Chapter 8

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Shane's POV

I was walking down the street crying my eyes out I was just thinking of joey I mean he was hot but he couldn't be gay.... He hates gays.... I'm just a waste of time.... Nobody loves me!! Maybe... I could.........: I was walking to my house I stopped at my porch and stared at the door and finally stepped in and walked upstairs slowly but still thinking.... I stopped at the end of the hall and turned I walked into the bathroom and looked at the sink I had a razor blade I used in highschool from bullies.... I looked at my arms they were covered by the sleeves of the too too I pulled them up and looked at the scars they were old but I could still feel the pain... I needed it again.... I grabbed the razor and placed it on my arm I slid it upwards into one long line of blood gushing out of my arm.... I stared at my arm just bleeding away.... I started to get dizzy I fell and hit my head on the sink and I felt as if my head had been cracked open like an egg I started to bleed a lot... I blacked out.....

Joeys POV

I was walking down a sidewalk and saw a beautiful orange haired boy walking I heard sobs coming from him I felt bad he then walked onto his house porch I felt scared as if he saw me... Then he opened the door an walked in.. I stayed there until like 20 mins I heard a giant crash i ran up onto the porch and knocked. Nothing.. I knocks again.. Nothing. I busted in I knew it was wrong but there was something going on I walked up the stairs to find shane Dawson... On the ground bleeding fore head ... Arms cut in one continuous line.... I almost screamed... I grabbed my phone quickly almost dropping it and dialed 911 I waited with shane just holding him in my arms... I heard sirens I quickly hugged tighter..

Women: sir what happen

Joey: I was walking and I heard a crash next to his house so I walked in and just saw him like this... Please help him..

Women: we will do the best we can but we have to take him.

Joey: o-ok here

I let go and they pulled him into a " hospital carrying thingy " they rushed him away I got really worried...

I drove to the hospital and went inside

Joey: can I please see shane yaw....

Women: sorry honey your going to have to wait about an hour before they can get him working again he lost slot of blood.. Unless you will donate?


Women: well ok follow me.

I followed the women to a long chair I laid down and she grabbed my arm she stuck a needle in my skin which hurt horribly.. I saw my blood going through the tube into a pack when it was done she took the pack away and walked out... At least I can help my Shaney ..

After an hour i heard a siren I got up and saw people circling shane he had a peachy color and his cheeks were rosy his eyes we're open and scared..I walked pass the people he looked at me the he looked down.

Joey: what's wrong?

Shane: you.....

Joey: what do you mean?

Shane: you hate gays I mean they aren't bad but you don't have to beat them up i mean I'm gay and proud You dont have to hate me for that and I know you hate me but still!!!

He went to punch me but I caught his hand in my fist.

Joey: shane.... I'm gay too who told you I hate gays?

Shane: Nicole!

Joey: Shane! I love gays !!!! I love you!!!!!

Shane: w-what?

Joey: y-yeah! I love you shane I have always loved you ever since I first saw you!!!!

I leaned in and so did he.. We closed the gap and our lips moved in harmony i climbed on top of him the bed and kept kissing him he started to tug my shirt I stopped him.

Joey: Shane we just started don't go too far too fast I love you but don't go too fast..

Shane: im sorry it's just... I've love you a while... And I really felt kinda horny right now...

I looked down and saw a bump in the blanket touching my leg. i blushe and looked down

Shane: I should be the one blushing im the one who has an unexpected boner right now!

Joey: haha ok I love you

Shane: I love you too good night

I started to get up but Shane's arms wrapped around my body

Shane: please don't leave me...

Joey: never...

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