Chapter 24

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Joey's POV

I wanted shane back so badly I wanted to cry and cry and cry everyday I need to see someone to get shane back I need to see a wizard or something magical!

Just then I heard a small groan.

I fastly looked over to see shane moving he started to talk just then

He started to talk to me

Shane: j-joey?

Joey: y-yeah its me

Shane: I-I missed you....

He reached his hand up to mine and smiled.

Shane: it.... Was .... Amazing..

Joey: :-) what was honey?

Shane: I saw it...

Joey: saw what honey?

Shane: heaven..

Joey: w-what?

Shane: it was.... amazing.....

He smiled and shut his eyes and turned his head I started to panic so quickly pressed the nurses button.

Nurses started rushing in quickly.

Nurse: what's wrong!!!

Joey: is he dead!?!?!?

Nurse: SIR! he's just sleeping! don't wake him he needs the sleep.

~~ 3 hours later ~~

So the past three hours I've been eating, texting, calling, and waiting.... for Shane to just open his gorgeous blue sapphire eyes. I was sitting in the chair next to Shane he looked slightly pale and his eyes had bags under them and I could just feel his presence almost like he was......


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