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It was another day from the usual and the bey club was practicing to get better.while on the other hand Shu was in his apartment sitting on his bed.He was thinking on how to tell everyone he was moving away to America.
( shu p.o.v)

I was sitting on my bed thinking on how to say the right words to not let them get the wrong idea.'screw it, im just gonna tell them I mean how bad can it be. Valt is already moving to BC SOL if he's moving on I should be to right, I'm sure they'll understand', I started to walk over to the where the bey club is training right now, which is at the school, once I was already over there everyone was getting ready to leave but I stopped them, "Hey before you leave I have to tell you guys something", I looked up at Valt who had a questioned face on,"Especially you Valt, you especially have to hear what I have to say"."ummm ok I guess?", Valt said in a confused tone." I.....umm I-I'm ....leaving t-to move t-o A-a-america to j-join t-he raging b-b-bulls", after I said that everything went silent but then they started to congratulate me...Except for valt, he just stood there wide eyed from what im guessing he just heard."o-oh well c-c-congrats Shu", he said with a smile, but something was off with his smile, usually it would be a cheery smile but right now it looks more like it's being forced onto his face.Right then and there I new he was sad I instantly grabbed his arm pulled him away from the others." Come with me to the bey park yeah?, I need to tell you something", I said to him, you see I have always liked Valt and I was planning on confessing too." Oh umm ok sure I guess", we walked to the bey park and once we got there I stood in front of him and said," Do you remember? This was where we first battled when I got my bey", I looked down at the bey stadium. " How could I forget, it's one of my most precious and treasured memories", I was surprised when I heard what he said but eventually calmed down,"well I was thinking before we both leave we should have one more bey battle where it all started", ok ok I know, I know, I came here to confess to Valt will here's a simple answer..... i chickened out." Shu.... Don't say it like that, please Don't say it as if were never gonna see eachother again or even battle please?....It was already hard as it was leaving everyone and now your leaving too...Its t-too *hic* much f-for me*hic**hic* a-and my answer is no b-because *wipes away tears* i-if your saying this will be the last battle we have t-t-then NO!", I was absolutely shocked at was happening right now but right when I came to my senses I saw Valt run off crying.Next thing I knew I was crying too ,'honestly im such a fool', I knew that even if I tried running after him he would just run even I didn't.


That honestly took longer than expected....oh well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember to check out my other story as well aand that's all byeeee!!!


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