Please Don't Leave Me! [God\Evolution] (Depressed Shu/Red Eye x Valt) 💔 ☁

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This request form Abbi780
Thank you for give request and to be honest.....i don't know any depressed thing. So i will try it to make it just you wanted.

WARINING : Have a slight cutting, crying, almost suicide and others.

Alright...Let's start it!

Red Eye/Shu's POV :

My life is nothing but only dark surrounding around me, i crying non-stop every day...every night without stop it because about my behaviour rude towards on beyclub especially one of my childhood best friend Valt. I push him and shout at him. Then i just walk it ingoring them to become stronger to defeat Lui. I kinda depressed it and feel teribble of it but now i was in final battle with Valt and i make sure that i win this match.

Valt's POV :

Shu is kinda weird to me because when i see all of the match....i can see his face almost paler and got dark a bit under his eye. Wait a second?!...don't tell me that he matter what i'm gonna win this battle and i got crush on Shu since we was kindergarden.

*Timeskip after the final battle and Valt won and crowed the championship title*

Still Valt's POV :

It's been a month since i won and become the championship but......i haven't seen Shu yet. Please i hope he don't do any kind of harm stuff. I kinda worried for now including my beyclub too....they are also worried either too.

Somewhere else.....

Shu's POV :

Arghh!!! I lose..i such a pathetic and teribble who doesn't need to live...i don't deserve to have forgiveness to them even Valt..i feel nothing.....i then go to the bathroom and saw a razor side of the sink and without thinking i take it and put it on my right arms and..........begin cuts it..i feel pain gone compared what i done before. I still cuts it and after a while, i put back razor on sink and see a cutting/scars i made off. Then i go to the shower and feel hot water flowing through my body then go to my cut flesh in my arms and feel the stings of it. After the shower, i immediately bandage it and goes to the bed and fell asleep.

*Timeskip in three months*

No one POV :

Shu condition is worsen than before....his eyes got dark under the bangs, face got paler and bit skinny, didin't eat his meal, arms got the new cutting and some of them got dry and some of it still got new it until one day.....he decide to kill himself and heading to the highest building to end his life. Valt and the others didin't know about it.


Valt's POV :

I got feel something happened/worry to Shu since three months.....i got interupted my thoughts when i heard buzzy calls me on the phone-home. I immediately picks up the call and it was Wakiya call me and tell me that Shu has founded and i was shocked that i heard form him that he is going to kill himself. I hang up the phone 'Shu.....why you do this?' my thought. Without waste the time, i go to them to rescue and help Shu instead.

*Timeskip they are arrived it at the buliding*

No one POV :

As they arrived it to reaching the top of the building, 'Guys! Look over there!' Rantaro said while he point at Shu who stand the end of buliding with closed eyes.
'What the-Shu! Get out of there!' Daigo said shouting to him while Shu ingored their shouts at all.

Shu's POV :

That's it...this is end or not? But.....there's nothing to left. I knew they arrived it to save me but it's useless now.

Still no one POV :

As him almost jump off form building with close eyes, he then got caught it. He open eye and see and it was Valt who catch his hand and didin't let it go. Shu got shocked that his crush save him form suicide. The beyclub also help both of them to pull them up. When Shu was about to say, he got hugged by Valt and look at him 'Why you save me Valt? I don't deserve for it' he said with sad tone. 'Why? Why you can't tell me that you are under depression?! You think what you do can make you better?! get worsen you know!' Valt said while have some tears corner of his eye. Shu got shocked then he look back at beyclub who looking him with angry-worried face. 'I...i...i feel teribble for you guys especially you Valt' he said. 'But wh-' he got cut off. 'BECAUSE I'M TERIBBLE, USELESS AND STUPID YOU KNOW?!!' All of them shocked see their friend shouting. 'DO YOU KNOW I TOO STUPID FOR WANT A POWER TO DEFEAT LUI AND DIDIN'T REALIZE THAT I...I PUT YOU GUYS ASIDE LIKE NOTHING.' Shu then confess it 'That's why......i cut my arms and do harm stuff to make me feel better' he then tells everything to them. 'Dude, i kinda understand your feeling but.......we all already forgive you.' Valt said while look at Shu with smiles. 'You do Valt? But i....have done mistake with you guys..' 'No Shu. We all already forgive you.' Then all of them hugging group with him 'thank you guys' Shu said and them say welcome to him.

*Timeskip after they help it*

Shu now feel better, not anymore to depression nor sad. He and Valt now walking it to their favourite place, beystadium. 'Hey Shu, do you remember this place?' 'Yeah..i remember it' he nodded then Valt grab his hand and goes sit it along with him. 'Hey Valt...' 'Hm?' Valt look at him side with confused face. Then out of blue, Shu cupped his face with both hands and Valt got red tints of his both cheek and then he kissing Valt in the lips passiontely and loving. Valt was shocked bit then put arms on his neck and return kiss back to him. But due of oxygen, both of them pull back and stare both eyes each other. 'Shu are you..' 'yeah Valt, i like you. Not! I love you since we form you want to become my boyfriend?' 'Yes Shu! I also like you too!' Both of them kiss it again then hugged each other. 'I love you, Valt' Shu said while close eye and smile. 'I love you too, Shu' Valt said with smile too. Both of them live happily each other.

Done! How was it this story? Weird or bit cringey? Sorry if i make it very......much weirder. So.....comment, vote and share it.

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