Ch 31 - Is it him? Or him?

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The city of fashion. Among the best in Europe.

That's where the YoLo team will be based for the entire week, perhaps even longer, for the Summer Fashion Campaign. YoLo has assembled their finest team and collection for this occasion.

"Thanks for joining us," Gia says to Way. The man looks at her with excitement, clutching his camera tightly. Due to last-minute circumstances, India was unable to join the team. He received positive news from the adoption center, prompting him to prioritize his family responsibilities and forego the Milan trip. However, he can always join them for future fashion campaigns and shows. Missing Milan doesn't mean missing out on everything.

Hence, YoLo decided to bring Way on board. Luckily, he happened to be in the vicinity, attending an art expo in the same area but on different dates. In truth, he was more than willing to travel from afar because he knew Gia would be there, and...

"I'll never miss a chance to be with you," he blurted out.

"Excuse me?" Gia raises an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips.

"I mean... with YoLo," Way stammers, his cheeks are reddening. Gia can't help but chuckle, her eyes gleaming mischievously.

"Who would turn down a hefty paycheck, right?" she teases. Way looks at her, the smile fading from his face. It's not about the money. It's about the opportunity to prove himself to her, a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

So far, from what he had heard from Tamara, Gia had not yet chosen a side. And Way knew he had a strong game, so he wanted to keep trying and prove himself worthy of dating her.

Furthermore, this time he had a formidable rival: his own brother. Way was aware of his own strengths and weaknesses, so he was prepared for the competition.

"Way, I think you should start focusing on your work now," Sorn remarked, his hand playfully resting on Gia's waist, causing Way to boil with frustration.

"What do you think we're doing?" Way retorted, his voice laced with annoyance.

"I only saw the two of you chatting while we might be missing out on important things," Sorn replied, pulling Gia even closer to him.

"Is that a crime?" Way countered, pulling Gia back towards him, a subtle yet unmistakable act of claiming her.

"Enough!" Gia freed herself from their grasp. She felt uneasy and suffocated. The competition between these two fools seemed never-ending, unless one of them met their demise.

That's what she was thinking at that moment.

"YoLo! Childish bickering again, huh?" a voice called out, causing them to startle. Jules stood before them with Eric and Homme, looking at them with a smirk.

"Jules," Gia uttered, her voice filled with unease.

"Well, well, you look even more stunning than before, Miss Hunter," Jules remarked, his eyes lingering on her figure in a way that made Way's blood boil. He quickly stepped forward, positioning himself between Jules and Gia.

"You're here too, I see?"

"I'm always near her, so please stop being so rude," Jules chuckled.

"When have I been rude?"

"Even a blind man could sense your filthy thoughts!"

"Come on, between us... We both know she's irresistible," Way said, his grip tightening on Jules' collar as he stared him down with intense eyes.

"Go on, make your move," he challenged.

"Stop it, Way!" Sorn interjected, his voice filled with concern. Way glared at his brother, then turned his gaze to Gia. She was pale, her lips trembling as if she wanted to say something but couldn't find the words.

"Why? Afraid?"

"It's not worth my knuckles breaking your face, Mr. Adrams. I could easily overpower you, but I don't want to spoil Gia's mood with a sight like that," Way released his grip on Jules, pushing him away with force. Jules composed himself, the malicious smirk never leaving his face.

"See you around, YoLo," Jules taunted before departing, with Homme and Eric following suit. Sorn watched Way, who stood there, still protecting Gia, his expression filled with a mixture of determination and concern.

"Control yourself, Way. Don't cause a scene," Sorn urged, his voice filled with caution.

"I haven't done anything wrong. A scumbag like him deserves to be taught a lesson," Way retorted, his anger still palpable.

"But there's no need to resort to violence!" Sorn pleaded.

"I'm not afraid to tarnish my image if it means standing up against a pervert like Jules, no matter how influential he is in this industry. I may be a freelancer, but I have the right to protect someone's dignity, and you can't stop me," Way explained firmly, his gaze shifting to Gia as he gently stroked her cheek. He then turned away, seething with anger.

"Do you blame me too?" Sorn asked Gia, his frustration evident in his voice. Gia shook her head in disbelief.

"Enough of this, okay?" she pleaded. Sorn scoffed and walked away, leaving her alone in her confusion.

"Aish, now they're both leaving! What am I going to do?" Gia muttered to herself, feeling torn. She pointed her finger to the left, then to the right, unsure of which way to go.

"Aish! Whatever!" she exclaimed, stomping her feet in frustration. Unable to decide, she ultimately chose to go straight ahead, hoping that it would lead her to a clearer path.



Finally, a breath of fresh air. Well, maybe not exactly fresh and clean, but at least it's away from the crowded room. I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with oxygen, finding solace in the distance from people and noise.

Lately, being in public surrounded by a throng of people hasn't been my thing. I often find myself becoming bored, drowsy, or restless, as if someone's gaze is fixated on me amidst the crowd. In the end, I usually choose to leave the scene, either heading home or waiting outside the venue.

I wrap my white lightweight blazer around me. Despite it being summer, the nights can still get chilly. Nearby, a group of young people hangs out, smoking and laughing amongst themselves. The club is quite far from where we're staying, so I decide to wait for a cab.

As I wait, my head begins to spin slightly. I clutch my purse tightly, feeling a queasiness in my stomach. Perhaps it's the food I had earlier. I wasn't too keen on the flavors, with lots of dairy and such. And maybe the wine played a part too. My hangover is probably starting to kick in.

My head pounds fiercely, almost causing me to stumble as I attempt to take a light walk. I manage to grasp onto a nearby lamp post, distancing myself from the group of youngsters. If I'm going to be sick, I'd rather do it away from prying eyes. I don't want anyone witnessing this dreadful moment.

Now, I find myself sweating profusely, drenched with perspiration.

What is happening to me?

"G?" I hear someone call my name from behind. I tried to respond, but suddenly, a wave of dizziness engulfed me.


Those are the last words I hear before everything goes black and I lose consciousness.

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