Chapter 25

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Shane's POV

~~ Dreaming ~~

I was in my house.... I thought it would be different but... I guess not... so back to what I was saying.

I was in my house.... it was pure silence. all I could here was my breathing. it was dark and empty. allay like a haunted house I was going upstairs but before I could I heard footsteps. I heard them faintly then coming closer and closer and closer and then I felt a breath on my neck but no matter what I was not going to turn my head then a cold voice shot me in the heart.

??: I'm back

Then I shot up. and looked at my surroundings I saw a white room, me in a gown, me in a bed and a beautiful boy next to me. but the thing I thought of most was who was he?

Joey's POV

Shane was in his bed sleeping softly so I got up to go get some lunch when I heard tiny twists and turns from shane so I turned around and saw shane crying softly and sweating. I slowly was about to turn back around but I saw him tense up. then he shot right up and looked around looking confused.

Joey: shane! Omg I missed you!

Shane: oh... um... I missed you too?

Joey: what's wrong?

Shane: um.... It's just... Who are you?

Joey: W-What?

Shane: Who are you... you kind of look.... familiar...

Joey: that's because you know me!!

Shane: what...

Joey: I'm your boyfriend!!!

Shane: I'm so confused...

Joey: shane listen how about I sign us out and you think about it ok?

Shane: ok..

So I walked out and walked down the hall to talk to a nurse for some stupid paper work. ugh! I hat paper work!

Shane's POV

I started to put my fingers on my temples as ' my boyfriend ' walked out. I started to think hard I began to open my eyes but when I tried there was a bright light standing in front of me but then it starts to fade away and disappear right in front of my eyes.

My head started pounding and started to get white flashes in my mind and just ten this one flash stayed.

~ flash back ~

Shane's POV

me and joey were cuddling on the couch watching his hunger games movie which I thought was a stupid movie but I just wanted to be with him..

I turned towards him when the ending song was playing. he looked back at me and we started kissing slow and filled with love. we moved in harmony. I let my hand wonder his hair an his fingers got tangled with the hem of my shirt. he moved them down and put them under my thighs and lifted me up and started to carry me to the bedroom with out breaking the kiss. he slowly laid me down and started to pull up my shirt. Then he unzipped my pants and pulled them down breaking the kiss again but quickly reconnecting us. I wrapped my legs around his back and cuddling him close to me.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled it up slowly and moved to unzipping his pants. I pulled them down to his ankles an he kicked them off. I moved my legs higher up his back. I wrapped my hands around his neck and started kissing him more. he stoppe and looked in my eyes.

Joey: shane. Are you sure about this?

Shane: yes. let's not have sex let's not fuck but let's.... make love....

Joey: you got it

He started to slowly kiss my neck and moved to my jawline he starts to move back to my lips. he kissed me softly and moved his hands to the hem of my boxers he started to pull them down to my ankles and then I kicked them off. I moved his off and threw them on the ground. He broke the kiss and I whimpered in loss of his lips. he leaned over and grabbed the shelf drawer door and opened it he pulled out a small packet and a bottle of lube. he popped the bottle top off and dipped his fingers in the bottle and pulled them out.

Joey: this might hurt for a second then it will feel amazing ok?

I could barely speak.

Shane: oh...... Fuuuck ok..

He put a finger in me and started pumping he added another one I whimpered in pain he added another one and started pumping. I tensed up every time he went deeper. tears started streaming down but they immediately stopped when it started to get pleasurable. I moaned out joeys name. and then he pulled them out and I whimpered again in loss of pleasure. I saw him rip open the packet slowly and pulled it on his d!ck. he told me to get on my hands and knees and I did as told. I could feel him lightly get on top of me.

Joey: I love you shane.

Shane: I love you too joey.

I felt him push in and it hurt for a little bit but then I felt something that made me go weak it almost made me fall on my face it felt like love... he hit it again and I again and again it felt like heaven. I felt my cheeks turn a bright red when I came to my climax all over the sheets. he kept going which made me want to do it again but I felt my stomach fill with butterflies I knew that he came I me. I felt him pull out and we fell next to each other and looked at eachother in the eyes.

Shane: I love you so much joey

Joey: I love you too shane

~ flash back over ~

I opened my eyes and looked at joey next - WAIT I REMEMBER I interrupted my thoughts.

Shane: JOEY!!!!!!



I saw Joey go a deep red. and look down

Shane: and it was the way time ever.

I took his hand and he looked in my eyes.

Shane: joey. I love you so much and I want you to be mine forever ok? I love you no matter what.

Joey: I love you so much shane I- I thought I lost you..

Shane: I'm here Joey. come here.

He crawled into be with me and we started to kiss again it was filled with love and harmony no lust no craziness. just love.

We moved in melody and we broke the kiss and looked at each other in the eye and smiled.

Shane: I love you.

Joey: I love you too.

I closed my eyes and opened them again and saw Joey next to me silently snoring. I closed my eyes again and it's like I just blinked I saw a light in the doorway. it was a white figure smiling at me. it turned and walked away leaving merge curiosity of who that mysterious figure was. I then closed my eyes again thinking of the light that appeared.

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