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Hello and welcome to the first chapter of "Shall We Dance - A Steggy Fanfiction". Please feel free to comment and vote. I'd love to hear from you.

The picture above is of Dirk Bogarde, who I see as Sergeant Scott Woods.

I hope you like this one! Enjoy!

Peggy's PoV

"There's not gonna be a safe landing, but I can try and force it down," his voice rang through the radio, stabbing Peggy in the heart.

"I'll- I'll get Howard on the line. He'll know what to do," she said fumbling, trying desperately to figure out the German controls.

"There's not enough time. This thing is movin' too fast and it's headin' for New York. I gotta put her in the water."

She stopped trying to work the controls. "Please, don't do this. W-we have time. We can work it out," she said, pleading with him, pleading with God, pleading with herself.

"Right now I'm in the middle of nowhere. If I wait any longer a lot of people are gonna die," he paused and it felt like an age before he spoke again. "Peggy, this is my choice."

She bit back tears. She didn't know what to say. Those words were similar to the ones she had said to him after Sergeant Barnes had died and now, now he had said them to her.

He had said those words to her for one reason.

He knew he was going to die.

They both knew it, but she would be the one to deal with it, on her own, without her Captain.

"Peggy..." He said, his voice full of sadness.

She loved it when he said her name, there was something just so Steve about it that made her want to listen to it all day.

She took a deep breath and answered, "I'm here."

"I'm going to need a rain check on that dance."

It was at that moment that it hit her, she was going to lose him. They would have no first dance, no first date. No more firsts. Just that one kiss, their first and last kiss.

"All right. A week next Saturday at The Stork Club," she suggested, setting the date in her head and knowing that she would go, even if he couldn't.

"You've got it."

"Eight o'clock on the dot. Don't you dare be late. Understood?"

"You know, I still don't know how to dance."

"I'll show you how. Just be there."

"Please. Please be there," she thought to herself.

Her eyes started to fill with tears, blurring her vision slightly.

"We'll have the band play something slow," he said, and she could tell he was trying so hard not to think about what would happen. He wanted to focus on their future in his last moments. "I'd hate to step on your-" The line went dead.

"Steve?" She called, hoping for a reply. Hoping for anything.

"Steve?" She called again, the same thought ringing through her mind.

"Please, God. Please." Tears started falling down her face. "No,"she thought. "Not him. Not my Captain. Not my Steve."

"Steve?" She said one more time, a sob escaping her.

The pain in her chest grew rapidly. Tears flowed down her face in a steady stream, as she sobbed quietly, feeling like her world just fell apart.

"Peggy? Hello? Peg?" Peggy snapped back to reality. "Earth to Peggy Carter!"

Her eyes focused on the man sitting beside her.

"I have your drink," he said with a goofy smile, holding up her martini to show her.

He handed it to her as he sat opposite her in the booth.

"Thanks Scott," she said, returning a small smile before picking up her drink and taking a sip.

His smile quickly changed to a frown when he sat down. "Peggy? What's wrong, Doll?" He asked, his mahogany eyes full of concern.

"Oh, nothing Scott. Don't worry," she replied, putting on a smile.

He moved and sat in the booth beside her. Sergeant Scott Woods reached up, touching her cheek, and brushing away a tear that Peggy didn't realise had escaped.

"Peggy. I know somethin' is up. What is it? A bad day at the office?" He asked, searching her face for an answer.

"Yeah, that's it. Just thinking about it. Back during the war I felt needed, but not only that. I felt appreciated, at least by some people. Now, I-"

"You're still needed Peggy. Those boys at the firm would be lost without you. I know you're not Agent Carter anymore, but you're essential to them and the law. Mr. Sayre knows that and he appreciates ya, even if he's terrible at showin' it," he said smiling encouragingly at her. He leaned down and gave her a peck on the cheek. " I appreciate ya, Peggy. I really do. You're the strongest and most amazin' gal I know. I love ya more than should be possible, and that, Doll, is why you, and only you, are marryin' me. Peggy, you're the one for me. ," he said holding her hand in his, brushing his lips softly against her knuckles.

"Thank you, dear. I love you too," she said ruffling his soft, coffee coloured hair, earning a deep laugh from Scott.

"How did I get so lucky?" She thought to herself. "I don't deserve him. I lie to him every bloody day and he is none the wiser." She sighed, but she pretended it was one of contentment, rather than frustration.

As she sat there with Scott's arm over her shoulder, she realised she hadn't been there, in The Stork Club, in so long. It had been two years now, but the club was still the same. A wooden dance floor took up most of the centre of the room. The walls were lined with tables and booths, depending on your preference. The bar took up one side of the room, with about ten bar stools along its front. During the war, it had been one of her favourite clubs and she had gone there countless times. She hasn't been there since that Saturday, when she had planned to meet Steve. Ever since then, it just reminded her of what could have been. She remembered that night like it was two days ago, let alone two years.


The jazz music that filled the club sounded like a funeral march, reminding her of what had happened nearly two weeks ago. The happy couples around the room seemed to mock her with what she could never have with her Captain.

As she sat at the bar on the last bar stool, she realised that her first martini wasn't strong enough to get rid of the gaping whole in her chest, so she downed it quickly and turned to the barman.

"Scotch on the rocks please, Mr. Barman," she said, with a cheesy smile.

The barman just looked at her quizzically. "Ehm, ma'am-"

"Don't 'ehm ma'am' me. Just get me the drink," she snapped. He looked shocked so she added "Please, sugar," with a cheeky grin.

"Coming right up," he said with a small smile that said he knew she wasn't a woman to be messed with.

While she waited for her drink, she folded her arms onto the bar and rested her head on them, trying to block out the sounds of the band and the couples.

She heard the sound of her glass being put on the bar so she sat up and smiled at the barman who nodded in response and moved away quickly. Peggy took a large mouthful of the scotch, feeling it burn her throat on the way down, but she noticed the pain in her chest had subsided slightly so she ordered another, and another, and another.


She shivered at the memory of her headache the next day, making Scott pull her in closer to him.

She had a look around the club, realising that her life had changed a lot since that night. As she sat here with Scott, she found that she no longer felt like the loneliest person in the world, even in a crowded room. Now, whenever she was with Scott, it didn't matter if there were a hundred people in the room, or just them, because, with him, she was happy.

She drank the rest if her martini and turned to face her fiancé.

"Want to dance?" She asked, biting her lip because she already new the answer.

"Hell, yeah!" He said, jumping up from the seat.

"Language, Woods," she said with a smirk as she took his hand and lead him to the packed dance floor.

"My most sincere apologies, Ms. Carter," he replied in his best impression of her accent, bowing in front of her, making her laugh.

They got about half way across the dance floor when the band started playing "Sing, Sing, Sing" by Benny Goodman. Peggy and Scott both looked at each other in delight and then laughed. It was one of their favourite songs to dance to. They jived together effortlessly.

Peggy liked to think of Scott as her own Fred Astaire. He was such a fabulous, natural dancer. He made it look as easy as breathing, but that's what it was like being with Scott Woods.

The band were on a roll. They played Glen Miller, Artie Shaw, and all of their favourites.

After a few faced paced songs, they slowed it down with some Frank Sinatra. As soon as the song started, Scott took Peggy's left hand in his right and placed his left hand on her waist, her right hand on his shoulder. As they danced, she could feel the muscles in his shoulder move. He was a muscular man; not as toned at Steve, put toned enough that you knew he was in the military, but his uniform told onlookers the same thing. The couple danced slowly and gracefully, completely happy just looking at the other. His 5'10" tall body, fit perfectly with her 5'5" one. Scott twirled Peggy, making her laugh quietly, before he brought her in close again, holding her tight.

Just then Scott got a tap on the shoulder and a familiar voice rang clear over the music.

"Excuse me, Sergeant. Would you mind if I cut in?"

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