Chapter 5

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After that, I had to go back to my room cause I get angry.

Serina's Mind: At least, I wanted to know who that bitch name "Falitna"!

As I was thinking that.


As suddenly, the door from my room are opened.

Lambert: Oh, there you are.

Serina: La...!?

Ivan: Master Lambert, shall we not go into a woman's room without permission?

Lambert: Smoothing things over with a commoner has no benefit, does it?

Ivan: It's not a problem of class, but of sex.

Serina's Mind: Oh god no!?

Ivan: If you are not careful, your faults might become exposed.

Lambert: As you say, I do tend to relax in the palace too much. I'll be careful.

Serina: Can I help you?

Lambert: "Can you help me!?" I told you about yesterday I promise to be with you all day.

I sighed.

Serina: But...

Lambert: Oh, don't bother changing. We're going now.

Serina: Wha-!? W-Wait a minute!?

*In the limousine*

Serina: Just where are we going now?

Lambert: I told you. Sight-seeing.

Serina: And why so suddenly...?

Lambert: I told you, we'd do it today.

Lambert: A promise is a promise.

Serina's Mind: I'm still unsure.

Serina's Mind: But, I finally get to go sightseeing. I'll forget what happened before.

As such happiness was a fleeting thing.

Lambert: We're here.

Serina's Mind: Huh? Already?

Lambert: You wait here.

Serina: But why!?

As saying that, he got out of the car.

Serina's Mind: Just where did he going!?

As peering out, I saw a business district.

Serina's Mind: Huh? Why did he get out by himself...?

I had no choice, but I have to wait and soon until he came back.

Lambert: Good thing I didn't let you out. There's too many people here and you'd get lost.

Serina: Is that okay?

Lambert: For me, a member of the royal family, to go wandering about?

Lambert: It's fine. Only tourists come here.

Lambert: And not many people know the prince's face. You didn't right?

Serina's Mind: Unless they had interest, most wouldn't know.

Lambert: And I actually have quite a few body guards around. So don't worry.

Serina: Well, alright... but what's that?

Lambert: Can't you tell? It's a candy.

Serina's Mind: Well, yes, but I was wondering about the amount.

Serina's Mind: That's more than a big amount...

Lambert: I wanted more, but this is all they had.

Serina: Hold up! You bought it all!?

Lambert: I paid extra so it won't hurt their business.

Lambert: I was delayed by the crowd. Let's go.

And the car moved on without me ever as taking a step out.

Lambert: An orphanage.

Serina: An orphanage? But why?

Lambert: Wait, not that box. If it isn't enough, then bring that one.

Serina: Um...

Lambert: Hey, don't just sit there. Help out.

He said when he handed me the candy as what he bought earlier.

Serina's Mind: Just what are we...?

As I looked up to Prince Lambert for an explanation, and I was shocked.

Serina's Mind: Oh no... this is bad!

Child: Prince Lambert!

Child: Did you bring it with you today!?

Lambert: Yup, I brought it. So line up. It's okay. There's enough for everyone.

He wore a sparkling smile fit for a prince.

Lambert: This is the candy you said you liked, yes?

Child: You remembered!

Lambert: I bought it just for you. It's our secret, okay?

Child: Okay. Thanks!

Serina's Mind: ...He can smile like that, too.

As fascinated by the unusual smile, I accidentally met his gaze.

Serina: !?

Lambert: Don't just stare, help hand it out. The kids are waiting.

Serina: Ah, y-yes!

Unthinking, I cried out.

Serina's Mind: Don't look over here so suddenly...! Sheesh!

Serina's Mind: But his smile was never ending and my heart was in an uproar.

1st Child (Girl): Is that...

2nd Child (Girl): Princess Serina!

Serina: !?

Lambert: ...!

Two child of girls who run toward to me cause they hugged me.

Serina: Girls...

I said as smile when I hand them some candy.

1st & 2nd Child (Girl): Thank you!

*Back in the limousine*

Lambert: The next place is coming up. Get ready to get out.

Serina's Mind: ...Back to normal.

Lambert: And...

Serina: !?

Lambert: What's the mean of this? You're not commoner... you're a royal of princess.

I sighed when I spoke.

Serina: Yes... I am Princess Serina, but I know I couldn't accept about marriage because I haven't just met... princes like you, Lambert.

Serina: My parents was shocked cause my father... he's overprotected.

Lambert: Overprotected?

I nodded my head.

Lambert: I see... I didn't hurt you. If something bother you, let me know.

Serina: Thanks Lambert.

Serina: But please don't tell your father.

Lambert: Don't worry, I promise.

He said when he cupped my cheek with his hand.

Serina: I feel better when you look like this.

Lambert: Compared to before, you mean?

Lambert: For a princess, you're interesting for preferring this.

Lambert: It's a part of my job to smile and give them things.

Lambert: I do it because it is part of my duty as royalty.

And then, the car are stopped.

Lambert: We're at the next center. Let's go.

We visited several orphanages. I didn't go outside expect at the centers.

Lambert: See, look. You can see a tower to the right?

Lambert: That temple is a World Heritage Site. The stained glass goes to the top.

The only sightseeing we did was the occasional quip like that.

Serina: *Sigh*...

Without thinking, cause I sighed.

Lambert: You've been unhappy all this time. What? You want to say something?

Lambert: If you do, say it. Bottling it up is unpleasant.

Serina: Well that's because we've not gotten out of the car at all...

When I said that, he didn't seem shocked at all and he looked out the window.

Lambert: Usually, I don't have many chances to go into the city.

Lambert: Even if I do, it's official business and I can't talk with the people.

Lambert: That's why, when I go out, I try to do as much as I can for them as king.

Serina: ...May I ask you one thing?

Lambert: If it's stupid, I won't answer, but feel free to try.

Serina: Why do you want to be king so badly?

Serina's Mind: I hit him with my honest doubt.

Serina's Mind: As someone as not interested in money or power, I couldn't understand...

Serina's Mind: Why Lambert wanted to be king so badly.

Lambert: Do I have to answer that? It's because I've been raised to be like that.

He said it as if it were natural.

Serina: That... isn't it tiring?

Lambert: Tiring?

Serina: It may be right for royalty, but... always doing that isn't tiring?

Lambert: ...

Lambert: ...If I thought so, I'd no longer be royalty. I'm the son of the king.

Serina: B-But for me, that kind of life would make me so stiff.

Serina: Don't you get like that?

As saying that, I touched his shoulder.

Lambert: ...That's rude.

Serina: Well sorry for touch your shoulder without permission.

I apologized and withdrew my hand but then...

Lambert: No. I didn't mean for you to stop.

Lambert: And if you're going to do it, then do it to my hands. They're more tired.

He said and he held out his hand.

Serina: U-Um...

Lambert: What? Aren't you going to do it?

Serina: Ah, of course.

Serina's Mind: Unlike his shoulder, touching him directly made me more nervous.

Lambert shocked when he spoke.

Lambert: Hey, you're pretty good. Even if your hands are small and a bit unreliable.

As he laughed, his smile looked like the one in the bath.

Serina: R-Really?

Lambert: Yeah, not bad.

His pretty fingers and large palms. And his warmth. I felt heart beating from all that, I did my best to massage his hands.

Ivan: Welcome home. You are back later than expected.

Lambert: It's because you get lost going to the institutions. Reflect on it.

Lambert: Why do you get lost going from the car to a center right before your eyes?

A complete 180. As soon as we returned. Prince Lambert changed back to his old self.

Lambert: Well, I'll forgive it today since I owed you.

Lambert: But now we're even since I made space in my busy schedule to be with you.

Lambert: So I don't owe you anything. Correct?

Serina: Yes.

I smiled wryly and nodded at his way of empasizing that. But then he came just a bit closer to me...

Lambert: Your hands are feel nice. I like them.

As he whispered only that and then he went back to the palace, but my cheeks are pink.

Ivan: You must be tired, Miss Serina. I'll take you to your room.

Serina: Thank you, Ivan.

I said that, but I walking along.

Serina's Mind: But I got to see another side of him.

Serina's Mind: I wonder if I'll be able to see more...

As hoping that, I entered the palace.

*End of Chapter 5*

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