Twenty - Three

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. I hate leaving you guys without an update, but I just couldn't get into this chapter. I guess you read it you'll realise why I found writing this hard.

I'm going to leave a trigger warning here because this chapter does get quite violent (I surprised myself with how bad it got, but I've tried to cut it back a bit, however it's still bad). It also features an attempted rape, emphasis on attempted. Nothing happens, but if your not comfortable or have any uncertainties, please feel free not to read this chapter. I don't want you guys to feel uncomfortable or anything because if those story. Just know the next chapter will be happier.

Here it is anyway. Brace yourselves.


Peggy's PoV

"I said, you have such a pretty face. Too bad it won't be when we are finished with you."

The Russian took a step closer, his vile grin only growing wider as she struggled against the men who held her down, her face still in the tight grip of the tall, burly Russian in front of her.

"Ah ah ah," the armed man scolded her as he stepped in front of her, the man to the left dropping to hold her legs.

Peggy felt her head collide sharply with the metal container as the burly man shoved her head back, a dull pain forming on impact. He took her left arm roughly, twisting it and holding it above her head at an awkward and painful angle.

"I have to get out. I have to get out. Alright... Ehm...." Peggy started racking her brain.

She had to get out of this situation. She had to break free, she just didn't know how. And if she didn't figure out soon.....

She tried to swallow her fear as the man in front of twirled the blade between his fingers.

"Four. There's only four of them. Just Burly, Shoulder-man, Knife guy and Shortie."

Peggy winced slightly as she realised that Shortie was moving ahead of the party and was holding onto her in all the wrong places.

"Oh god. I need to get out."

"Oh-," Knife guy sighed. "-I am going to have fun with you," he whispered in her ear as he leaned in close.

Peggy could feel his hot breath hitting her ear as he grinned. He moved away slightly, raising the knife to head height. The moon's glow reflected off the edge of the sharp blade as he brought it closer to her face.

Peggy's breath hitched in her throat as he pressed the flat side if the knife against her cheek, trailing it down her face to her lips. Her eyes didn't leave the Russian's face as his eyes followed the blade's movement on her face.

"What do you say boys, shall we teach this little bitch how we do things back home, huh?" Knife guy asked the men, his eyes not leaving her face as he continued to glide the blade across her face.

The quiet dock was filled with a chorus of "da"s as the other men agreed with him.

The Russian sighed, leaning back in so that his stubble brushed against her cheek, making her shiver in disgust.

"Too bad we have to kill you. We could have had fun, you and I."

Peggy froze where she was, her breath coming out in short puffs, hanging in the freezing New York air as she tried to stay calm.

She needed to play along. As much as she felt like she was going to gag, she had to. She had to survive. She had to get home.

For Steve.

"For Steve."

"What kinda fun?" She whispered back, the Brooklyn lilt clinging to her words as she tried to hold onto her life.

She felt a hand on her hip slowly move around to her behind, pulling her flush against him as he held her tight.

Peggy's eyes went wide as he pulled her against him, her breath catching in her throat.

"No, no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no!"

In her panic, her eyes searched frantically for something, anything that could potentially be her last way out.

She couldn't move. Her body was pinned between the container and her attacker. All she could move was her head.

Her head.

The second the thought popped into her head so went for it.

"How about I- AHHHHHH!"

The Russian's whispers were cut off by his own yell as Peggy turned her head quickly, biting his ear as hard as she could. His hand was off her in less than a second, blood pouring from his ear into her mouth, filling it with a strong metallic taste as it dripped down her chin. He continued yells changing to screams of pain as he yanked himself away from her. Peggy tried not to gag as she spat her blood from her mouth, trying not to think about what could have only been a bit of his ear that followed suit.

"DER'MO! Suka!" SHIT! You bitch!, he shouted, cupping his bleeding ear as the other men stared at her in shock, completely stunned by what had just happened.

"I'm sorry, Sugar. It was only a nibble, promise!" She replied innocently, despite the blood that still covered her chin.

Knife guy did not take that well.

He hobbled back over to her, his leg slowing him slightly. He brought his hand back, and whipped it forward, his palm connecting with her cheek. The sound of the slap was as loud as a clap of thunder overhead, drowning out the sound of her head connecting with the side of the container.

She winced against the pounding in her head as she tried to gather her thoughts.

Peggy slowly turned her head back to the man in front of her. He didn't lunge for her like she thought. In fact he didn't move at all.

He just smiled.

"What?" She asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just if you thought it was going to be bad before-" he shrugged, looking down at the knife in his hands before meeting her gaze with a wicked grin. "- well, let's just say you won't like it."

He nodded to the men either side of her who pinned her tighter, leaving only her head free.

The Russian smiled down at her as he reached up, his hands grabbing hold of her jacket zip as he slowly zipped it down.

"Oh god, no. No no. What did I do. God, Peggy you made it worse. You stupid, stupid girl. You did this. You're the cause of your own demise."

As he began opening her jacket, the polar air hit her chest, feeling like tiny ice daggers stabbing at her lungs, making it harder to breathe.

Knife guy tutted quietly, whispering almost to himself.

"Such a shame."

Suddenly he lifted the knife up again and slashed from her left shoulder to the middle of her chest. Pained seared through her as as the blade of the knife pierced her skin. She gritted her teeth against the pain, biting down so hard she thought her teeth might break, but she didn't care. She wouldn't let these men get any pleasure out of her pain. She needed to stay quiet. Her breath quickened, each breath shorter than the first as she tired to ignore the pain.

He didn't seem very happy with her reaction as his smile dropped slightly. He repeated his action, digging the knife in deeper, causing Peggy to help against her gritted teeth. Blood poured from the slashes across her chest, her breathing laboured as she tried not to cry out.

The smile returned to the man's face as he began untucking her shirt, an evil glint in his eye.

"No. No! Peggy. Peggy! Snap out of it. You need to stop this. You have to do something. You have to do something, NOW!"

Thoughts whirred through her head as a plan began to form. It was risky, its chances of working were low because of the position they had her trapped in. If it went right she might get out. She might survive. She might see Steve again. If it went wrong... Well she wouldn't have to worry about that because she'd be dead.

There was no way they would let her live, not if she tried again.

She looked down as he started pulling up her top. It had to be now. He was close enough. This could work. His eyes were on her rising shirt.

Here we go.

It's now or never.

"I need a word. A random word to catch his attention. Make him look up."

It popped into her head almost instantly, a small smile forming on her face.

"This is going to hurt."


"Sláinte," she said clearly, remembering the Irish word Steve had taught her what seemed like years ago, but was only weeks.

Knife guy stopped his infiltration of her clothes and looked up at her, his confusion evident on his face.

As his head drew up to look at her, she brought her head back and slammed her forehead back down, making sure it collided with his nose. Her ears were filled with a satisfying crack followed by the shrieks of the man as he stumbled away from her, his hands covering his now broken nose.

Shortie was the first to stand, finally realising the inappropriate grip he had on her and earning himself a very hard kick between the legs by the leg he had just freed. His knees buckled almost instantly as he fell to the floor, a pained groan escaping the heap that he was now in in the ground.

The other two men looked at each other, as if asking what to do. Do they run or do they hold their ground? Their confusion in what to do made them loosen the grip they had on her, not much, but just enough for her to wriggle free. Once out of their grip she whacked the outside of her hand against Shoulder-man's neck, leaving him gasping for air.

Peggy was grabbed by Burly and shoved hard back against the container, his hands winding around her neck in a death grip.

"Damn it. Oh lord. Christ no."

Peggy struggled against his hands, but their were too strong, too tight. She stopped her attempts of loosing his grip and started an attack of her own. At this rate, she had a few seconds max so she had to make this count. Her lungs were already burning, yelling for the air they were being deprived of. Black spots danced across her vision.

The Agent reached out for the man's face, taking a different approach than he must have suspected as when her fingers went behind his ears, his eyes widened in surprise.

Time seemed to slow down as she carried out what could very well be her last act. It was a simple one. One that she had learned in the early days of agent training. One that would be taught in most self defence classes. She felt for that triangular gap just behind the earlobe, settling her fingers into the small indent. She pushed her fingers into the gap with all the strength she had left, rolled her fingers once and pulled up with the last of her energy as her vision started to go dark.

The man yelped at the pressure point and released her neck, dropping her to the floor as he stumbled backwards and fell over his own feet, distracted by the huge momentary pain.

Peggy lay on the frozen ground, gasping for air to feed her starved lungs. Her vision began clearing as she stayed where she was. Her dark hair cascaded around her face as she lay still, her hair a knotty mess of the perfect bun it had been before.

She knew she only had a few seconds so she used them to do nothing, but breathe.

She filled and emptied her lungs of the polar air, welcoming the somewhat fresh air.

A deep throaty laugh broke through the sound of her ragged breaths, pulling her back to reality.

She wasn't out yet.

The laugh continued, mocking her as she turned over to face it.

Suddenly, she was yanked to her feet by a fist full of hair, a short cry escaping her lips as she was forced up, the painful grip not easing.

Burly grinned down at her like a fool, enjoying her pain.

Like a fool.

A completely flawed and stupid plan for popped into her head, one that only a fool would fall for, but she was willing to bet that it would work for the lovely gentleman who seemed determined to detach all of her hair from her scalp.

"It's worth a shot."

She looked over the man's shoulder, towards the road in the distance, allowing a look of complete horror to take over her features and muttered one of the only Russian phrases she knew.

"Bozhe moy," oh my god.

Burly looked at her in confusion and glanced over his shoulder, just like Peggy hoped he would.

The second his gaze was off her she kicked him hard between the legs. As he winced and bent over to protect himself, she grabbed the back of his head and slammed it down into her knee which came up to meet it.

He stumbled backwards and fell over, his brain rocking in his skull and the hard contact of the concrete floor and his head being enough to knock him out cold.

She was filled with a sense of relief, but it was short lived.

Peggy felt something hard strike her across the back, sending her back to the icy ground. Pain throbbed through her back as she tried to stand, but a strong kick to the side sent her back down again. She groaned quietly as she lay on her side.

"You should have just let me have my fun. You would have saved yourself a lot of pain."

She glanced up at the Knife guy who just smiled down at her, his face every creepier than before as the blood stained his face, the moonlight reflecting off the water and casting an eerie glow in his. He played with the metal piece of piping in his hands, turning it around in his fingers as he stared at her.

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you sugar, but I'm not the kinda gal to go out without a fight," she replied, a slight winced coming through her words as she tried to move to get up.

"That is just too bad," he muttered, almost to himself.

The Russian took a step closer to Peggy, his feet nearly touching her chest now.

That's when he listened his boot up and stopped down, his foot landing on her arm, the one she was trying to lift herself up with.

The otherwise silent dock was filled with the sound of a snap, followed by a yell from Peggy as her arm broke in multiple places.

She crumbled back to the ground, tears stinging her eyes against the pain that exploded through her arm.

She had broken bones before, but this was different. This was bad. She tried to keep her arm as still as possible. She could not deal with a compound fracture on top of everything.

Using her other hand she struggled to her feet, stumbling away from the man, trying to ignore the screams of her body, it's demand for rest, a break.

There would be no rest, not until she managed to get out of here, or she didn't. Either way, she promised herself that later, she would rest, just not now.

She took a shaky breath.

This was it.

Live or die, it was right now.

In that moment it hit her. This could be it. No more life, no more fun, laughter or love. No more hugs, kisses or dances. No more Steve. There would be no wedding, no children, no growing old together. She didn't even get to tell him that she love him.

She glanced around quickly, trying not to think about her Captain, her eyes finally landing on it.

Her gun.

It was just to the left. If only she could get to it.

The Russian ran at her as fast as his injured leg would let him, forcing her to make a decision.

She dodge to the left, moving quickly for the gun. She lunged for it, finally getting it into her hands when she was shoved from behind. She twisted her body before she hit the ground, trying her best not to land on her arm. Her back connected with the solid ground, the air forced from her lungs. She raised the gun, aiming at the man hovering over her and fired.

He screamed and crumbled to the ground with a thud and a groan.

Peggy quickly tried to catch her breath as she crawled over to him on one hand. Using her good hand, she ripped a large piece off her already tattered shirt, shoving it into the Russian's mouth.

"No cyanide for you, arsehole. Just be glad I didn't shoot you any higher," she said, her English accent back in full swing as she nodded to the fresh bullet wound in the man's other thigh.

She had lost the Intel. She wasn't quick enough to find out what was given to Ormand, but now she might just have the next best thing; the man with the information they need.

She spotted a piece of roped not too far away and struggled to her feet. With a quick stamp on one of the man's leg wounds to make sure he wasn't going anywhere, she shuffled along to get it. She moved as fast as her body would let her, her legs shaking slightly from exhaustion. She grabbed the rope and hurried back, trying he man's hands together and dragging him to his feet as best as she could.

The man moaned in pain as she half dragged him towards the road.

"Oh shut up your whining," she looked around them." Looks like your friends all ditched you in the heat of the moment," she noted, the other me nowhere in sight.

"Come on, numbskull. I have places to be," she muttered as she continued to drag him along, pleading with her knees not to give out, to just wait a little bit longer.

She headed towards the pay-phone situated nearby, not even bothering to worry about passers-by in the deserted, freezing night.

"Soon," she promised herself. "Once he's with S.H.I.E.L.D, once he's with S.H.I.E.L.D."

Once she reached it, she gave Knife guy a solid punch in the face and let go of him, leaving him at her feet.

She reached down and grabbed the coin she always left in her boot just in case and made the call.

The phone answered in the second ring.

"Good evening, Saxon and Sayer Incorperated. This is Annabelle speaking. How can I help you?"

Peggy leaned against the wall the phone was attached to, her vision blurring slightly.

"This is Agent Carter requesting a pick up at Dock 13 for Agent a-and suspect ASAP," Peggy tried to focus on what she was saying, trying to stay awake.



Annabelle didn't answer for a moment.

"Alright, Carter. I'll do that."

"Please hurry."

"Are yo-"

Peggy cut Annabelle off by hanging up the phone. She rested her head against the wall, her eyes fixed widely on the man on the ground beside her as she fought to stay awake.


After what felt like a year a black van pulled up a short distance away.

"Oh thank the Lord," she muttered as she tried to step away from the wall, stumbling over to the unconscious Russian.

"Agent Carter, are you alright?"

McCabe climbed out of the van and jogged over to help her.

"Here, let me."

Agent McCabe hauled the man up, carrying him away and to the van.

Peggy leaned against the wall again, her vision blurring as her knees finally gave out. She slid down the wall, her vision turning black.

"Finally," she thought as the darkness consumed her. "Some rest."

Final note:

I was checking something in chapter twenty-one to make sure I had a detail right and it doesn't seem to be there. It's in the book because I checked, but it's not in my editing works. I'm really freaked out by this, but if it's not showing up for you, please tell me and I'll get typing it as fast as I can.

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