Chapter 29

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Shane's POV

I started to get this.. energy that I've never had before. electricity was going through my body like I was struck by lightning. I lifted my hands to see this blue electric going through my veins. I started to feel just... different...

Then... that's when...

I jerked up.

I looked around to see me in a white room with joey next to me.i saw his eyes closed and he was cuddled against me. I smiled and closed my eyes again.

~ dreaming/sleeping ~

I was still laying in bed with joey. I closed my eyes and opened them again to see a man with a ski mask on. I saw him holding a knife with blood on it. I slowly turned my head to look at joey with a knife in his heart. I start pouring out tears. I felt like my heart just stopped working. I couldn't breathe. joey.... hes... gone... NOOO..

I slowly tapped the mans shoulder and he quickly turned around and looked at me. I pointed my finger at my heart and I nodded slowly. he nodded and stabbed me. I immediately fell and closed my eyes wanting to be with Joey again.

Joey's POV

I was sleeping dreaming of me and shane at a sunset. I smiled at the thought but it quickly faded when I heard loud screams and movements coming from the side next to me.

I started to worry so I pressed the nurses button. I heard screams coming from shane and I saw him yell my name and start to cry. but then I saw him point to his heart and then he nodded still with his eyes closed. then I saw his body move downward. and he stopped completely and I saw his head go the other way. I started screaming. a bunch of nurses ran in and piled around shane. they started to talk fast and they started yelling. I saw them bring out the things they use to wake up someone's heart. they rubbed them together and screamed clear and attached them to Shane's chest. he jerked up but nothing happen. they did it again and he jerked up but nothing happen. they did it again and nothing happen. then they brought out a giant needle and they stuck it where shane's heart was. they pushed the nob down and I saw the clear liquid go into Shane's chest.

Joey: what are you putting in him?!?

Nurse: adrenaline.

I saw shane shoot up with his eyes wide open.

Shane: JOEY NO!!!!!!

I saw him start to cry harshly.


I started to cry. I ran over to him and hugged him. I felt him look down and look at me. he screamed and hugged me tight.

Shane: I... I thought you.... left me..

Joey: I'm right here... I'll always be here... always...

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