4 - One Magical Evening

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I feel as though I am in mourning.

I have loved Dean for so long, that I'd never properly considered that he would not feel the same way about me.

Even when Ginny turns him down for Neville, I still feel the sadness sit heavily on my heart.

"Neville?! Neville?!" Dean splutters incredulously as he angrily spreads butter on his toast.

"What's wrong with Neville?" I challenge, glowering my eyes at him.

"Well, it's Neville," is all Dean can offer. "I just can't see it. She's beautiful and he's..." he waves his hand in the air as though searching for the right adjective, "...Neville."

"Are you calling our friend ugly?"

"No!" Dean answers quickly, looking suitably ashamed, "I just meant that I would never have put him in the same league as Ginny."

"This isnt a fecking football match, Dean!" I bite, feeling quite irritated. "And I suppose you think you yourself are in Ginny's 'league'? What about me? Who is in my league? Or do I not even make it to the team?!"

"Why are you being like this?" Dean pouts, putting down his butter knife to stare at me. "I thought seeing as you are supposed to be my best friend you'd be more supportive. You see, this is why I never tell you about girls I fancy. You can be so judgemental."


The table falls silent as everyone looks up from their breakfast.

"Are you okay, Shae?" Hermione asks kindly. "Is this about the Yule Ball? It's got a lot of people upset."

"I'm fine," I lie, pouting down at my pumpkin juice, "I just didn't think we'd all be expected to take dates."

"I don't think it's mandatory unless you're a champion," Hermione says, reaching across to pat my hand, "so I wouldn't worry about no one asking you."

"Well maybe we can go as singletons together?" I ask hopefully.

"Oh no, sorry," Hermione seems to stifle a giggle as her cheeks flush, "I've already agreed to go with someone."

"Who?!" Ron suddenly bellows, knocking the jug of pumpkin juice over, "who would go with you?!"

"Oh shut up, Ronald!" Hermione snaps at him, quickly siphoning up the mess with her wand. "Just because it's taken you this long to realise that I'm a girl!"

Ron's mouth falls open, hurt and shock flashing in his eyes before they quickly steel over.

"Fine!" He bristles, his gaze flicking to mine. "Well, how about it, Shae? You and me? If Hermione can get a date then I don't see why the rest of us can't!"

I just stare at him, flabbergasted. This wasn't what I had been expecting at all, and I certainly don't fantasize about dating Ronald Weasley. But on the other hand, if Dean is asking other girls out, then I don't see why I should miss out.

"Yes," I nod, ignoring the gasps all around us, "okay. Why not?"

I carefully watch Dean's expression, but although he too looks shocked at this development, he shows no sign of the hurt I'd felt when he told me about asking Ginny.

"What about me?" Harry splutters, almost choking on his cereal, "We said we'd find dates together, Ron. I was planning on asking the twins for us."

"No thanks, mate," Fred snorts into his tea, "I mean you're not bad on the eye, but you're not exactly our type either."

"Yeah, besides," George adds, smirking from ear to ear, "I think it's illegal to date your brother."

"I meant the Patil twins," Harry explains in all seriousness, before turning to Parvati. "What about it, Parvati? You and Padma with me and Ron?"

I slam my glass down on the table. "Hey! He just asked me!"

"Yeah, I kind of want to go with Shae," Ron nods eagerly, "no offence, Parvati."

He throws me a bashful smile and I beam. Although I don't like Ron like that, it's good to feel wanted.

"None taken," Parvati shrugs, "I'll go with you though, Harry, if you still want?"

"Well," Harry muses, tapping his spoon against his chin, "I don't know what the rules are on threesomes at this ball, but I think I'll be able to handle you both."

"I meant just me," Parvati grits.

"Oh great, who am I supposed to go with, then?" Dean asks, looking around fretfully. "I don't want to be the only dateless one there!"

"I'll ask Padma for you," Parvati shrugs, "she'll say yes because she's fancied you for ages. Just don't tell her I said that."

Now it's Dean's turn to beam. "Cool, she's well fit."

I look at Dean as though I would a stranger. Who is this manwhore? And where has my sweet best friend gone?


"You don't mind that I'm going with Ron?" I ask Hermione that evening as we change into our pyjamas.

I hear a loud laugh from behind her closed bed hangings. "Why would I mind? Ronald's free to go with whoever he likes. You just wait and see who I'm going with."

I wonder what it will be like to go on my first date, and I feel a touch of excitement, even if it is with Ron Weasley.

Maybe I'll see him in a different light. We will be dressed up, after all. And there'll be music and dancing...

"Is it odd that I'm looking forward to it?" I ponder out loud, "I mean, I'm not even sure I like Ron like that."

"Well no, of course you don't," Hermione says, her shiny face popping out between a gap in the curtains, "not when you're so clearly in love with Dean."

I stare at her in horror. How the feck does she know that?! Oh Merlin, I must talk about him in my sleep. That's the only explanation.

"I don't- he- he's my friend-" I protest pathetically. "It's not like that- I-"

"Purlease!" Parvati scoffs from where she is already tucked up in her bed, "the only person not to see the way you look at Dean must be Dean himself. He may be pretty but he's not very bright."

"Hey-" I say crossly, "Dean is more than just good looks. He's kind and clever, and-"

"See." Hermione interrupts smugly, snapping her hangings back shut. "Completely and utterly in love."


I'm not at all amused when Ron turns up in the common room on the night of the Yule Ball wearing what looks like something his wardrobe coughed up.

"What the feck is that?!" I ask, jaw dropping in horror at the pile of pink frilly rags adorning my date.

All the other guys are wearing smart, black dress robes, making even the scruffiest of boys look dapper.

And then there's my date looking as though he'd majorly pissed off Cinderella's mice.

Ron scowls at me. "I can't help it if my family's poor!"

Fred and George choose that moment to saunter in, looking like literal celebrities in their suave black dress robes.

"Woah little brother," George smirks, his eyes glittering at Ron's get up, "someone got on the wrong side of Mum."

"Where did you get those from?!" Ron hollered. "Where's the mouldy lace and questionable brown stains?"

"Guess we're Mum's new favourites," Fred says, smoothly sliding his arm around Angelina's waist. He winks down at her, causing her to giggle.

Damn, why didn't I think of dating one of the twins?

Ginny comes out next, looking disgustingly beautiful in a long shimmering silver backless gown which must have cost a few hefty galleons.

"Oh for fucks sake," Ron grumbles, unimpressed. "Mum clearly hates me."

He throws himself down on the sofa, and momentarily disappears in a puff of dust.

I watch enviously as Neville greets Ginny with a kiss on the cheek, telling her how stunning she looks.

"You look nice, Shae."

Startled, I whirl around to see Dean. His appreciative eyes flick up and down my dark green figure hugging dress.

"Oh, this old thing," I shrug, as though I wear it all the time. "Just something I picked up off the floor."

"Not once in the four years I've know you have I ever seen you wear a dress, Shae," Dean chuckles. "Which is a shame because it suits you."

My heart quickens, and I have suddenly forgotten how to breathe. I search around in my head for something normal to say, but all I want to do is tell him how delicious he looks in his black dress robes, and how much I wish we were going together.

But then something on Dean's face catches my eye, and I squint, forgetting my bashfulness. "What is that above your lip? Are you- are you growing a moustache, Dean Thomas?!"

It's his turn to look highly embarrassed. "Uh- yeah," he says sheepishly, touching his hand to his upper lip. "Thought I'd give it a try."

"You look older."

"So do you."

We smile at one another, the atmosphere suddenly charged.

"Well, I think you look very handsome," Parvati says, joining us and totally ruining the moment. "Padma is going to just cream herself."

I frown, not liking that idea at all.


Having never been on a date before, I didn't have much to compare this night to. But I'm pretty sure Ronald Weasley is the worst date ever.

For a start, not once has he complimented the way I look. In fact, I don't think he's even looked at me at all. Instead, he's been too busy scowling over at Krum and Hermione, muttering a string of curse words under his breath.

Then, during dinner, he talks with his mouth full, spraying food everywhere, which I should not have been surprised about, but I thought he may try and hone in his bad table manners for tonight at least.

And then he pretty much tells me to fuck off when I suggest we go and dance.

Sighing, I stand on the edge of the dancefloor and stare over at Dean and Padma, who are swaying beautifully together. I watch with an aching jealousy at the sight of his hand on her hip, his fingers clasping her waist, my heart breaking as he looks at her in the way I've always dreamed he'd look at me.

"Would you just look at that disgusting display," Ron mutters next to me, "makes you want to vomit."

I follow his gaze and realize he is talking about Hermione and Krum, both of whom are spinning and laughing in each other's arms.

We truly are a pathetic pair, mooning after people we can't have.

"I think I'm going to leave." I say, not wanting to suffer this torturous night any further. "I've had enough."

Ron's scowl deepens. "You're going to ditch me?!" He splutters. "Some date you turned out to be!"

I am so angry, that I simply have no words. Furious, I turn on the spot and push my way through the crowd towards the doors.

Once I get out into the Entrance Hall I take a moment to catch my breath, appreciating being out of the stifling Great Hall.

"Not leaving already, Irish?"

I spin around to see Draco Malfoy leaning idly against the wall, hands tucked in his trouser pockets. Unlike everyone else, he is not in dress robes, but rather a sharp black suit, which - as the name suggests - suits him very well.

I glare at him. "Don't call me that."

His grey eyes twinkle, a smirk playing at his lips. "Why not? It suits you. Especially in that dress."

I don't like the way his cool gaze continues to roam up and down my body. It makes me shiver, and I find myself folding my arms protectively in front of my chest.

"Feck off back to Pansy, would you," I demand. "Why are you even out here?"

He shrugs. "Balls aren't really my thing. I don't care much for dancing."

I can't help but scoff. "You sound like Ron. You two should have gone together."

He looks up at me in surprise. "He won't dance with you? That's not very chivalrous of him."

"Says you who is hiding out here."

"Weasley's a damn fool. If you were my date, I certainly wouldn't be hiding right now."

I am so taken aback by this comment, that not for the first time tonight, I am completely lost for words.

Draco, with no shame whatsoever, widens his smirk. "My my, Irish, I do believe you're blushing."

"I'm not," I say quickly, "it's just... hot in there."

Why the feck am I still standing here with him? But my feet seem frozen to the ground. And I can't help but admit I'm sort of intrigued - I've never had a conversation with Draco Malfoy before that didn't involve trading insults.

"You know," Draco drawls, moving away from the wall and taking a step towards me, "you and I could dance together. Just saying."

"I don't think Pansy would like that." I say, taking a hurried step back.

"No, probably not." He says, continuing his attempt to close the space between us. "But I don't give a damn what she thinks."

"That's not very nice." I say, backing away even further, thinking of how hurt I felt watching Dean dancing with someone else.

Draco stops, amusement in his eyes. "You want to dance with me though. I can see it in your face. You're intrigued. You want to know what it would be like to be in my arms, to be so close to me that you can feel the heat of my body as I press you up against me."

This time when he makes another move towards me, I don't step back. My breath quickens as he leans in and moves his lips against my ear.

"I would make your heart race, Irish."


He jumps back at the sound of Pansy's shrill voice.

Pansy looks from me to Draco, her expression full of horror. "What are you doing with her? You're my date! You cheating bastard!"

"Pansy, I can explain." Draco says hurriedly, turning to her. "I was just telling Finnigan to keep her Mudblood boyfriend away from me!"

"You liar!" Pansy wails. "I hate you!"

I take this opportunity to quickly slip away, hurrying up the marble staircase and away from the utter disaster of an evening.


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