1st Tag

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So, this is my first tag as of 5/4/19 (May the fouth be with you, guys!)  And I have never done this before, so let's just have at it befor it gets too weird.

I was tagged by NintendoJedi (Who's totally awesome, so go check her out)

1.  Weird fact about you:

My shoulders can hyperextend very easily, and when I was younger, I used to pop them out of their sockets for fun before I realized it was bad for me.  Of course, two dislocations last fall later, and I now know never to do that again...

*UPDATE: Three dislocations as of May 27, 2019* XD

2.  Favorite food:

FETTUCCINE ALFREDO!  With shrimp or chicken, preferably, but I also like a good chicken pot pie (I'm a goat, I'll usually eat anything... except calamari...)

3.  First fandom:

Ha!  Well, I didn't really have much of a life as a child...  My best guess is probably the (laugh all you want) "Captain Underpants" series.  I freaking loved the art and the stupid humor was always refreshing.  As far as actual video games, surprise surprise, it's your red man, Mario.

4.  Best Friends:

I currently play in a Dungeons and Dragons group for fun (actually more like 3, one of which I DM for) and by far, they are my closest friends and a second family to me.  The randomness we do in there could create its own fanfic and story, so I'll keep that project for another day.

5.  My current lock screen:

Okay!  I've used this one for about one year now since my first coming to WattPad!  It was actually my original profile pic!

6.  Favorite OTP:

Oh jeez, here comes recoil.  I really like Peach x Luigi and Daisy x Mario.  *Hate comes pouring down upon me from the heavens to immolate my world as people scream "LUIGI AND DAISY"*

7.  Birthday:

September 17 (Lovely fall weather for me!)

8.  Five Fears:

Hmmm... This is gonna be hard.

     - Death.  (I mean, who wouldn't be?)

     - Being eaten alive.  I had a nightmare about that once when I was, like, 8, and I still haven't gotten over it.  *Shudders*

     - One of my loved ones commiting suicide.  Some of my family just isn't doing well and a lot of my close friends are a little suicidal.  I just don't know what I would do if they just up and died with so much ahead of them that could be fixed.  If any of you guys have any ideas to help me, I would be so happy for some support.

     - Being unnapreciated.  As a perfectionist, this really strikes home with me and I just really want to be noticed and praised for something I accomplish someday (if I complete anything at all!)

     - Something happening to me  which I didn't plan for or intend to have happen (kidnapping, rape, trafficking, etc.)  I really just want to live my life safely.

(Sorry for all the darkness all of a sudden)

9.  What I look like:

Well, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to pass on this one.  This is kind of connected to my above fear of being found.  Maybe someday, but not now.  Remember to stay safe on the internet, kids!

10.  Favorite song:

AHG!  So many good ones to choose from!  I  guess I'm feeling kind of Disney today.  Probably "My Lullaby" and "He is (not) One of Us" from Lion King 2 or "Hellfire" from Hunchback of Notre Dame.  I actually have a playlist on Youtube for myself to listen to that has about 287 songs saved on it right now, sooo.

11.  Why I made my account:

I made this account about one year ago (Happy 1 year!), and the reason for it was because I knew I loved to write and I wanted to share my talents with readers online and see what everyone else thought because the people who read my stories share the same interests in the topics as I do!  Of course, I posted my now-neglected "Spirit of Dragon" as my one and only non-fanfic story, and have obsessed over Super Mario for the past year (whose stories I need to find more time to work on and complete).

12.  Favorite character ever:

Tough.  My man in green, Luigi has always been a fave for me, but his counterpart Mr. L is really starting to rub off on me for better or worse.  However, I do really admire the Undertale games (Sans for Smash!  Oh wait, Ness... lol), even though I've never played them and have only watched playthroughs.  Fran Bow is up there too...  (MATPAT, WE'RE STILL WAITING FOR THAT STAB-AND-A-HALF THEORY!)

13.  More tagged peeps:

Okay, here goes:



- oxXBonnieDatBaeXxo




Not much else to say!  Bye all!

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