Chapter 38

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Shane's POV

Ok so .... I'm still thinking of a way to prank joey... And I have no luck.... let's just say my trash can is filled with bundles of paper.

I was sitting at my desk still looking at my empty paper. I was tapping my pen against my desk sitting my hand on my forehead.

Joey was out shopping for food. I was hungry but I needed to get him back.

I stood up angrily and walked over to the bed. I sat down and closed my eyes while laying my thumb and fore finger on my temples.

I sighed and laid down. I closed my eyes and sighed shortly.

Shane: Joey I swear if I don't find something to get you back I will just have to .... look .... UP ON THE INTERNET!

I ran over to my desk and turned on my Laptop. I went to google and searched ' pranks ' I kept searching until I found ' fake cheating prank '

I mentally smiled as I looked through the page. I grew a lightbulb and ran out of the bedroom.

I got out my phone and called Lisa. She was my best friend.


Lisa: Hello?

Shane: Hey Lisa!

Lisa: Oh hi shane!

Shane: Ok... so I need your help with something..

Lisa: Yeah what is it?

Shane: Ok-

Joey's POV

I got the last grocery and put it in my basket. I sighed and walked over to the self check out.

I yawned and clicked on the screen. It started and I scanned my first item then putting it in the basket.

Shane's POV

Shane: Ok got it?

Lisa: Got it I'll be over in 5 minutes ok?

Shane: Ok bye Lisa.

Lisa: Bye.

I hung up and walked over to the bed. And messed up the sheets. I grabbed some perfume from the bathroom and sprayed it on the sheets.

I smiled and heard a knock at the door. I ran over to it and opened it.

Lisa: Hey shane you ready?

Shane: Yeah but we have to hurry joey will be here any minute!

Lisa: Ok let's go.

We ran over to the bed and jumped in. Don't worry we were fully clothed. We closed our eyes and dropped our heads.

I heard the door open and I saw joey drop his bags. He screamed and flew on top of lisa. She screamed and I slowly lifted joey off of her.

I looked at him and he had a mad look on his face and he was facing lisa.

I turned his face to me and I smiled looking at his angry face. I caressed his cheek and whispered in his ear.

' it was a prank '

He pushed me and looked at me with an ' o ' shape.

Joey: You bitch.... Ok I'm done with the prank war can we like go back to the way we were im running out of ideas blah.

Shane: Haha sure sweets.

guys I'm so sorry I have not been updating I've been with school and other dumb stuff but I felt like I could do it today so.... I DID! I will be updating a lot again so yeah!

Goodbye..... Seriously someone comment what I can call u guys... cuz..... Idk everyone calls their ' ppl ' something so.... Help please.


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