Ch 23 - Honesty

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"We have Miss Hunter's medical report, but I'm afraid it doesn't provide much conclusive evidence. It seems like a dead end," Detective Opal states.

"What do you mean? It's enough to pursue a case!" Sorn's anger is palpable. He glares at the detective as if he's ready to shove his words back down his throat.

"The rape kit indicates penetration in Miss Hunter's vaginal opening. However, there doesn't seem to be any signs of force or violence," the detective explains, now looking at Gia who sits nervously beside Sorn.

"But you saw what that bastard did to her! Those bruises, scratches, and wounds all over her body!"

"Sorn, please, stop..."

"I'm not going to let this slide! He'll come back for you!"

"That's enough, Sorn!" Gia shouts at him, unable to bear the shame of seeing pictures of her violated body on the cold metal desk in the interrogation room.

"Would a DNA test be helpful? Perhaps we can find a match with the samples collected," Sorn suggests.

The detective hangs his head low.

"We did collect a fluid sample, but unfortunately, we haven't found a match in our database."

"How is that even possible? Are you telling me he's still out there, freely roaming around? Unbelievable!" Sorn's anger spirals out of control, and he becomes overwhelmed with frustration.

"He's clearly experienced in covering his tracks. After the assault, he took measures to clean up any evidence he might have left behind. Unfortunately, he unintentionally left traces that are now mixed with Miss Hunter's own fluids. It's too diluted for us to extract anything meaningful," Detective Opal explains, providing them with a detailed explanation.

"I want to pursue this case," Sorn insists.

"But it's a dead end!"

"I don't care. Do whatever it takes to keep it open."

"We can do that if Miss Hunter is willing to provide a testimony," the detective responds.

They turn their attention to Gia, who immediately feels a surge of tension as the conversation makes her feel embarrassed and anxious.

"No. I'm sorry," she says, grabbing her bag and jacket before hastily leaving the room, tears streaming down her face. As she steps out of the police station, she unexpectedly bumps into Way, who has been waiting outside.

"What's wrong?" Way gently holds Gia's shoulder, concern evident in his voice. She can't stop sobbing, clinging tightly to him for support.

"Gia!" Sorn emerges from the building, spotting Way and Gia embracing outside the police station. His anger flares up even more, and he rushes towards them, forcefully grabbing Gia's wrist.

"Hey! You're going to hurt her!" Way shouts at Sorn, protective of Gia.

"You need to come with me..."

"Let me go, Sorn! Why do you keep forcing me!"

"I'm doing this for your own good, Gia! I'm trying to protect you! Please try to understand!" Sorn pleads, but Gia pulls her hand away from him, her eyes filled with frustration.

"Do you know how difficult it is for me to testify? I have no memory of what happened that night! And did you think it wouldn't affect me to see how you managed to take pictures of me completely naked?" She screams in anger and hurt.


Both Sorn and Way are taken aback and bewildered, exchanging confused glances.

"Someone please explain what's going on. Now!" Way demands, trying to make sense of the situation.

Sorn looks at Gia, his expression filled with remorse.

"She was raped..."

"Sorn!" Gia looks at him, disbelief and shock flooding her face. Now, she feels her sense of dignity crumbling in front of Way. She anticipates him looking at her with disgust.


"I had the rape kit performed on her without her consent, while she was still unconscious," Sorn admits, his voice filled with guilt.

"You know you can't do that. It's against her will," Way interjects, stepping closer to Gia and gently caressing her shoulder, offering her comfort and support.

"But it's for her own good!"

"You need to have a proper discussion about this, Sorn. Instead of dragging her and forcing her against her will. You claim to love her, but it seems like you're more focused on controlling her than truly caring for her..." Way throws a pointed comment at his brother.

"And who are you to talk? You were completely clueless about all of this. Where were you when you were supposed to protect her? And now you're resorting to dirty tactics, aren't you?" Sorn smirks, taunting Way.

"At least I know how to calm her down. All you did was yell at her and forcefully grab her. I know how to talk to her, unlike you, who constantly assert your dominance. And don't call yourself a good friend, you're no different from Dad!"

With one comment, Sorn falls to the ground. Way scoffs, standing up and gripping Sorn's collar. Both refuse to back down, causing chaos in the police station.

"Enough! Both of you, just shut up!!!" Gia finally erupts, unable to contain her anger any longer. She storms out of the station, feeling overwhelmed and desperate.

In that moment, all she wants is for everything to end.



I'm exhausted. Facing a drama with Sorn and Way. It seems like the competition is more than just a playground fight. Now, both were hurting me! I just hate them a lot!

At the end of the day, I was unheard of and hurt.

I kick my shoes at the front door, tossing my keys and bag away. I open up my jacket and throw it away. I wish I could do something rather than vent! I did take a good stroll before coming home just now. But it's useless. Wrinkles almost develop on my face. I'm so stressed up.

I undress in my closet when I feel a pair of hands on my shoulder. I smile as I pretend to be shocked by the touch. But those hands hold me so tight, I can't even move.

"Tense?" he asks. I nod, enjoying his massage. Slowly, his hand moves down to my back. I moan a bit and gasp when he squeezes my butt cheek.

"Want more?"

"Now we are talking..." I say while trying to turn up front but he stops me. He uses his right hand to massage my boob slowly.

"Press harder, please," I beg him.

"You are intense..." he bites my ear lobe a bit. I gasp a bit but let him. It brings my mood up.

"I need this," I say. The man just mute and keeps gritting my neck and sucking it a bit.

"Don't leave a mark please..."

"Why? You're mine,"

"Can we take it slowly and romantically today? I need it and I wanna enjoy it,"

I don't know when I have the bravery for demanding this from him. He is usually the one who takes charge. I gulp a bit, thinking maybe he is furious by my demand.

"Hmm... anything for my princess..." lips on my neck, trailing from above to down makes me shiver. I hold his hand tight, holding my lust inside so badly. I swear I wanna jump on him right now!

"What's with the shaking, your highness? You hate my touch...?" I almost cry when I hear his deep lustful voice ringing in my ear.

"I like it... so much.. my king.." I bit my lips.

"My unholy princess..." I pant hard when he touches my pussy. Intentionally rolls my clitoris with his finger.

And with the same slender finger, he slips in slowly into my pussy. Comes the sensation that I want so badly. I moan aloud this time. I know where this will end later.

Oh my God, someone please save me!


Unknown POV

She dozes off, hugging me so tight. I smile, as usual, that's what I do every time I study that face. I caress her soft lips. Gives a small peck. Slowly pulls away from the blind lace from her eyes.

Just like what I want. She opened up for me now. Witnessing her taking my length willingly, enjoying every touch, every thrust, and every kiss makes me feel glad. Finally, I can call her mine.

She wants me. She needs me. Moreover, she is crazy for me.

I wish I can tell her who am I exactly! I'm afraid of her reaction if she finds out the truth. The thought of losing her scares me. I put the eye blind back to her eyes and hug her tight.

You're mine, Gia.


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