Ch 6 - Helpless

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Sitting on my executive chair, I find myself lost in a sea of thoughts. I gaze out of the window, watching raindrops blur the glass, my mind empty and detached. Aching, my heart throbs, each beat resonating through every fiber of my being.

It happened again last night. Only two days have passed since the first attack, or rather, the third one if I count Paris. No matter how hard I try, my body no longer feels like my own. I've surrendered myself to him.

I struggle to understand myself. I know this is cruel. This is rape. But to be honest, I can't fully grasp the magnitude of what it means. I should fight back! I should scream! I should kick him whenever I have the chance!

The mere thought of it leaves me feeling dizzy and sick. I'm sick of myself for being so terrified and allowing him to "enjoy" himself. Damn, you, Gia! You claim to be the iron lady, yet you can't even stand up against this intruder! You are weak!

But how can I fight when it puts someone else's life at risk? I can't take that chance! He has proven that he is capable of anything. Just look at what happened to Cruise. That man is now hospitalized for at least a month.

All because I caught his attention.

And he pays the price for it.


"Hmph!!!" I let out a feeble scream, but it falls on deaf ears. The man's lips remain tightly pressed against mine, suffocating me. With my hands bound to the bed, my movements are restricted, and now he has tied my legs as well.

Eventually, he releases his grip, and I can sense his presence shifting, his knees now pressing against my pelvic bone. My eyes are blindfolded, leaving me in complete darkness.

I feel the restraints around my legs being loosened. Acting quickly, I summon the last remnants of my energy to attempt a desperate kick, but it proves futile. Before I know it, my body is forcefully turned around, my front pressed against the bed.

"Let me go, you fucking shit!" I shout, my voice filled with anger and desperation.

"It seems you know me quite well," he whispers in my ear, his words sending shivers down my spine.

"Let me go!!!" I scream again, my pleas echoing in the room.

I hear him sigh in response. Suddenly, my body feels lighter, as if he has left. Seizing the opportunity, I struggle to free myself, only to be overcome by a heavy weight pressing down on me once more. This time, a large hand touches my face, and I feel something cold and metallic being clasped around my neck.

"You monstrous beast! Let me go!" I scream, my voice filled with a mix of terror and defiance.

"Struggle less, and your punishment will be less severe," he retorts coldly.

"What? Are you planning to kill me like you did to Cruise?!" I yelp, fear gripping my heart. The memory of what happened to Cruise sends a shiver down my spine.

"Call him again, and you'll find out what comes next," he warns, his tone chilling. I bite my lip, refusing to give in.

"I will never listen to you, you devil!"

Another sharp smack lands on my butt cheek, causing me to yelp in pain.

"You need to listen! You belong to me!"

"I belong to no one!" I defiantly retort, but it earns me a third strike, followed by a fourth that cuts through the air with searing pain. I cry out, my skin feeling like it's about to tear apart.

"You're mine! Mine!" he insists vehemently.

"No! Never!" I cry out again, only to be met with another sharp strike that makes me yell in agony. The pain is unbearable, and tears stream down my face.

"Listen, jellybean... You are mine, and you will always be mine. You must submit to me, and only me. What happened to Cruise was just a warning. I can do much worse. Remember, I'm a jealous man," he taunts, cruelly pinching my sore, throbbing buttock. I cry silently, feeling utterly helpless.

"How could you do this? How can you?" I sob, my voice choked with pain and disbelief.

"I simply want you. I want you desperately, and I refuse to share, even with your best friend. Especially not him," he reveals, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Never lay a hand on him!" I plead, the words leaving my lips in a desperate whisper.

He tightened the choker around my neck, causing a searing pain that made me gasp for precious breath. As he released his grip, I slumped against the pillow, my face buried in it, coughing and struggling to regain my composure.

"From this moment on, it's just you and me," he declared, his voice filled with possessiveness. "If you dare mention anyone else in this bed or my presence, I will ensure that person doesn't live to see another day." His words were laced with a chilling threat that sent shivers down my spine. All I could think about at that moment was Sorn's safety.

"You're a monster!" I sobbed, my voice shaking with a mixture of fear and anger. I heard him chuckle, a sound that filled me with dread.

"This monster will show you pleasure tonight..." he taunted, pulling my neck up by the chain. I closed my eyes tightly, desperately hoping that the night would come to an end soon, praying for an escape from this nightmare.


No text or phone call has come since then. My heart shrinks every time I think about the warning. Now he's targeting Sorn. And how can I avoid the man without a solid reason? Sooner or later, he will uncover the truth!

What frightens me the most is the possibility that time may run out. That man has proven himself to be true to his word. Look at what happened to Cruise, just because I glanced at him for a brief moment!

I can only imagine the horrors he could inflict upon Sorn. He's treading on thin ice!

Rising from my couch, I leave my office. I must find Sorn and reveal the truth. I have to let him know before it's too late!


Stepping into the empty studio, Gia notices the unpacked equipment and open boxes, indicating a lunch break for the crew. They'll return soon.

Wandering around, Gia's eyes wander to the main screen, scrolling through the morning's captured moments. A new concept catches her attention, explaining the presence of a smoke machine at the site, creating a dreamy atmosphere.

The backdrop is aesthetically pleasing, adorned with a flower wall and soft pastel colors, exuding a dreamy and sweet ambiance. It's a style she adores. Gia can't believe they're finally embracing this concept, a departure from their previous monochrome or vivid color schemes.

Her gaze falls upon the unfamiliar camera set up in front of the backdrop. Curiosity piques as she reaches out to touch the lens, inspecting it closely. Peering through the lens, the background becomes even more captivating, enhanced by the lighting.

Not far from the camera, Gia notices a vintage camera resting on the side table, radiating a classical charm. She lifts it, playfully experimenting with its settings, capturing a few shots of the captivating backdrop.

"Like it?" Gia turns around, her heart skipping a beat. She almost drops the camera, but she manages to hold onto it tightly.

"Where did you get this?" The man smiles at her, hands casually tucked in his pockets. Today, he's wearing a black oversized t-shirt, paired with baggy khaki pants and crisp white sneakers. His hair is neatly tied back, with a few strands falling gently on his forehead.

"London. I found it at a pawnshop and got a good deal," Way walks closer to her. His height towers over her, creating a gentle breeze. She tilts her head slightly to look up at his face.

"I can't believe how tall you've become," Gia chuckles softly. Way's smile reveals a charming dimple, enchanting her in an instant.

"I doubt you remember everything about me," Gia brushes her nape and nods. She left when Way was just 10 years old, and by the time she returned, he had already left for Europe.

"I still remember some things, although they're a bit fuzzy..."

"I remember everything like it was yesterday," Way says, his gaze intertwining with hers.

"How do you adjust the focus?" Gia quickly diverts her racing heart by asking Way an innocent question, even though she knows the answer is quite simple.

Way turns her around, placing his hands gently over hers, guiding her fingers to the right spot. He leans in, resting his chin on her shoulder, creating a warm and intimate closeness.

"Just turn this around to set the focus. Look through the viewfinder..." Way lifts the camera, allowing Gia to peer through the hole. Their lips are tantalizingly close, and she can hear his gentle breaths. Her eyes glance sideways, meeting his gaze.

"Focus..." Way murmurs, his voice like a gentle caress. He guides her index finger to the shutter button, holding her hand firmly.

"After you've locked the focus, simply press the shutter. Just one quick press," he continues with the lesson, but Gia's attention begins to waver. Her heart beats faster, intoxicated by the musky scent that fills her senses. It's a dangerous temptation, and she fights the surge of hormones that threaten to overpower her.

At that moment, everything feels seductive.

"Just like that?" Gia asks Way in a trembling voice. He looks at her and nods slowly, just inches away from her. He bites his lip, leaning closer, their lips almost touching.

"Way..." someone interrupts them. They quickly separate, Gia, taking a deep breath while Way composes himself, running his hand through his hair.

"Oh, you're here too?" Sorn enters with a catalog in his hand. Gia waves at him, showing him the camera. Sorn smiles and approaches her.

"Ah... You finally met Way's 'girlfriend'! Let me tell you, he treasures that camera like it's his most prized possession. He even has a special box for it and keeps it locked away in a safe. I was surprised to see it in your hands. He never lets anyone touch it!" Sorn teases Way. The young man takes the camera from Gia and carefully places it back in its box, which he then puts into his camera bag.

"Did you get what I asked?" Way inquires.

"Yeah, here it is..." Way takes the catalog and hastily leaves the studio. Sorn turns his gaze toward Gia with a curious look.

"What's wrong with him?" Gia shrugs her shoulders, pretending that nothing is amiss.

"So, why are you here?" Sorn asks, his smile beaming at her.

Look at that smile! How can I bring up the topic? I can't! I just can't!



"Let's have dinner tonight?" Gia suggests, with a playful tone. Sorn chuckles softly before gently caressing her head.

"Anything you want," Sorn replies. He loves seeing Gia like this, and he is willing to do anything to make her happy. Anything for her.

Even if it means sacrificing his own life.

"Can we invite Way too?"


"I don't know, he's in town now. So why not?" Gia says, stealing a glance at Sorn. He appears slightly hesitant but eventually nods.

"Alright, I'll ask him later," Sorn says. Even though his heart feels heavy, if it's for Gia, he's willing to do anything.


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