying her bridal style, and rushes inside the building. The urgency in his actions spurs Tamara and Homme into action as they jolt awake from their slumber.

"Homme! Mara! Get up!" Sorn's voice cuts through the air, commanding their attention. Tamara and Homme's eyes widen in surprise as they witness Sorn cradling Gia in his arms.

"Is that... Gia?" Tamara gasps, a mixture of shock and concern crossing her face. Without a moment's hesitation, she and Homme spring into action, their sleepiness dissipating instantly. Together, they rush inside the building, ready to assist Sorn and unravel the mystery of Gia's condition.



I can hear myself wailing and panting. I clawed him so hard that he bled. But he persisted in stuffing his gear inside. My heart begged for it, but my lips said no. I'm begging him to stop, crying myself. But it's a lie deep within.

I don't want him to quit.

My body is no longer responding to my commands. It sways like a see-saw in the park as it continues to rock on the hard rock body. Every time the see-saw was about to stop, he thrust from below. I can't stop screaming. It's too powerful to fight.

I'm about to drown. Now all I have to rely on is myself and the air I breathe.

"Gia... I love you..." he murmured, his gaze piercing mine. I can't see him, but I felt a connection with him. I hugged him tightly and bounced my body. I kissed his forehead and gave him genuine love...

"Gia... Gia!" My body convulses, jolting me back to consciousness. I slowly open my heavy eyelids, my surroundings gradually coming into focus. I find myself in the familiar setting of my own home. Blinking a few times, I try to make sense of what's happening.

Tamara, seated beside me, catches my attention. She reaches out and gently strokes my hair, her eyes glistening with tears.

"I..." I struggle to find my voice as Tamara helps me regain my bearings. Her gaze meets mine, filled with a mixture of concern and sorrow.

"What happened?" I manage to utter, confusion clouding my thoughts. Then my eyes fall upon Homme and Sorn, who stand nearby. Sorn's face is etched with anger, his brow furrowed in a deep frown as he glares at us.

"Drive Mara home, Homme."

"I'm willing to stay..."

"Out!" Sorn's voice erupts with rage, the intensity sending a chill down my spine.

Tamara firmly grips my hand, her touch offering some semblance of comfort. I'm uncertain about the reason behind their behavior, but it's late, and Tamara must be exhausted.

She grabs her bag and heads toward the door, casting a final glance back at me before speaking softly, "Don't be too harsh."

"I know what I'm doing," Sorn asserts, his determination evident. Tamara exits the house, followed closely by Homme.

Now, it's just Sorn and me.

He sits on the edge of the bed, his gaze fixed on me. I notice his hand trembling, a telltale sign of his intense emotions. Fear grips me as I realize the depth of his anger. After knowing him for so long, I recognize the tremor that runs through him when he's truly furious.

I gulp a little as I recall how I felt when I arrived home just now. I'm in shambles! I even forgot if I wore my top or not! It got ripped while Jules was attacking me, and it got toasted away when...

I grip the duvet tightly, hoping that what I'm thinking is just a mere theory, a figment of my exhausted mind.

"We need to talk," one of them says, their voice laced with urgency.

"What are you talking about? I'm exhausted..." I protest, my voice laden with weariness.

"What happened, and where were you just now?" they press, their tone demanding answers.

"What do you mean? I..." I trail off, searching for an explanation, but my mind draws a blank.

He runs a hand through his hair, frustration evident on his face.

"Please, don't tell me any more lies..." he pleads, his voice tinged with a mix of desperation and anger.

"I don't..." I begin to deny, but he cuts me off.

"Stop with the nonsense and tell me the truth!" His words hit me with a jolt, causing me to wince involuntarily.

"Nothing has happened, okay?" I raise my voice slightly, my confusion and bewilderment mounting. I had just woken up, still grappling with the fragments of what had transpired.

Is this the real world? Or is it all just a dream?

"There will be no more excuses this time. We have to write a report..." he insists, determination etched on his face.

"No! Why... I mean..." I stumble over my words, struggling to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Sorn seems to have reached his limit, no longer willing to entertain my facade of innocence. He forcefully pulls the duvet away from me, grabs my hand tightly, rolls up his long-sleeved pajama, and reveals his hand to me. It's covered in numerous handprints, bite marks, and scratches. I recoil slightly, pulling my hand away from his grip.

"Here," he says, pointing to some photos on his phone. I see purplish love bites scattered across my chest and back, captured as damning evidence.

I can no longer hide.

"Everything was revealed to me by Mara. Why didn't you tell me you were raped?! And now, tonight... Is this the same man? Please, tell me!" Sorn's anger flares, his voice filled with a mixture of frustration and pain.

"No..." I whisper, my voice trembling.

"I've had enough. Tomorrow, we're going to the police station. I'll go to the hospital and get the medical report..." Sorn declares with unwavering determination, his words marking a turning point in our lives.

"Did you call the doctor?!" I seethe with rage, my emotions bubbling to the surface.

"G, of course I did! You passed out and ended up like this!" Sorn's voice rises, matching my anger. I push myself off the bed, my lower back still throbbing, but I refuse to back down.

"You act as if I belong to you, Sorn Kent-Pathitta!"

"Gia Hunter, I wish I could!"

"But you don't! You had the audacity to call the doctor and force me into a rape kit!" The words spill from my lips, fueled by a mix of frustration and indignation. I understand his concern, but will he respect my privacy?

"How did you become so defensive!"

"Because this is my personal space! My dignity!" I fire back, my voice trembling with emotion as I glare at him. The intensity of the situation weighs heavily on me.

"So, what am I to you? Please, tell me!" Sorn's eyes glisten with vulnerability, searching for answers.

"How can I bring this up when I know how you'll react?! You have done so much for me, and I don't want to burden you any further!" I collapse onto the sofa, tears streaming down my face. I wish Sorn could understand how desperately I want to keep him safe, even as everything becomes more complicated.

Right now, everything is in shambles!

"Gia, you have no idea how much you mean to me! I just want you to trust me as a friend, no matter how challenging things may be. We can face this together, you know! Please don't push me away. Can't you see that I genuinely care about you?"

We lock eyes, searching for understanding and justification. I avert my gaze, wiping away my tears, and wrap my arms around myself. Sorn approaches me slowly, gently lifting my chin.

"You are important to me, G..."

"I know you meant well. But I don't want you to worry about me."

"You've already made me worry..."

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, my voice filled with remorse. Sorn's touch on my cheek is gentle, his presence comforting. This is no longer a cute card moment. It's all real, raw, and vulnerable. And it's up to Sorn now.

"G, I wish you could understand how I feel right now. I wish I could convince you," he speaks softly, his voice filled with sincerity. I gaze at him, studying his concerned expression, and I sense there's something more beneath the surface.

He runs his fingers through my hair with a tenderness that speaks volumes. I am left speechless, unable to find the right words. Suddenly, memories of my conversation with Tamara flood my mind.

He adores you!

I muster the strength to push him away, to create distance, but I can't. Sorn has shattered my fragile heart. He has been a constant presence, never causing me pain. Amongst all the chaos in this world, he is someone I need and love deeply.

But why can't I let myself fall in love with him?

As I watch Sorn, a wave of confusion washes over me. Do I truly love Mr. Unknown, or is it simply desire? My heart is playing tricks on me, leaving me uncertain about the authenticity of my feelings for Sorn.

"Gia... I know I probably shouldn't say this, but you mean so much to me. I want you to be mine..." Sorn's confession catches me off guard. He tightly holds my hand, his face inches away from mine.


Before I can respond, our attention is drawn to a loud crash, causing us both to startle. We turn our heads towards the source of the noise—the main door.

There stands Way, holding a shattered vase in his hands, his presence unexpected and unsettling.

Has he been listening to our conversation?

Oh no...

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