Ch 9 - Confession Pt. 1

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"Ah..." Gia lets out a deep sigh, feeling the exhaustion in her bones. She's in a room next to the studio, trying to relax her tired body. What a long day it has been! Working so hard takes a toll, especially without enough sleep.

Gia looks at herself in the mirror. Her eyes look tired, and her cheeks appear sunken. She studies her weary face. It seems like age is catching up with her. No wonder her aunt keeps urging her to find a partner. She worries about growing old and being alone.

But how can she do that? Right now, she feels insecure. That Unknown Man is still watching her. The last thing she wants is for someone to get hurt because of her.

Gia gets up from the chair and walks out of the room, taking a glance around the studio. Things have changed a bit since the early days of this fashion house. They used to rent a small studio in town. When they finally bought a building, they had to use every available space for storage and packaging. They started from scratch.

And now, here they are, in a big building with a flashy LED billboard outside. They even have a new modeling department!

From a distance, Gia sees Way standing in front of a large screen. He's busy selecting pictures for the billboard. The best picture will be shown for a whole week, giving both the agency and the models some free promotion.

"Hey," Gia says gently, patting Way's shoulder.

"Hmm..." Way remains focused on the screen, not turning around. His eyes are still fixed on his task. Gia starts to pull away, thinking she should leave him to his work, but Way holds her hand firmly, caressing it softly.

"I should let you-"

"Stay. I need your opinion," Way interrupts, swiveling his chair to face her. He gestures for her to take a seat beside him.

Gia sits down, her attention shifting to the screen. She reaches out and takes the controller from Way's hand.

"I like him. He has the aesthetic we've been looking for. His face structure and posture are impressive. He's quite talented," Gia remarks.

"But he has an attitude," Way adds.

"True, but talent shouldn't be overlooked," Gia responds.

"I don't like him," Way says, his comment blunt and honest. Gia smiles, knowing how much he despises the guy. As a photographer, Way has the right to voice his opinion if he finds it difficult to work with a particular model.

"Way, it's not just about what you like or dislike. The concept is what matters most here. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, but in the end, it's the client who will make the final decision. We give these models an opportunity, and once they are hired, our job is done," Gia explains, her smile gentle and understanding. The innocent boy needs to learn more, not only about the positive aspects of the fashion industry, but also the darker side.

"I'd rather work with handbags," Way admits.

"Me too... Seeing bags brings me joy, you know? But we don't own the bags. The same goes for models," Gia replies, pressing the controller and moving to the next picture.

"Not everything we see, we can possess. We may be able to touch and work with it, but that doesn't mean we can have it," Gia's words flow softly from her sweet mouth, touching Way's heart. She has a way with words, always able to bring calmness and introspection to those who listen.

"But we can work hard to earn it," Way responds, surprising Gia. Their eyes meet, diverting their attention from the screen.

"Can I ask you a question?" Gia asks, her curiosity piqued.

"Are you willing to kill for love?" Gia asks, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Of course. I would do whatever it takes for the person I love," Way replies confidently.

"That sounds intense," Gia remarks.

"And selfish, right? Love is inherently selfish. When you love someone, you want the relationship to work. You see, just like a bag, a relationship is something tangible that you can touch and try to fix. But sometimes, despite all your efforts, you can't have it. So, you have to work hard and make sacrifices along the way. In that process, you might even feel like you're willing to do anything, even something extreme. It's a testament to how much you're willing to fight for it," he explains, his words flowing freely from his heart.

Gia lowers her head and lets out a soft chuckle. That's not how she approached her past relationships. She did try, but it never seemed to work out. For her, she believes that if something is meant to happen, it will happen regardless of her efforts.

"I don't like being selfish when it comes to love. If I know the other person won't be truly happy, I prefer to walk away," Gia shares her perspective.

Way sighs, understanding her point of view all too well.

"In love, nothing is ever perfect. It doesn't follow a specific script. Some relationships we can hold onto, and some simply don't work. It's like being caught in a never-ending seesaw game. If you jump off, you're seen as the bad guy. But how long can you keep playing that game?" Way wonders aloud.

Gia looks at him, realizing that Way is subtly referring to his own unexpected engagement.

"You choose to stay in that game," she says softly, acknowledging the complexity of his situation.

"Trust me, I've wanted to walk away countless times. For the sake of my dad, I have to stay. I have no other choice. He has never caused me any pain, not even once. He always understands the complexities of my life. He gives me freedom and unconditional love. This is the least I can do to repay him," Way confesses, his voice filled with a mix of resignation and obligation. He avoids making eye contact with Gia, hoping to hide his inner turmoil.

"But, Andra can't be that bad, can she?" Gia questions, her curiosity evident.

"I fell in love with someone else," Way admits quietly.

"Oh? Is she your girlfriend?" Gia inquires, trying to understand the situation.

"No, but I love her," Way reveals, his voice filled with longing. Gia gazes at him, sensing the depth of his emotions. She reaches out and gently pats his arm, offering a reassuring smile.

"You need to pursue your own happiness. You should talk to your dad about it and confess your feelings to that person before it's too late," Gia advises, her words filled with encouragement.

"Really? Should I do that?" Way asks, his eyes searching for guidance.

"Yes, why not? I mean, any girl would be thrilled to have you. No one would reject your love, I'm sure of it! Go for it!" Gia responds, infusing him with determination.

With newfound courage, Way takes a deep breath and prepares to share his feelings.

"Okay, Gia... I love you," he declares, his words hanging in the air, leaving Gia utterly surprised.


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