Even Before All Happens

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I placed those papers on the table and let out a big yawn. I couldn't even lift my eyes, and my body was in excruciating pain.

It feels sore, as if I just had sex...

The thought of sex makes me blush, and suddenly a smile spreads across my face.

"Cruise will hate you for looking like this," Tamara looks at me. I playfully laugh and focus on the paperwork.

"Good! Maybe he should step back and leave me alone.." My finger trails a paper that was clipped along with the paperwork. I frown as I look at it.

"Can a wet dream make you fatigued?"

"What's with the question?" Tamara twitches her nose. Her laughter spills from her mouth as she shakes her head in disbelief.

I look at her with my hooded eyes, straight into her pupil, until she realizes...

I ain't joking now!

"I think you should date,"

"I already know that. No!" Raise your hand when the date is over. After a bad breakup with Alan, this is the last thing I want to do!

"At least you can have sex! And remove those dirty thoughts from your dirty mind!"

"Since when are you holy?"

"Look, lady! I'm no mother fucking holy shit! I did come across it somewhere. When you have strange dreams like this, it means your body is telling you that you need this.
You've had a wet dream. That means your cunt desires to be wet!" I smack her on the shoulder, causing her to yelp in pain.

I don't want people to suddenly become interested in our conversation.

I don't want people to think I'm desperate for sex!

"So, why should I pursue the dating option?"

"Because that's the only way to get laid!"

My body simply sags on the chair. I roll my auburn hair and playfully pouted my lips.

"Please don't tell me you wanna sleep around like a hoe!" Tamara looks at me, eyes getting bigger. I just smirk, knowing she can read me just like that.

"G, I have no problem with you acting like a hoe or even stupider than that. You're still my friend, and I love you till death. But, the last thing that I wanna see is you checking yourself in rehab for sex addiction!"

"Chill, will ya? It's been a while, you know. I can't even remember how amazing it is to hook up with someone..." I smack my lips and shut myself.

"Ah... I know that look! I know that horny ass look!" Tamara smears her palm on my hand. I giggle, as I push her away from me.

"Well... last night..." Tamara slaps down papers on the table and grabs my wrist.

"You got laid? For fucking real laid?" I shush her, almost wanting to choke Tamara for real.

"You know, I don't trust you with this. Let me just..."

"Nope! Once the tea got spilled, the cup must get emptied!" Tamara seems won't let me go if I don't spill everything.

"So, last night... I don't know. I feel like I have this wet dream. But it seems so real! I even woke up, panting and sweating like I was having sex. And, it's not unusual, "I sheepishly smile, staring out the window.

"What do you mean?" my eyes are staring at Tamara, while my evil tongue is licking my lips.

Those hot moves, and various positions, make me moan and shivered until my knees gave up. With wild pounding, sweat dripping from the whole body. Chains bounded around me while I was hanging in the air.

"It's... Hardcore... With chains,"

"Mmm... Wicked thoughts!" I grasp her forearm, applying firm pressure. The marks of my touch blossom on her skin, leaving an alluring bruise as she writhes in delightful agony.

"Oh my, I can't believe it... How can you revel in such exquisite torment? You're quite the wild one, my dear!" Tamara playfully winks at me.

I sit there, my fingers fidgeting as I blush profusely. The memories of that night resurface—my screams, my pleas, and the awakening of my submissive desires. That man, oh God, he pleasured me to no end! It felt as if he were custom-made for me, solely designed to unlock the untamed depths of my being, long concealed.

I think I've fallen madly in love with him!

"But you know, it almost feels unreal, like a dream. The man appears so vivid, but deep down, I know..." I sigh deeply, abandoning my seat to gaze out the window.

"It seems you've fallen hard for him... the Unknown Man from the realm of fantasies," Tamara remarks.

I merely smile at her, absently rubbing my wrist. Oh, how I long to encounter him once more! Even if only in dreams, for he has conquered my heart.

I yearn for him to be real.

I wish he existed!


Unknown POV

I observe her from a distance, a smirk dancing on my lips as I flick my lighter. Taking a drag from my cigarette, I savor the taste before my gaze returns to her. She's absolutely captivating—every inch of her has ensnared my heart. Her smile, her laughter, and that pure heart of gold.

But that's not all. Last night, she unleashed her wild side, driving me insane. The way she moaned, her lithe body writhing uncontrollably in the throes of passion. She was like a fiery tempest in the realm of love. And the way she effortlessly took me in, craving my every inch—she begged for my satisfaction.

She is the dream girl I've yearned for, for far too long!

And this time, Gia, you will be mine!

Leaving the café, I drop some generous tips into the jar. From a distance, I watch her laughing and fooling around. God, that smile—I crave to witness it again and again.

But I cannot linger. For now, I must depart.

Until we meet again, my sweet jellybean. And rest assured, I will make you scream once more. With you, fully awake on that bed, succumbing to your insatiable desires as you beg me with that seductive voice of yours.

Just wait until you belong to me.

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