Chapter 27

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Shane's POV

Joey! there he is he's right in front of me!

I tried to to him but words won't come out. omg! let me talk! just then something came out of my mouth. there was blood.

That's when I shot up! I looked around and saw joey in front of me he looked faded so I tapped him on the shoulder. he felt soft. I felt kinda cold. I looked as joey quickly spun around. I looked at him and smiled. I saw his mouth wide open. I felt kinda worried until he looked right into my eyes.

I saw him start to get blurry and start to fade away.


Joey: shane... NO

then I saw black. I looked down slightly to see bloody footprints going down the hallway. I looked at the ceiling to see chains and scratch marks.

I followed the long pathway to a door that had a golden handle and a silver door. I saw a sign on the top of the door.

| Welcome To Hell |

I was starting to worry. where was I... Wa I in hell? No No no no no no.

This is not where I am no no no this is not real!

I started shouting trying to convince my self that it wasn't real.


I fell to the ground sobbing wanting to see joey again I started crying harshly. I started yelling for joey I started pleading for him to come back.


I started to loose hope so I got up with tears still falling from my eyes. I ran to the metal door and opened it slowly. I peeked my head in and saw people everywhere with horns and wings. I started to get weak. It's like I walked in like I was on command like I was told to come in there. it's like I flew in. Its like I changed rooms in an instant. at one point I was in hell and then I'm in this office. I look around until I hear a deep voice start talking to me.

???: hey shane I've been waitin for ya.

Shane: who are you.

???: son, I'm the devil.

Shane: the devil?

Devil: one and only!

Shane: how did I get here?

Devil: well your on your edge of living so this is just shadowing so get used to it.

Just then I felt a coldeness go through my chest. I started to feel hot and I felt stinging going through my heart. I grabbed my chest that held my heart and grabbed it with my nails. digging into my skin. just then I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I quickly opened my eyes seeing a white room with a million nurses around me. my eyes were burning feeling like they have been open forever. I looked around until someone caught my eye. I saw joey. Joey .....

Joey... JOEY!!!


he shot up form where he was sleeping and looked around sensing his surroundings until he stopped his eyes on me. he grew a grin and ran over to me acting like nobody else was around. I felt complete. until I looked over and saw the white figure again and it smiled at me through the brightness and turned and faded away into the deep hallway. lord help me please tell me that's not someone from hell.

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