Chapter Six

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As Jabari and Mulan made it to the city and can see that the city is celebrating the hero's return, with a fake dragon with people inside. As the soldiers was lead in a parade. Chi Fu was in the front waving his hands, as he was being praised.
Shang, Yao, Ling, Chin Po and the rest of the soldiers were behind him, but were a bit gloomy. Because Taboo is dead and in what happened to Mulan
But then they heard to horse neighs and they look and see Mulan and Taboo.
"Mulan." Shang said surprised, as the rest said. "Taboo." Surprised that their foreigner friend is alive, but looks a little different.
"The huns are alive, they're in the city." Mulan told them. "I thought I told you to go home mulan. You don't belong here." Shang said as he rode around her.
"You should listen to her." Jabari told Shang surprising him, and everyone else. "Taboo." Shang said shocked, as Yao, Ling and Chin Po looked shocked that their other friend was a girl to.
"Yes, I am a girl and my name is Jabari." She said, as she rode away into the crowd. To think of a plan, as mulan came behind her.
"Now what are we going to do." Mushu asked the two girls.
"To find someone who will believe us." Mulan said, as Jabari nodded her head. As they gotten off of the horses.

They tried but no one believes them because they are girls. As they watched as a fimiler hawk took Shan yu sword out of Shang hand, as the  hawk flies towards a roof and tossed the sword, a hand catches it, and came out Shan Yu.
As the Huns elites jumped out of the fake dragon. Shang tries to stop him, but fails as the twins grabes the emperor and went inside the palace. As Shang and the rest of the soldiers to run up to the places, but the elites closed the door, and locked it.
As Shang and the soldiers try to us a statue to open the door.

As mulan and Jabari runs up the stairs, as they watch them trying to get in. "They'll never reach the emperor in time." Mulan said, as Jabari looks around and saw tall pillars at the side of the place. As mulan saw what Jabari was looking at, and new what was her plan.
Jabari let's out a whistle, catching shang and the soldiers attention. "Hey guy's. We've got an idea." Mulan said, as they run off, to the pillars.
Yao, Ling and Chin Po looks at each other and dropped the statue and followed the girls.
Yao, Ling and Chin po took off their armor. And gave them to Mulan and Jabari.
Then the three slaps on make up and dresses, they put fruit on their chest, to make it look like boobs.
Mulan and Jabari changes their clothes for dresses to, and Jabari doesn't like it.
Not one bit.
As Mulan, Jabari Yao, Ling and Chin Po, took off their silk belts from around their waist and wrap them around the pillars.
Then mulan felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned and saw Shang.
He takes off his cape, and wrap it around around one pillar. They smiled at him, and started to climbs the pillars.

The huns bring the emperor to the balcony overlooking the crowd. Suddenly Shan yu appeared from the stop from the roof. "Boo." He said.
And he said to the twins. "Guard the door." 
And with that they left. "Your walls and armies have fallen, and now it's your turn. Bow to me." Shan yu said to the emperor. Before saying."This war should have not happened. When you took our lands, so you can build a wall. And sent troops to attack our people." Shan yu told the emperor.
The emperor felt guilty about that, he was the reason the war started in the first place.
"While your people is save, but mind was not." Shan yu said closing his eyes.
Mulan and Jabari peeps at the Elites huns guarding the door, that was were the emperor was at.
Then mulan asked the others, while ducking. "Okay, any questions."
Yao said looking at his dress. "Does this dress make me look fat." Jabari slaps him. "Ow." Yao said. As Yao, Ling and Chin po went up towards the Elites. Pretending to flirting with them.
Then they pulled out the fruits and attack them. With Jabari and mulan helping them. "Shang , go." Mulan  told him.
Shang runs up the stairs to the emperor, with Jabari joining him. As they saw shan yu about to kill the emperor.
Jabari took out her sword, and clashes with his saving the emperor.
With his Shang kicked him to the pillar and Shang trusts his word torwards the hun. But got caught and nearly throw him off the balcony.
Jabari was near the emperor protecting him. As mulan and the other they were about to get the emperor out of here but. He shakes his head towards them, confusion them. And they he yelled out "enough." Stopping the fight, and everyone looks at the emperor.

"Shan yu, I sent my army to protect my people. And I want peace with my people and the huns, no more war" the emperor said bowing done to shan yu.
Shan yu let's out a smirk and said. "We will talk, later with each other's counicl." And with that, shan yu Elites came. And he wants to know why are the twins covered in watermelon,
And why is some Hayabusa feathers buried off.
As they wait, shan yu and his men watches, the other soldiers but mostly the foreigner.
They can see that she is strong. And they left when they are ready to talk to the emperor.

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